Prayer Sergia Radonezh about the successful surrender exam


The period of passing exams is always stressful for the body, especially if the subject on which the knowledge check is planned, difficult or difficult to learn the student. Orthodox Church in such cases recommends using prayers. The most often students addressed the prayer to St. Sergius Radonezh, asking him about the successful surrender of the exam and a good assessment, because it is this saint that is considered a patron of students.

Text of prayer Serge Radonezh about the successful examination of the exam

The text of the prayer, giving success when passing the exam, helping to pass the exam for a good assessment, sounds as follows:

Prayer Sergey Radonezhsky

How to ask Sergius Radonezh about the successful surrender exam?

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Use prayers for successful surrender exam is quite simple. Serge Radonezh can read the prayer, both students or schoolchildren and their parents.

To pass the exam on "excellent", before an important day you need to visit the church or the temple. Well, if you ask the blessings from the father. In the church, be sure to buy a candle and put it from the icon of Sergius Radonezh. Ask saint to give you help in teaching. The prayer of the Radonezh series is desirable to read from Molytvoslov, so as not to make a mistake in the stress, correctly pronounce words, not to get down and not lose their meaning.

It will be useful if you buy a native icon with the image of the St. Sergius of Radonezh and will be worn, take it with you for the exam. On the day of the exam, before you find yourself in the office of the examiners, read about yourself the prayer "Our Father" - this will help you calm down, tune in to the desired way. When you get a ticket, contact the Almighty with the words:

"Lord, bless! God help me!"

Do not look only for one prayer. You will not be able to get a good assessment if you won't prepare for knowledge checks at all, you will not read textbooks and abstracts. Saints help only those who carefully work diligently to achieve the goal. Looks, as well as those who decided to get a high score of a fraudulent way, will not help Sergius.

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Prayer for the successful examination of the exam only then will be heard by the Almighty and Saints, when it will be sincerely uttered from the pure heart. Do not forget to thank the highest forces for the assistance rendered, and then you will enlist their support for a long time.

Do not forget to pass the exam on "excellent" in school or university, if you learn only prayer. The path to the good mark lies through knowledge and perseverance! And the prayer only helps you cope with spiritual experiences and may bring good luck.

From the lives of Sergius of Radonezh

The future saint was born on May 3, 1314 in the village of Varnitsa, in the family of noble boyars - Cyril and Mary. Parents, distinguished by righteousness and piety, called their newborn son Bartholoma.

Sergey Radonezhsky

Even before his birth, when the child was in the maternal womb, the parents knew that the youngest, the third of their son would be an extraordinary and devote her life to serving God. This was spoken by numerous signs that the Lord sent Mary when she was pregnant. One of such cases is perhaps the most famous - a triple exclamation of a baby, which is in the womb. It happened during the reading of the gospel, and heard this sound not only Maria herself, but also the people who came to this moment next to her. When the child was born, the parents noticed he had amazing features: the little warfolomes did not drink milk on the days of the post, refused his mother's breast, when Maria took meat dishes in food.

Maria and Kirill sought to give their children education. The primary school went and grimaced warfolomes. The boy since childhood grew responsive, kind and religious, but the trouble - he did not hold down with his studies. Because of the problems with mental development, the diploma was very hard for him, so at school he walked with a stigma of the two, because of which he became an outcast and was forced to endure constant ridicule and reproach.

Tired of all this, warfolomes with a tear prayer appealed to God and asked to give him the ability to understand the Holy Scripture and learn best of his comrades. Hearing the prayer of the boy, the Lord sent to him under the guise of a monk of one of his angels. Bartholomew met this angel monk and, putting his knees in front of him, asked him for help. This miracle occurred after this meeting - the future saint instantly learned to read and understand the content of any read book.

When Maria and Kirill died, Bartholomews with one of his older brothers - Stephen - left to live in the forest. They built a celle there, and later the church, which was consecrated in the near future. After a few years, warfolomes took a monk and began to be called Sergius.

The life of the saint broke in 1392, September 25 - according to the old style, October 8 - in the new one.

Miracles Sergius Radonezhsky

Surprising wonders of Sergius Radonezh became famous for himself. He healed the patients, resurrected the dead.

Not only the disciples helps Sergius Radonezh - He is also considered the patron of warriors and the defender of the Russian land. Such a "status" saint received as a result of one of the events, which occurred in the XIV century, is to all the well-known Kulikov battle of 1380. As one of the legends tells, Russian warriors are owned by Sergia Radonezh in her victory. Dmitry Donskoy, before the start of the battle, came to the saint and asked him a blessing. Sergius promised him a victory in the battle, and he himself was all the time until she was standing on his knees and prayed to the Lord so that he would help free Russian land from the Tatar, as a result, and happened.

The power of the saint

Day of memory Sergius Radonezh is July 18 (July 5 - old style). This date is not accidental. In 1408, Tatars plundered the monastery, in which the saintly holy God lived and prayed. The enemies took everything connected with him, including valuable icons. Later, in 1422, the Cathedral began to erect at this place - inki worked there. And then another miracle happened: Sergi Radonezh was one of the inkom in the vision and asked to free his body from the water and the earth. No one was able to express this vision correctly. However, soon when people began to dig Rips to the future foundation, a coffin was found with the hovered relics of the saint. This event occurred just July 18 (on a new style).

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