Conspiracy from dental pain - Read at home


The occurrence of dental pain is an obvious signal that it's time to make a visit to Dentistist. However, it often happens that immediately visiting the dental office due to any reasons is not possible. In this case, various prayers and conspiracies from dental pain come to help.


Special words, spoken sick teeth, were used by the population since ancient times and often served as the only way to facilitate their condition in the event of this trouble. And this is not surprising, because the level of medicine in ancient times forced to desire the best, and the dentists were not a deficit at all. So nothing remained unfortunate people, except to contact the help of conspiracies.

How are conspiracies from dental pain and when they apply?

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Skeptics will probably question the effectiveness of conspiracy to remove the dental pain and will say that it has long been invented all sorts of painkillers, which are better than any magical words. And what if the necessary pills did not turn to hand, or did they not give the necessary result, or not to take them at all? Just at such a moment, rituals and prayers aimed at eliminating dentiff will be able to rescue. Their effectiveness checked a lot of people.

Conspuses are used in different cases: they can be read in order to prevent or then when the pain is already pronounced and it does not work. The more a person focuses on pain, the more intense it shows itself.

The secret of conspiracies lies in the fact that a certain order of words and ritual allow a person to distract from painful sensations, and the pain gradually subsides. Everyone who uses the rite believes in its action, and thus creates a placebo effect - due to the sprouting of the signal, sent by the brain.

Contraindications to the use of such conspiractions do not exist. Use them maybe even inexperienced, who previously dealt with magic did not have to.

It is impossible to replace full-fledged conspiracy treatment, since magic words only remove the toggie pain, and do not treat the cause of its occurrence. Professional dentist doctors are engaged in the last, so the visit to them should be an indispensable condition. It is important not to launch the disease, and it is in time to treat it, even if the dentists are the greatest fear in your life.

5 ways

For prophylaxis

Night and Moon

This conspiracy can be read with a prophylactic goal. It can also be used with therapeutic - provided that it is pronounced to a young moon. The monthly progress on the growing moon will help for a long time to forget about sick teeth.

The rite is performed on the street when the growing month is visible in the sky. Conspiracy read 3 days in a row. In front of his pronunciation of three fingers draw around the jaw circle, moving clockwise. After that, the text is pronounced:

"Holy Month of Heaven flies, Adam's children observes. Do not hurt in children neither lips, nor bones or teeth. So I would have, God's slave (God's slaves) (own name) , neither lips, nor bones, nor teeth hurt. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

Ritual with door

Pour water into the container, wash your hands in it. Then, wash the same water and the bracket from the entrance door, and after it is pouring it for the threshold. On the cheek, on the side of the sick tooth, the draws of the cross and say magic words:

"Zarya-Zarnitsa, Red Maiden, midnight, hare - in the field, stone - in the sea, at the bottom - Limar. Zarnitsa, the sorrowful sorrowful sorrowfully my teeth from the limar of the damned: they will remain intact under your cover. Leave me, the enemy of Limar; And if you become continuing to nibble my teeth, I hide you in the abyss of the underworld. Father my word! "

On the water from pain in the teeth

Conspiracy is read on the water from the spring (key) or Talua (one can pre-freeze it in the freezer, and if necessary to defrost). Pour water into a glass of faceted glass or crystal, 3 times talk to it, touching the water surface lips:

"4 sisters, Zakhariya da Makariya, Sister Daria da Marya, and sister Ulyana said that God's slave (God's slaves) (own name) The teeth did not hurt and the cheeks did not dwell - the age of the century, from now on and dr. Amen!"

Make a few sips of conspiracy water and will soon feel relief.

From sudden dental pain

Sudden pain

If the dental pain declared itself, read the conspiracy given below. Try until the pain appears. Text:

"Pain run a stupid, pulling, astringent, stitching, butting. Gradually, pain decreases, decreases. The tooth - subsides, subsides, nerve - dies, dies and does not torment me, does not torment me. Amen" (3 times) .

Another plot can be heard in this video:

Fast plot

Read immediately when the appearance of dental pain:

"Cain, Cain, Cain! Assue Abel, his brother of his own: Does your teeth hurt white? No? So let God's slave (God's slaves) (own name) Do not hurt. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen" (3 times) .

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