What dreams of the death of a person who is alive


What dreams of the death of a person who is alive? You wake up in shock, try to forget the dream. But sleep pictures again get up before our eyes. How do dream interpretations this event, are there any reasons for experiences? Tell carefully.

The general value of death in a dream

Oddly enough, mediums and clairvoyant interpret death in a dream from a positive side. They consider this fact a warning not about misfortune, but about global changes in the life of the "deceased." If you compare such a dream with the tarot "death" card, you can see parallels. Arkan "Death" does not indicate the physical death of a person. This arcan can warn about:

  • speedy changes in the life of the gadget;
  • dying of the principles who have narrated their age;
  • Rebirth personality person.

Do not panic: baptism in Christianity also symbolizes death. The death of life in sin and the birth of a new man who dedicated himself to serving the Lord Christ.

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What dreams of the death of a person who is alive 7914_1

Different interpretation of sleep

a) death of acquaintances and friends

If in a dream Dies a dream of a dream This promises temporary separation. Do not worry about a friend's life: it will temporarily remove from the circle of your communication, no more.

If you see Death of a familiar man , it is better to stop communicating with him for a while. The subconsciously warns about the dangerous period in communicating with this person: either he wants to pull you into the scaffold, or you wander. You just better part.

If you Saw death of man With which they have not met for a long time, - it promises an ambulance joyful meeting. Moreover, the meeting will bring not just joy - it will become a fateful.

Save in a dream of man from death - Expect a responsible decision in life. Probably, this person will be the center of the coming events.

Chef's death at work Indicates good changes in career growth, right up to raise (if you expect it). The death of colleagues denotes the elimination of a competitor in business, as well as improved microclimate in the work environment.

b) death of relatives

Each person has a lot of relatives - these are family members, cousins ​​/ secondary aunts and brothers, as well as distant relatives. How do interpreters explain this event in a dream?

  1. Death of spouse / spouse In a dream, it promises a long prosperous life in harmony, prosperity and harmony. You can also interpret so: you will be together until the death of death, do not part. If at this time the spouse (a) is sick, then expect early recovery.
  2. Other meaning interpreters give Civil husband's death / wife : You will inevitably break out. The death of the beloved can foreshadow the wedding.
  3. Death of the Living Father foreshadows in business or at work. Be careful with the signing of contracts and transactions.
  4. Brothers / sisters It warns that they need support and care on your part.
  5. Death of mother Opens an Act, shame and concern about this in the subconscious.
  6. Death of long-range relative In a dream, it warns about the poor attitude of this person to the dream: he would have died to communicate. Nothing good should not be expected from this person.

What dreams of the death of a person who is alive 7914_2

c) death of strangers

Interpretation of sleep depends on the sensations that the dreams are experiencing during a dream. For example, Pity for the deceased in a dream Warns about not very pleasant changes in life: the break of relationships, conflicts.

Negative feelings for the deceased Reveal in the subconscious of the dream cargo of non-negligent guilt, the desire to free himself from oppressive memories or get rid of something unpleasant in life.

If you feel the horror at the sight of the death of a stranger You are waiting for numerous trials on life paths, various obstacles to achieving the goal.

Decitation during the death of a stranger (The feeling of peace, security) warns of a safe solution to life issues, even if now is not everything smoothly.

Presence on the funeral procession Sulit is unexpected pleasant news that the dream will bring a dream. But the funeral of unknown people, on the contrary, stuff small trouble in life.

Interpretation of death psychologists

How do psychologists consider such situations in a dream? Scientists researchers are unanimous: the death of a familiar or relative is explained by the loss of emotional communications with this person. Subconscious Signal: Do not give away from communication, do not get closed into the cycle of own affairs and worries. Just pay the Tolik of your time close and native person so that he does not die in your dream.

Also, the vision of death can symbolize the attempt of the subconscious to cope with the opposite memories of the past. A person must revise the attitude to life in general, radically change. Leave fears and experiences in the past, become free from the oppression of the opposing.

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