Conspiracy to work for work - Powerful rituals


Good and highly paid work is one of the life priorities of each person. But, alas, not all applicants are obtained for a profitable position, even despite the many interviews. In such cases, a real chopstick will be conspired to receive the desired work. Everyone can take advantage of the rites who have already chosen a workplace for themselves and wants to gain themselves in it in harder competition, to get the location of the authorities.

job interview

What you need to know about conspiracies

Of course, when the device on a vacant position is not to do with the conspiracy. Magic in this case acts more as an assistant and additional means to reinforce inner confidence. The conspiracy creates around the applicant the atmosphere of decisiveness, businesslike, optimism, increases its attractiveness in the eyes of a potential employer, thanks to which the authorities begins to see in it most suitable for the vacant position of the candidate.

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It will also be useful if the applicant will work with its appearance and get acquainted with the advice and recommendations of psychologists regarding the correct behavior on the interview.

Separate recommendations must be followed by the use of conspiracies themselves. As a rule, magical words guarantee success if they were pronounced in the growth phase of the Moon. The magical text read on Saturday is facilitated by the magic text, and rituals designed for a high level of salary (due to the strong monetary energy of this day) are facilitated.

If you decide to apply rituals, be sure to follow two rules

  1. Applying a conspiracy in order to work, it is strictly not to doubt its strength and efficiency. If you are overcome doubts and uncertainty, it will create an energy unit that will become an obstacle to the performance of your desire.
  2. One more condition - confidentiality . If you tell someone about the ritual, magic words are clearly not beneficial and even in the future can even harm your career.

Failure to comply with the rules of conspiracy may have bad consequences and attach trouble!

Conspiracy can be pronounced in any action that has a direct relation to obtaining the desired position (browsing ads, the road before the interview, the interview itself, after conversation with the potential bosses and other).

The following are examples of the most popular conspiracies, in the effectiveness of which many people were convinced of their own experience on the reviews. These text can read both the applicant itself and its loved ones - husband, wife, mother and others.

Conspiracies for independent reading

In front of expensive

Conspiracy with cat

Conspiracy is suitable for those holding a cat at home. Before going to the interview, you need to stroke your fluffy pet and speak:

"I will not walk on foot, but on the cat I will go black. There was no failure to me, (own name) nor in summer, nor winter, nor in the morning, no day. I live God's covenant. Lord, I take care to receive (a) I work. So that no one words knew against me - neither bad, no. To love me, I respected, appreciated and did not underestimated. Cross with a cross, a good matter with a good end. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

After take 3 feline hair and hide them into a wallet. At the interview, they should be with you.

On the way to the interview

On the way to an interview to a potential employer, the following text should be accepted on the left shoulder:

"And in this place with me God."

It is necessary to pronounce it 3-7 times, after each time is baptized by saying:

"Lord, went to me, your slave (your servant) (own name) Good luck! Amen!"

To get a job

It is pronounced before a conversation with the employer. The applicant should kiss the scratch of white bread, and then pronounce:

"As worshiped the bread of God, as they serve him with a bow, how to take it with a bow, so let me, God's slave (God's slave) (own name) , I would have taken joy everywhere with a bow. From now on forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

Words after interview

Conspiracy is read after the interview. Coming out of the office of the employer, the applicant must face south and pronounce in a whisper or in a low voice (required) words:

"The sun lights me, the trouble is distinguished by rays. The wind blows me, to me good luck. To the shores of the water arrive, the work to me is nourished. Amen!"

It is advisable to make ritual outdoors.

To take the right post on the candle

Church candle

The conspiracy will be stronger if they pronounce it on the day of the interview. To do this, you need to light a candle from the church (better thin) and voyager by heart the following words (exactly as many times as you need a candle to burn to the end):

"I'm going on the chariot of wrought, the mare of Zlatovlas. Going there, where they are waiting for me and respect, but the refusal is not offended. I will not be refused today, neither tomorrow, nor the day after tomorrow, either per day anyone, anyone anyone, any per year, always and everywhere is waiting for me by honor and glory. Nobody will tell me bad against me, never anyone will refuse me, you will always make me open outdoor doors, everyone reads me, I, like yourself, everyone believes. Cross with a cross, business - with a good end. Amen!"

See also another kind of ritual in this video:

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