Generic curse: varieties and symptoms


In this article we will talk about such a terrible phenomenon as a generic curse, we learn the reasons for its appearance and characteristic signs. The word "generic" says that the destruction program is aimed at a whole genus, which for some reason is forced to pay for the sins of the ancestors.

Generic curse

What is a generic curse and how does it occur?

The generic curse is considered to be a punishment that purposefully falls on all the representatives of the kind of fault of one of its members. Often, such a punishment is ritual in nature, if an offended person turned to Magu, who brought the curse for the entire genus of the offender.

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But, as a rule, such a punishment comprehends the genus spontaneously, submitting to the Ecumenical law of causal relationship, or karma. All representatives of the genus will pay for the act perfect a ancestor.

Of course, the generic curse is impossible to randomly catch as a runny nose. For this you need to really make something terrible. It is also worth noting that all members of the genus will not be unhappy victims who accidentally falling under the repressive car. In this kind, those souls will come, whose karma is burdened by similar acts that need to be worked out.

It should not also forget that undeserved curse will not be able to harm an innocent person. It will definitely return to the one who lowered it.

Generic curse can be directed to the death of the whole. It may not appear immediately, but after many years, which is determined by Karma. In this case, the whole genus gradually dies.

Also, the curse can be transmitted until the seventh generation. Over time, it is gaining its strength and destroys the fate of all members of this kind or its individual representatives, for example, only men. After changing the seven generations, the curse stops its action.

How is the generic curse manifest?

As a rule, the mechanism of generic curse on the death of the genus manifests itself as: suddenly death overtakes all men of this kind. They die from deaths, accidents, suicides. Event development options may vary, but the essence is that all men leave the life in a short period of time. Rod ceases to exist, because the surname continue to continue any more.

Types of generic curses

There are such types of generic curses:

  • Curse of other people's people or family.
  • Curse by relatives.
  • Gypsy curse is a great danger, even if it was easily unconscious, without making magical rites. After all, this people have a special mystical force. His extremely powerful magic egregor patronizes him, so the gypsy curse always falls for the whole genus. In order not to get on yourself and close trouble, try not to enter into contact with them and not give them anything out of your hands.
  • The maternal curse is one of the strongest and destructive, capable of leading the death or fully breaking the fate of the child. In order not to lead to such sad consequences, it is necessary to treat the actions of your children with understanding, in no case do not splash on it their anger and negative emotions. Especially sensitive to any negative, children under three years, because their biofield is closely connected with the maternal.

Generic curse is very covered - it has a property to gain power from generation to generation. This is because with the death of one family member, the curse force is distributed on the remaining representatives of the genus. Therefore, relatives are often felt by the burden after the death of the next victim, their feeling of anxiety and danger will oppress them.

Signs of generic curse

Signs of generic curse

It is possible to determine the presence of a generic curse by such signs:
  • In the family there are people with mental disabilities, mentally retarded, leading themselves inadequately and emotionally unstable, inclined to depression.
  • Members of the family pursue failures in personal relationships: marriages disintegrate, family life is not laid, early loss of a spouse and loneliness.
  • Family couples suffer from infertility, frequent miscarriages occur or ectopic pregnancies, the death of newborns.
  • Men leave their lives early, their death is unnatural, suicide often happens.
  • In the humanity, hereditary diseases are transmitted, often members of the genus sick the same disease leading to death.
  • Relatives stop communicating among themselves and rented from their loved ones. Often there are legal proceedings between relatives, the delegation of the inheritance.
  • Rod pursue poverty and failures, from which it is impossible to get rid of.
  • Accidents often occur, accidents. In the family, a lot of drowns or several of his representatives leave the same way.

Many will say that these signs can be found in every kind, without exception. Does this mean that there is a generic curse on each family? Of course not, but certain negative programs are really available in each kind. After all, we all involuntarily make unacceptable deeds that define both our personal karma and karma of all kinds.

If something is actually really happening in your family, you can not do without an experienced psychic, a specialist in generic karma. It is necessary to find out what caused the curse, and what do you have to do with this.

Remove the generic curse is very difficult and not always possible. Especially hard to get rid of the curse on the death of the genus.

Often, to cleanse the negative program, you need to interrupt communication with the genus. This does not mean that it is necessary to stop communicating with relatives. This happens on a thin level using special rites, after which a person gets rid of the generic program, but at the same time deprived of energy support of the genus.

Signs of generic curse on the male line

It is possible to talk about the presence of a curse on the male line on the basis of such signs:

  • All men of this kind do not live up to 50 years.
  • Some representatives of the genus have mental and mental deviations.
  • High child mortality, only boys die.
  • Hereditary diseases are transmitted over the men's line.
  • Accidents, accidents, plane crashs are constantly taking place with men of this kind.
  • Many men have alcohol or narcotic dependence, become homeless, go to prison.
  • Men of this kind become chronic losers, unsure in their abilities. They have no will power, they are not able to manage their destiny.
  • Often, men without visible causes a suicide, shocking their loved ones. After all, yesterday the person was full of strength and rejoiced his life. In a similar way, those who have surrendered to illnesses and unhappy incidents leave life.

Female Line Curse

Female curse

Women are more susceptible to this terrible phenomenon due to their emotionality and sensitivity. You can recognize the generic curse on the female line by such symptoms:

  • Most often, the curse is reflected in the children: they are born in defective or incurably patients, stillings are happening and constant miscarriages.
  • The woman behaves an immoral way of life, changes her husband, gives birth to children from outsiders.
  • Abuses alcohol, becomes a drug addict.
  • Women suffer from serious gynecological diseases, infertility.
  • Unsuccessful marriage and lack of personal happiness. Men constantly throw such a woman, she marries an alcoholic or drug addict.
  • The curse of the "black" widow - all satellites of life one after another go away.
  • A woman has to rarely raise children, while experiencing material difficulties.

You can remove the generic curse, only clearing the karma of all kind. To do this, it is necessary to make a lot of effort and a healer who holds such a ritual, and a person who wants to cleanse the genus from the curse. And in order not to become a victim of this terrible phenomenon, it is necessary to take care of the karma of a kind and not to make actions that can change the lives of many generations.

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