Conspiracy for good studies for parents and child


Each parent wants the Son or Daughter to bring from school only good marks and positive feedback from teachers. However, often reality disagrees with parental dreams: not every child reaches the knowledge, and not everyone is given to ease.

The absence of a desire for study and laziness manifest themselves bad estimates, discontent teachers and a complete reluctance of a child to do at home. Of course, it is very upsetting the parents of the negligent student and often makes them blush for their child. This situation can be favorable, contacting magic and applying a reading of a conspiracy for good school studies.

Conspiracies for excellent studies

Types of conspiracies and recommendations for use

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All existing conspiracies to study can be divided into 2 types:

  • Conspiracies for good studies. These are common rituals, their goal is to cause an interest in the child to the school program, affect his attentiveness and contribute to the fact that it starts more and more actively at home;
  • Rituals for good luck in school. They help to successfully pass tests and exams, contribute to the receipt of high assessments.

How to apply such rituals? There are several important nuances. In order for the magic aimed at successful training, it worked more effectively, to pronounce conspiracy and perform rituals for themselves.

Older children with this will completely cope and themselves after detailed explanations. In the same case, if the child does not want to take anything to improve his studies in school or he did not reach the age of 10 years, reading the prayers and the execution of rites should take over parents or other relatives, preferably female (mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, godfather).

Rituals need to be carried out in complete loneliness and silence - magic does not like noise and publicity. Conspiracies for good studies are considered a safe tool and are not able to harm, but treat their use with all seriousness. In addition, in their action and power must be believed

Surely a person who applied a conspiracy to excellent studies will become interested in the time of which the effectiveness of the magical ritual will appear. The prayers of a general nature are given first of their fruits after 1-2 months and are characterized by the duration of exposure.

For example, if you make them on September 1, then they will work with all academic year. The same conspiracy, the purpose of which is more specific (to help proceed, get a high score on the exam), differ in the instantaneous effect and are calculated only on one specific event associated with education.

The most effective conspiracy

Easy way for yourself

You can use this conspiracy below every day. It is necessary to read it 3 times a day. It is advisable to memorize and repeat the words. Text:

"How Wise was Solomon, so the wisdom shrinkle and me. How the Magi is all knowing, I own knowledge and I. As they see all the lights of heaven from above, so everything is lectured and me. I am not calm, I'm trying my best, I try to enjoy the admiration of mentors! "

An old version for reading parents

The words below will help pull up your child in school. Read them every time your child is busy with the educational process. Text:

"Oh, the great rhodman, I call you. I do not ask for myself, but for my native sick. In the head of his mind, in line, in the teaching of the digestibility, give, wise speeches in the settles. The finger is my almighty on him to direct, the shield of his own from the hosts, taking empty on the road, fence! "

On spring water

Mother should take a glass of spring water and speak it using the following words:

"Voddy Clean, Water Clear! Brooks quickly brought you. Penetrate (child name) , satisfy his knowledge of good. Fast, like you, will be mind (her), clear how you will be mind (her), beautiful, like you, will be mind (her). Everything is easy for him (she) will be given. It will be easy (a) to cope with everything! "

Copying water needs to be supplied with a child. It is necessary that he drank it to the last drop. Soon he will increase performance and interest in knowledge will appear.

For good luck in the exam

On a pure white (unnecessary) sheet of paper blue paste Write three times plot:

"As the sky is light in the morning, my thoughts are clear and bright. As a father with his mother, his child regret and love, so the teachers regret me. Amen!"

Leaves need to be folded in half so that the text is inside, and hide it into the left chest pocket either in the left cup of the bra (for girls). This conspiracy is needed three times before leaving the house (it is better to learn in advance by heart), also - pronounce three times in a whisper before entering the office, where the exam procedure itself passes.


Not only schoolchildren and their parents can use the data below conspiracies, but also students and adults who receive education for themselves. The use of these magical rituals will necessarily entail favorable changes in studies.

Light study

Nevertheless, you should not wait for a miracle, only after reading the right plot and having done the necessary actions. The task of magic is to help a person in achieving his goals and aspirations, and not do everything instead. So things are with such species of magical rituals.

Thanks to them, excellent estimates will not appear in magazines, diaries and accounts by themselves - after all will have to work hard. And the conspiracies will help with the fact that your mental waves will be configured to the right level, you will create a proper mood, psychologically reassure and give confidence in yourself, they will attract good luck.

A few more workers are a conspiracy for parents and children, you can learn from this video:

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