Strong conspiracy: how to return her husband to the family if he does not want to communicate


In each, even the happiest and perfect, at first glance, the family can break between spouses, and then in the air begins to turn the ghost of an imminent divorce. The departure of the beloved husband from the family - for any woman always tragedy, especially if the children will grow in the family who will have to grow without a father.

Spouses in Sora

Magic offers its way to solve this problem - to apply a conspiracy to return a husband in the family. Rituals designed to help his wife return the left her husband in the family, there are many of them, some of them differ quite large and quickly allow the spouse to achieve the desired one. Like any kind of magical impact, these rituals need to be performed in compliance with certain requirements.

Preparation for plotting

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The decision to take advantage of the conspiracy to return to the seven of the spouse, should not be spontaneous and adopted in the attack of despair. Objectives of this nature require special preparation from the deceived spouse.

First of all, the wife should decide which purpose it intends to apply magic. All prayers aimed at the return of her husband can conditionally be divided into 2 types:

  1. To return to the seven of the spouse. They will help in the shortest possible time to return the prodigal husband, but the love and understanding of the family will not be. Relationships will have to build literally from scratch.
  2. Designed to return the fastened feelings (love) of her husband. Rituals of this type are characterized by a more complex and long-term execution and require a lot of effort from the wife, but it is due to them that they will eventually restore the former warm relations with their half.

Before performing the rite, you need to configure yourself correctly. To do this, it is useful to take advantage of the visualization and submit relations with your beloved person in the best light. It is necessary to ask yourself a goal to return the previous connection with your husband, harmony and mutual understanding, even if he does not want to communicate. Positive attitude, self-confidence - this is half of the case.

Before applying a conspiracy, you must certainly forgive your spouse, keep a friendly relationship with him. Tears, screams, scandals, flight analysis will only prevent witchcraft. All accumulated resentment and negative must be discarded, no matter how hurts from the betrayal of the beloved man. Negative emotions and feelings will also adversely affect the impact of the conspiracy on the return of her husband and on the final result.

Rules of work with magic

Conspuses whose task is to return her husband to the family, can be compared to some extent with love spells - they differ in about the same principle of action. Therefore, the rules for their implementation are similar.

Candle for conspiracy

Conspuses and prayers for the return of his beloved man in the family are usually pronounced on a young moon, during its growth. It is necessary to apply them only with positive emotions (about the reasons it was above). Former love can be returned only by caressing and tenderness.

An important point is to competently choose a plot. Depending on whether the husband lives in the family or leads a separate life, rites are divided into 2 types:

  • used with the joint stay of spouses;
  • At a distance, when the spouse left the family, taking all my things.

When the family collapses, the use of all means is justified, and to choose the right ritual of great work will not be. The sooner the wife decides to take advantage of the conspiracy, the faster the result will follow and the more effective it will manifest. The strongest and efficient rites are obtained in the first 6 months after the spouse left the family or has a relationship on the side.

Ways to return her husband

On berry compote

Compote from berries

Conspiracy involves a joint residence of spouses. On the growing moon, the wife must cook compote from berries (you can use any berries, but it is desirable those who love the husband). When boiling a compote, it is necessary to read the following words over it 3 times:

"The berries grew apart, and now they will always be together. Also we, God's slaves (husband's names and wife) , Porn grew, and now we will only be together. Amen!"

Compote by this wife should be powered by a man and drink yourself. Soon after that, mutual understanding and love will be returned to the family.

On the engagement ring

The ritual, which is held only once, it is impossible to combine it with other conspiracies - his strength is already great. Suitable for those cases when the husband lives separately from the family. One of the Fridays on the young moon is needed to score holy water in the church after the evening service. At home, this water should be pouring into a crystal container and lower your engagement ring there, rushing it in advance under running water. Omitting the ring into the water, the wife must pronounce conspiracy:

"Around the rings the water of Holy and Clea, my love for God's slave (Name of beloved) Clea, Holy and Industice. Most Holy Mother of God, Virgo Maria, I ask God, to give me my spouse, God's slave (Name of beloved) . Amen!"

The water in which the ring was visited, it is necessary to drink a volley, delaying breathing on the breath, and put on his right-handed place (the ring finger of the right hand). The ring of his wife must be worn without removing, for one lunar month.

See also an interesting video about the relationship between a man and a woman:

Strong prayer-appeal to the Virgin

To pronounce prayer, you should prepare a church candle and a vessel with pure spring water. The rite is carried out on the growing moon, on Monday, after sunset. The candle will be lit, get up in front of the water capacity and say:

"I, God's slave (own name) , in the church, the mother of his mother and his godfather, and with the mother of our Lord, the Blessed Virgin Mother. Virgo Maria, I ask you: Help me, baptized, forgive all my forelegations of life. Hear me and fulfill my request: Turn in the family of my wife, given to me by God, the slave of God (Name of the spouse) . May it be so! Amen!"

The candle must be paid off, and put the water near the image of the Virgin, keep it there until the return of your life satellite. You can also have a conspiracy immediately before the face of the Virgin Mary, pre-putting the water nearby.

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