Strong otchitka from damage and curses church prayer


Plow is called energy harm to a person caused by a sorcerer. Curse can send down anyone if his family or himself serious harm. Curse can and sorcerer, if someone orders this rite on his enemy.

But the strongest curse is still deserved. What is a certificate from damage and curses, and is it possible to get rid of this negative? Let's talk about it in the article. I believe in the effectiveness of the certificate, since my friend was able to get rid of a strong spell using the daily reading of Psalm No. 90.

otchitka from damage and curses

Damage and curse

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First of all, we must understand that damage and the curse "sit" only on the guilty man. The fault can be an unknown sin, unprecedented offense or anger on the enemy. It's all a fertile ground for any negatives. Therefore, the activities of sorcerers and witches are always crowned with success: few of the laity cares about the purity of spiritual as well as the purity of their sinful body.

How to determine what someone adds damage or curse? Diagnosis can always hold your own, if you carefully monitor your condition, status and close living quarters. If there are animals in the house, they are also an indicator of negative impact: they begin to rush, hiss on a manifold or otherwise showing a negative.

Signs of damage:

  • alarm status, with full welfare;
  • Nightmarket dreams are repeated again and again;
  • it seems that in the house of someone invisible is watching you;
  • Start a lot of hair, getting nails;
  • There are diseases of the internal organs literally on "scratch";
  • There are thoughts about suicide.

If damage is done to the house, then surely somewhere is the lining. In Tainted home hard to breathe, I want rather to leave the premises. Also in a thorny house, itselves can move objects and sound some sounds. If it is a private house, he begins to creak and "moan", be in such a burst in such a house.

Signs of damage to the relationship:

  • Scandals arise in the same place, from nothing;
  • between people as a black cat runs out;
  • There is an unprecedented disgust for a person who has recently recently been pleasant;
  • The person of another inflace does not tolerate;
  • spouses begin to fight and swear;
  • Lovers break up for an incomprehensible reason;
  • children begin to bitterly hate their parents, do not listen;
  • parents disown children (you are not my son, you're not my grandson);
  • children renounce their parents, torn relationships, leaving home.

Just yesterday it was all good, and suddenly dark cloud covered the house, people living in it. This should alert: sudden, abrupt change without cause or reason.

Get rid of the negativity in several ways:

  • berate themselves prayers;
  • chide magic spells;
  • remove negative elements - fire, water, earth and air;
  • pereklad make a doll or a thing;
  • seek help from a specialist.

Consider otchitku church prayers.

otchitka from damage and curses at the monastery

Chide damage prayers

If there were listed symptoms, you should immediately start cleaning and otchitke damage and curse. The important point in this action will be sincere repentance during confession in church, if a person believes. After repentance and the sacrament things go much faster. And if you book Prayers for health, then get rid of the negativity can be in a few days. Good help is the daily reading of a chapter of the Gospel and Psalm №90 (living assistance). Thus the need to report on the damage to 40 consecutive days. If the churches hold Unction, it would be good to go, and this rite of purification.

The main thing is to believe that God's help is much stronger than the effects of witchcraft. If a person believes in the power of magic, so he considers it more of the Creator of the World. This hidden idolatry, which should repent immediately.

Types of church otchitki from damage:

  • Prayers for the health;
  • otchitka possessed;
  • otchitka damage in six churches;
  • otchitka with holy water.

Home otchitka

Home reading prayers has undeniable help in getting rid of corruption and curses. If a person every day for 40 days (not missing a single day) reads a chapter from the Gospel and the three psalm №90, then flies off with it any negative forces. Just disappears as it was not. But that is not a negative or a sorcerer can return again to make damage. Therefore, read the psalm better every day over a lifetime. This can be done either at bedtime or after waking up: to not forget.

But it's best to spend otchitku from damage in the walls of the temple. There namolennoe place filled with God's grace. However, not all priests welcome this action as an independent otchitka from damage and curses.

They believe that witches and wizards can not cause substantial harm to the believer. Therefore, you will be offered to come to the liturgy, reading the morning and evening prayer rule, that is, to lead a life churched person. Such no negativity will not stick. It makes sense.

But if my heart is still restless, it is better to spend otchitku prayers and psalms on their own. To do this, you need to read on a daily basis:

  • penitential psalm №50;
  • Psalm №90 in the living assistance;
  • Prayer to the Guardian Angel;
  • prayer to his patron saint.

In addition, it should be ordered in the Church Prayers of health. The priests will remember every day in the name of Tainted prayers from that his soul will be cleansed of negative witchcraft.

It is necessary to lead a good life:

  • do not fade;
  • not to drink alcohol;
  • not attend entertainment events, where it is easy to fall into sin;
  • do not eat meat and dairy foods;
  • give alms;
  • do charity or volunteering.

Very good these days just thinking about what's around you flows the life that you did not notice in the bustle of everyday life. Around you there are people in need, hungry street animals and birds. Join the volunteer organizations that provide all possible assistance to the temple, remember every day for the needy. It will change your thinking and attitude towards life, and with the changes and will leave negative impacts.

Church otchitka: Prayers for the health, incessantly psaltery

This is one of the most powerful otchitok that will clear the negative of any complexity. Prayers can be ordered in a temple or monastery. In addition Prayers have incessantly Psalter, which is read only in monasteries. The monks dedicated their lives to communion with God and the prayers of all those who suffer, so they will be day and night to remember in their prayers the name of the Corrupted. Psalms read clock in the monasteries.

On a note! Prayers book is better in the quiet cloisters and small churches, which do not conduct lush worship, and priests have enough free time to read prayers without cuts.

Some people are afraid of the word "Prayers", as it is associated with the burial service. But this is a misconception: Prayers and read for the living and for the dead. Just when ordering prayers must be specified: for the health. Sometimes practiced custom Prayers in three churches at the same time. This is also an effective aid to seriously ill and spoiled people. Prayers should be ordered in three temples in one day. Prayers can also be ordered in three monasteries at the same time: use the online services.

otchitka damage in the church

Otchitka possessed

In some cases, a given type of otchitki? It is needed when a person behaves very inadequately and dangerously. Possessed may growl, scream or cluck cock. Earliest devil sometimes explain schizophrenia, but this is not always the case. In most cases, this behavior is due to a neurosis, one of its varieties.

Talk to the father, tell us about the problem with your loved one. Perhaps need psychiatric care. The priest can be invited home if the launched categorically refuses to visit the temple.

Figure from damage and curses in six temples

This is a very strong person who needs to be done in three days. That is, every day to visit 6 temples, and in each praying for damage. To tell the priests about their intention is not necessary: ​​should be silent along the way to the temple and on the way from the temple. Even it is impossible to greet anyone in order not to bring down the work. As far as possible, it is advisable to bypass the temples on foot. If you have to go by public transport, you need to pass the money silently. Prepare the amount in order not to have the surrender.

Going to the temple, you need to put candles to your holy. If there is no such icon in the temple, then the Mother of God or the Savior. On the first day - 1 candle, in the second - 2, in the third - 3. Candles to put for health.

Holy water

The certificate from damage and curses will go more efficiently with holy water. Water should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach (3 throat) and in the evening before bedtime (3 throat). Accordingly, after the morning and evening prayers. Water can (and need) sprinkle clothes and room - especially bed. Water sprinkle the dishes, and sometimes they wash the patient's plates in it.

If you sprinkle yourself with water or wash, then you can not wait a towel after that. Water should dry on the body itself.

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