Conspiracy on the prophetic dream for reading before bedtime


Conspiracy on the prophetic dream - a ritual, which can be attributed to fortune tells. It is possible to implement it if the performer has a lot of desire to look into its future by doing special actions and pronigrating special magical words.

Dream-predictions call things. If necessary, a person can cause a prophetic dream for himself with an artificial way, simply by contacting the magical ritual.

Sleeping girl

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Instructions for independent use of ritual

Like any magical impact, the conspiracy on the prophetic dream requires compliance with certain conditions when used. Key requirements three:
  1. The deadline for the last few days arriving moon (before full phase). This time is considered the most favorable, as it allows not only to highlight its future, but also to find the solution to the problems currently.
  2. Full privacy, silence and calm. The situation should be as calm as possible, any contacts with other people in the night must be reduced to zero. It is best to turn off all means of communication, and the ritual itself is to spend before weekend, so that it turns out to be waking up alone, and not on the call of the alarm. In bed, sleep is also needed in complete loneliness. Before rite, it is recommended to take a warm bath with essential oils (mint, lavender, rosemary), and in the room where you will sleep, cheer herbs whose smell you like.
  3. Purified from extraneous thoughts of the head. Before using the conspiracy, try to release all the disturbing thoughts, distracted from the fuss, relax as much as possible and do not think about the upcoming rite.

Proper internal mood before applying a conspiracy for a thing of sleep is a guarantee of the performance of the rite. For the ritual to be the most useful as possible, be sure to follow the rules above. Another important point - you need to go to bed before midnight (best 1-2 hours before it). If you are used to falling much later, first adjust your mode.

Conspiracies on the prophetic dream for home use

Easy way before going to bed

After a warm relaxing bath Lie into bed. How do you feel that you start falling into a dream, we whisper say 5 times:

"Let me dream, what is destined to come true. So I wish, so be that. "

The ritual can be repeated if nothing on this night will dreamed. In total, 3-4 repetitions within one month. If you see a weak dream, in the morning after awakening you dance yourself in a fist and tell me:

"I saw (a) what I wanted (a)."

On the mirror

Mirror for love

One of the most famous rituals performed using a small pocket rumble mirror. For these purposes it is better to buy a new mirror. If there is no such possibility, you can apply both old, but be sure to rinse it well under running water to remove foreign information. Put the mirror under your pillow before you fall to sleep, and say 7 times:

"As in the mirror this is reflected now in darkness, it will reflect in mind my light. Let the mirror show me the future so that it dreamed to me at night the lunar, night dark. To be a dream my truth! Amen!"

After pronouncing the conspiracy, right away to sleep. No matter what matters to be distracted about this night, you can not start a conversation. After the morning awakening, make the analysis of what you have had. It is possible that it will be required for it all day, or even two.

The mirror remaining after the ritual hide and store in an inaccessible place. It is possible only for magical purposes.

On holy water

To look into the nearest future in a dream, you can use rites with holy water and church candle. Light a candle and speak the consecrated water three times:

"Clean water, holy water, helping Slave God (servant of God) (own name) Sleep prophetic see. Let him dream (she), everything that happens and come true. Let him (a) remember everything, let him know. My word is the law, as said (a), so be. Amen!"

Speaking, you want to sleep with this water and lie right away. When you are in bed, try three times:

"Fuck (a) - fulfill!"

Saturday Conspiracy

Bread and salt

This conspiracy is read only on Saturday, on other days of the week it is impossible. Words speak to a piece of fresh bread, sprinkled with salt:

"Sunday - Monday, Tuesday - with the middle, Thursday - with Friday. You, Saturday, no friend. Here you are bread and salt, but I give me a clear dream! "

Put the bread-salt from the head of your bed and immediately lie to bed.

Friday prayer

Prayer is pronounced strictly from Thursday to Friday, between 22-23 hours. It can only read 1 time per month.

Buy in advance in the church 2 thin candles. On the day of the ritual, we glow them with each other so that the phytili is at two opposite ends. Take the resulting double candle with your left hand, burn both wick and start:

"The Mother of God-Mother, you pray for you and Jesus Christ. Let my desire become explicit. Let the grace of God comes to me - through sleep and in my memory. Let the Angel of Dreams tell me about the coming - on the morning, tomorrow and on the day after tomorrow, on (Name the day, the events of which you want to predict in a dream) . Key, lock, tongue. Amen!"

After reading the prayer, immediately quench the candle and put it at your headboard or on the bedside table. Immediately lie to bed. Try to fall asleep until the onset of midnight.

Take the remnants from the candles to church and leave in a special tray for firewood. Make it needed within 3 days after the ritual.

Another video about how to see the future in a dream:

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