Prayer for accepting prosphora and holy water


Prayer for the adoption of prosphora and holy water should be known to every believer Christian. It is concise and simple, so to learn it by heart will not be a lot of work.

prosfora and holy water

The rite of adopting holy water and prosphora

Enchanting the prosphirt and the adoption of the holy water is a process that must be accompanied by the procession and pronunciation of prayer. The rite requires a reverent relationship.

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The prosfora and holy water are accepted only on an empty stomach after making morning prayer: a small sip is disconnected from the water, there is also a small piece from the prosphirt. Do all this you need to try so that even a single crumb of holy bread has fallen past.

The use of prosphoras with holy water, according to the rejection, George Zadonsky, protects a person from the goat of an unclean spirit, sanctifies his body and soul, illuminates his thoughts and brings him to the Lord God.

The prosfora cannot be taken in the morning on the eve of the Holy Communion. On this day, this restriction refers to any kind of food.

Prayer for accepting prosphora and holy water: text

The text of the prayer accompanying the bipores and consecrated water, the following:

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Text prayer

Prosfora and its origin

The origins of the origin of prosphora are associated with the first centuries of Christianity. The word "prosfora" from the Greek is translated as "offering". Former previously called a donation that believes brought with them to carry out worship - bread, wine, wax for candles, olive oil (fir). This donation was taken by Daucons, and lists of those who came with an offer were mentioned with prayer during the consecration of food. Moreover, this list could include dead people when they brought the relatives from their behalf.


Part of the prosphora - bread and wine - deacons separated with the intelligence body in Christ and blood, the wax went to the candles, and everything that remained, they distributed believers. Already later, the score was called only bread used during liturgia. Over time, in the church, instead of ordinary bread began to bake a brief in its modern form.

The prosfora is bread collected from 2 separate parts:

  1. The upper part bakes with a special seal in the form of a four-spin equilateral cross. The symbols of IC and XC (Jesus Christ) are set on the horizontal crossbar (Jesus Christ), on it - Hi and Ka (translated from Greek - "Victory").
  2. The lower part resembles the usual loaf of bread.

The prosfora is baked from flour, to create a lot of grains from countless amounts, so it symbolizes as the nature of a separate person created from a variety of natural elements, and all of humanity as a whole, consisting of many people. Its lower part of it acts as the personification of the carnal, the earthly start of man and humanity, the top, with the seal, the beginning of the spiritual. According to the Church, the human nature is permeated by God's presence, so holy water and yeast are added to the dough for prosphora: sanctified water - as a symbol of God's grace, and yeast - the life-giving power of the Holy Spirit.

The division of prosphora on 2 parts is not random phenomenon. Parts symbolize the separation of a person on flesh (water and flour) and on the soul (holy water and yeast), which are inextricably linked with each other. To get a brief for the hands of believers may after worship - for this before the beginning it is necessary to file a note "about health" or "about rest." For each name specified in the note, a piece of prosform is removed.

Antidore (Translated from the Greek "Wamstodarie") - small parts of the prosphora, from which the Holy Lamb in Ancestradia was taken out. Antidor is heard believers after the end of the liturgy. It is necessary to eat it in the walls of the temple, on an empty stomach, with awe in the shower, because it is holy bread, from the Lord's altar.

ATOS. - the prosfora is all. Together with the way the resurrection of Christ takes the main place in the temple during the bright week. After Easter celebrations, the believers are heard. Particles of Artos People are brewingly stored as a spiritual medicine from his pigeons and infirmities. It is fell only in special cases and always with the words "Christ Risen!"

The prosfora and arthos also need to be kept in a red corner, next to icons. If they ruin, they need to be sick themselves or attributed to the church, or to start the flow of a pure river.

About the origin of the holy water

Holy water is located next to a believer Christian all his life. This is one of the greatest shrines of Christianity. It is this word - "shrine" - its Greek name is translated into Russian - "Agiasma".

Holy water symbolizes God's grace: it cleans believers from spiritual negative, strengthens the body and soul. Holy water is almost the main attribute of the sacrament of baptism. A triple dive in it is washed by a person from sinful impurities, updates it, makes closer to Jesus Christ. Also, sanctified water is used in all Christian consecration rites, with prayers, crosses.

Holy water

Each believer Orthodox Christian is gaining consecrated water on the day of the Epiphany, carries home and keeps the dear shrine, throughout the year. Agiasma is commuated with all diseases, applying it with prayer.

It has long been proven that holy water has unusual properties. It remains fresh throughout the year after the Epiphany. And the healing abilities wrote another St. Dimitri Khersonsky. Epiphany water was widely used by the Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky, giving it pilgrims. Rev. Amvrosy Optina with her lifted even fatally sick people to their feet. Seraphim Veritsky called the holy water with the strongest medicine, advised it to sprink any food, give it every hour on a tablespoon a sick person.

The sanctification of water occurs 2 times - in the Epiphany Christmas Eve and on the day of the Baptism itself. The church believes that Agiasma is a spiritual and physical besis that binds the sky and the Earth. She should be in every house where they believe in God. Store holy water is needed in the red corner, next to icons.

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