Conspiracy of Vanga for wealth and good luck in work


The name of the Bulgarian Independent and Healers of Vanga is known to everyone. There is evidence that the famous clairvoyant shared his wisdom with others, but only with those in whom she saw people honest and kind. Many of these people were serious about her advice, carefully recorded and transferred valuable knowledge to their children and grandchildren.

Probably, thanks to this, it was possible to preserve many prayers and conspiracies that used Wanta for treating and helping to all those who appealed to her.


After the death of the Great Provision, most of its conspiracies and prayers began to be considered lost, but the small part of the preserved possesses a truly powerful potential and almost 100% efficiency. Many people they helped to gain health and happiness, get financial well-being and attract good luck.

Still, luck is needed to every person, especially if the strip of bad luck has been established in his life. Conspiracy of Vanga will help eliminate all the troubles, entail positive changes, bring happiness and joy.

How to read prayers and conspiracies

It is not necessary to be afraid to use them - if you are a righteous life, then they will not bring you no harm, but on the contrary, they will go for good. First, choose one of the rituals for yourself - the one most likely to do you like. Carefully read the instructions, prepare everything you need. Ritual accompanying every conspiracy must be performed exactly. I do not advise to retreat from him, because you want a plot to help you?

It will be better if the text of prayer or conspiracy you will learn by heart. In extreme cases, you can rewrite them onto the clean sheet of paper and read it. Performing a rite, do not rush in any case and do not rush. It is better to choose a time when you are calm at the maximum and no one can distract you and interrupt. Check out in every word, please in his meaning, feel what the speech is in the text. The mechanical progress of the text of the desired result will not give.

4 Strong ritual

On the full moon


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This ritual is performed on the full moon. Stand at dawn, type in the pelvic of flowing water and tickle the following words on it:

"Water-driver, my little sister! You have flowed mountains, underground, dark forests and wide fields, where low-meadows, and steep shores, sands and pebbles, earth-mother and clean heavens. Zori did you meet yes the night accompanied, I wash myself and wiladed the sun, was cleared with white light. Both me, the driver, clean, soul, and dirt, soul, soul oho and fill with cleanliness. So that there were my deeds. Chista, the light glowed, and they were full, folded and aroused, but it was filled with luck. Amen".

Copying water will be worked out your face, a towel is not wooing, let the water absorb your skin. Drick also a few drops of water to themselves.

About what this rite did, nobody and never tell.

At the front door

Vangang said that the threshold and the entrance door should always be kept clean, and the dirt scares good luck and does not allow her to enter the house. And one rite of healer preserved, attracting good luck, health, happiness and wealth. It is performed during the growth of the moon.

In the glass container, dial the spring water and tell it:

"How many people will go into my door, I get so much assistants. There are no enemies to the enemy and inhibit my door. How many times will the door be open, the same will come in my house. I misfortune and smear the entrance to my door is not. Health is to the house, happiness - to the house, good luck - to the house, money in the house, wealth - to the house. Let it be. Amen".

Spree the door to the conspiracy of the water from the inside and outside in the form of a cross banner.

Dawn plot

Conspiracy at dawn

The conspiracy is pronounced once a month, during the growth period of the Moon. Climb at dawn, type in a glass of water, dissolve the pinch of salt in it. Speech on the water with salt given below the conspiracy (you need to read it by heart):

"Alaty dawn gets up, the Red Sun will light up the land, the Light of God is illuminating. The Lord of Water sanctifies me (own name) Good luck, delustance and good gives out, from the damning protects and the happiness awards. "

Glass with conspired water, put a place in the place hidden from other people's eyes, it is impossible to cover it. Also, do not allow anyone to pour this water or drank. How the month will pass, pour water to the ground and repeat the ritual with another portion of water and salt.

A few more conspiracies can be seen in this video:

Prayer for good luck and elimination of black stripes in life

Read in the growth phase of the Moon. Stand at dawn, wash the houses everywhere floors. Dirty water spill away from your home. Then they all completely wash, get on clean clothes. Stand in the center of the largest area of ​​the room in your home and read the conspiracy of Vangi by heart and out loud:

Lord Jesus Christ and his waters of St. Nicholas Wonderworker! I appeal to you and help me. The stone in the field is pure lying, no word says, it does not go anywhere and does not lead anyone. Stone - Lying, and I, God's slave (own name) , stand up and go, in the light of white walk and good luck to catch. Good luck, catch in my networks, good luck, go to my hands! Amen!"

After reading the plot, do not sit back. Go somewhere, do something, be careful - fate will give you signs that will become the key to further actions and lead you to good and favorable change in life.

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