Conspiracy of the Siberian Healer of Natalia Stepanova - We read


Many people wish for change in their lives for the better, succeed. But it does not always work. There are many reasons for failures: black stripe in life, envy of people or even induced damage or evil eye. Magic conspiracies come to the rescue, which are able to change fate. Below we described the most famous and proven rituals with good reviews.

Natalia Stepanova is a healer from Siberia, which is popular among many signs and ordinary people. This wise woman wrote a lot of books and articles with magical rites and conspiracies for all occasions.

The most popular among all books:

  • Conspiracy of the Siberian Healer (Issue 41).
  • 7000 conspiracy.

Book of Counts of Natalia Stepanova

How do conspiracy?

Conspiracy is not a rhythmic verse on a given topic. The reading of the text on healing from the disease changes the frequency of vibration of the human body, increasing its resistance to death. What way is the conspiracy word and why are the wonders of healing and change in life occur? While this mechanism is not studied.

A modern man magic text may seem like a tearbarshchina, but these not always understandable differences of the word have a huge impact on the subtle bodies of a person, on his subconscious. The characteristic whispering of the words under the nose, spitching through the left shoulder - such actions are also not always understandable to the usual person. But healing occurs, and then the power of a conspiracy word appears quite in a different light.

Cash conspiracies and rites

How to improve your money well-being? This question is given almost every person: there is no money much money. Natalia Stepanova offers a whole arsenal rituals for attracting finance. Cash rituals read on a growing moon or full moon. You can not attract money for a decreasing month: they will disappear at all.

Cash rituals read on:

  • coin;
  • purse;
  • salt;
  • Water.

All the rites of Natalia Stepanova are directly connected with the name of the Lord, written in the Orthodox tradition. The healer recommends observing the Christian commandments, to honor God and the saints, not wishing to people evil and never make damage. The payback for communication with the demonic forces may already come in this life, so you should take care of your soul and do not harm living beings.

Rite money for the thirteenth

A simple rite, held in the 13th number of any month, enjoys extremely popular. Go to the church until the lunch and buy 13 wax candles (you can thin), and transfer the delivery to the trifle. Candles put to the icons of the Thirteen Apostles.

Come home, throw a trifle to the floor and leave until next morning. It is recommended that this day is not taken and not to invite guests so that there is no question: "Why is money on the floor lying?". Also, warn your home so that questions are not asked.

Waking up in the morning, you need to collect a trifle in the handkerchief and put under your bed. Only do it is necessary before washing, combing and tea drinking. You will notice that cash incomes will increase dramatically. The rite can be repeated annually.

Cash talisman

On the growing moon, wick from a wax candle is pulled out, set fire to a match from two ends and read quickly:

"Fire is eternal,

And my spirit is marked

Gust, silver and all kinds of good.


You need to say once. Then put out the wick and put in the wallet. This talisman will attract money. It is advisable to make a rite into one of the church holidays.

Rites for luck

Rites for luck

Good luck is needed by all, in any case and under any circumstances. How to attract it in your life? Our ancestors compared good luck with the fire-bird that need to be caught by the tail. Good luck caprick and wayward, but magical conspiracies will help to cope with it. The main thing is to observe the time of the ritual and the sequence of actions.

Lit good luck

Good luck can be brutal on the pin, which is bought in the days of New Moon. A special secret of magical actions - buying objects for the ritual should be without passing. Houses burn the wax candle, keep the pin in your hands and say:

"The month is emerging

His strength wakes up

To me is going.

As a month with the stars do not dispel,

So, luck will not leave me.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


Put the pin under the moonlight for several hours. Wear a talisman always with you and do not show anyone.

Run failed

Sometimes before attracting good luck, you need to run fail. For this rite you need the usual millet, which you need to rain the chickens. When you feed, say:

"How will this millet disappear,

So my failures will disappear.

Today, forever, is infinite.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


It is difficult to find chickens in the city, so you can feed the pigeons or sparrows. The main thing is that the birds embarrass all the grains.

Love magic

Love magic can be dangerous if used in ritual power demons and devils. Natalia has many good safe rites for lovely love, one of them is a conspiracy for a gift.

Wait for the birthday of your favorite or other solemn incident and make a rite. For this you need to defend in the church service with the candle, and the flashes to bring home. Houses pour water into a glass, keep the grilled fire over the mill and say:

"Holy Spark, fake my gift!

Who will take this gift, he gives me his heart.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


Create a godmond and read "Our Father" so that the unclean force does not spoil your business. Water will be worked out, give a cute gift.

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