Conspiracy from barley for the eye: ourselves or for children


Barley on the eye - the disease is extremely unpleasant, familiar with almost every person. According to the law of meanness, it happens often so that this sore occurs just the eve of important events when a person should be with a full parade. What actions to take in this case? You can consult a doctor and try to cure the disease with the help of modern medications. And you can remember the experience of our ancestors and get rid of the illness with the help of special conspiractions from the barley, which the people saw the centuries.

Barley girl

From the point of view of medicine, barley on the eye usually occurs when overcooling or in front of the cold and testifies to weakened immunite. However, in the past among the people, the opinion was common that this attack is a consequence of a negative magical impact - the evil eye. Perhaps, everyone knows the ritual, in which the occasion of the eaves to the eye show Cushion or spit on it.

A similar rite often accompanies the most famous plots from barley, tested not by one century. Using Cukis is not accidental. In ancient times, this gesture was given a sacred value: the people believed that the fig was able to withstand the unclean strength.

Features of using conspiracies

Barley spoken does not require special magic skills. Anyone will cope with this task. Easy execution and proven efficacy - one of the strong conspiracies.

You can talk on any day of the lunar month - the moon phase does not play any role. Everything that is required from the artist is the knowledge of the text of the conspiracy and a strong desire to recover from the sores of himself or to heal a loved one. Rituals to eliminate sores should be carried out emotionally, in some rites, the effect of surprises is also required.

All currently conspiracies, helping to get rid of this hands, have been checking time and not one generation of people, therefore, in their effectiveness, you can be fully confident.

How to speak barley on an eye yourself?

Classic ritual

Classic barley ritual

This handling method is the most popular and simple. It is necessary to make cooks and show him a sick eye with the words:

"Barley, barley, I give you Kukish. What you want to do it, you will buy. The sun goes to the West, the day goes to the outcome, in the eye barley goes to the exhaust. Amen" (3 times) .

On Kukish

Make a fig and circling her eyes clockwise with an eyelet, saying:

"Barley-barley, on you Cukish - you can buy a horse on him. That horse will die, but barley will dry. "

Repeating a conspiracy 3 times, you need to make a spit through my left shoulder.

With spit

By index finger to circle an eye clockwise with the words:

"Barley, barley, on you Cukish. What you want - that and you buy. Buy you an ax on your own rubbish across. "

After these words, it is necessary to sharply spit on the sore eye.

Another way to spit

Spit through your left shoulder on the sore eye and pronounce loud:

"Barley barley, go under the stump - sits there too. Sleep together go to bed and burn fire. Amen!"

On the bitch

Wait for the sun to sunset, then moose first a muddy finger, after that the same finger lubricate the soot from the furnace (in urban conditions to obtain soot you can burn a couple of matches). Find the bitch on any wooden surface, the same finger circle around the bitch, and after - around a sick eye, saying out loud:

"Lord, bless. As a sun - to the west, and the day - on the outcome, and on the eye, the bitch will go to the exertion. Suit himself, as a man in hand. The key and castle of my words. "

On comb


Attach to the eye on which barley settled, comb, and say:

"Barley Ros grew, but he came back. Barley, he squeeed yes the badge stunned: grandfather-leading, spoke to the barley, so that he was on the forest and on the water, on the grass meadow with God's slave (patient name) gone. Amen (3 times) ”.

After pronouncing these words, spit three times on your ring finger and circle them three times clockwise sick eyes.

Simple conspiracy for self-use

This conspiracy can be read independently if there is no one next to anyone who could help. For the effectiveness of the word, you can combine with the sick eye figures.

Text Next:

"The water is cold, the rash of the marsh, for 33 mountains, for 33 castles, for 33 roads take this barley from the eyes of God's slave (God's slaves) (own name) . Let all the keys be cling to the locks all and will not be prevented more than the birth to the body of God's slave (God's slaves) (own name) forever and ever. Amen (3 times). "

Strong way from the evil

This conspiracy can be used in case the disease appeared as a result of the evil eye. Previously need to prepare: buy 12 church candles, take the holy water in the temple. Going out of the church, you need to say about yourself:

"Barley, barley, leave my eyes, I am happy with you at a time! Amen!"

Having come home, you should wash your hands well, all the candles will be lit, there is a container with sanctified water and put a cotton tampon (disc) next to them. The cotton disk must be made with holy water and wipe the sore, saying:

"As the evil eye from the eye is obtained, and barley fell at a time. The water will feel yes quickly tightened. Returns to the one who wished me the Suma. As said (a), so it will be. Amen (3 times) ”.

Another is not a magic way with ice:

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