Signs of love spell in men and its consequences


Love spell is always a violent suggestion of love feelings. The impact of this ritual in most cases is not noticeable for a perched person. Nevertheless, relatives and close people who have become a victim of the rite can determine his signs without difficulty. The symptoms and signs of the love spell in men and women are equally.

Walking man

Key features

The impact of a probitive rite always aggravates the original shortcomings and vices of the victim. Straight symptoms are:

  1. Irritation and aggressiveness. Manifest themselves first. Walking becomes very irritable, literally finds a reason for the scandal, it breaks away into relatives and loved ones. Any remark about his behavior, hints that he is under the influence of the magical impact, a person perceives inadequately, asks not to interfere with his life and leave him alone;
  2. Weakening health. The trigger strongly undermines the energy protection of the organism, as a result of which the immune system suffers. The victims are exacerbated by chronic diseases, new diseases are developed. Appeal to doctors is often useless, as experts cannot put the correct diagnosis;
  3. Unnatural behavior. Walking forgets about his usual hobbies, his relatives and friends cease, he becomes cold and indifferent to everything and everyone;
  4. High levels of suggestion from the actual person. The executor of the rite becomes the ideal for the awesome. The victim of the love spell takes all the words of the artist as a givenness, does not notice her (his) shortcomings, defends her (his) interests, despite the arguments of others;
  5. Permanent desire for the suspended. The sacrifice literally breaks down the desire to be close to the object of his lust and obsessing sexual thrust to it (to it). Everything changes after intimate contact: it covers a big sense of guilt, devastation, hatred for the customer, the desire to leave her forever (it). However, after some time, the legs themselves again bear the sacrifice to the executor of the rite. This is an endless circle that continues throughout the response time.
  6. Observation object becomes the center of the whole universe and takes all the thoughts and conversations of the victim;
  7. Brieflessness, inability to independent decision-making;
  8. Loss of self-esteem. A person affected by the rite is ready for everything not to lose the object of his reeble. For this, he can go to humiliation and plea, ready to completely change the image of his life;
  9. lack of sexual attraction to other partners of the opposite sex . Only the artist of the rite is wary, other representatives of the opposite sex cease to attract it. If the victim of the ritual is married, then intimate relations with his spouse or spouse are avoiding under any pretext or are at all impossible (especially if the Egypt is made - sexual binding);
  10. Difficulties in the financial and labor sphere. Walking becomes very scattered, often ceases to cope with his direct responsibilities at work, becomes a misinterpretation. All this leads to the deterioration of his position, often ends with dismissal;
  11. Sleep problems: Insomnia, nightmares, erotic dreams with the participation of the customer of the rite.


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The presence of the symptoms listed above for your family or close proof is the spell on it. Do not leave this problem without attention. Remember that your expensive person is in trouble and he must help, until it has become too late.

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Minor symptoms

A love spell, made on a person, often manifests itself with the help of indirect signs of love spell. These include:
  1. Black stripe in life and chronic bad luck - the blows of fate to the address are wary followed by one after another, as if someone suggests him for strength test;
  2. Loss of expensive things as a result of loss or theft;
  3. In married couples - problems with the health of the spouse (spouse) of the awesome, changes in her (his) character and behavior (malice, irritability);
  4. Detection under the door, in the dwelling, in the pockets of the awesome strange items - a subclass (needles, land, salt and so on).

The consequences of love spell

A strong love spell in its influence resembles damage. Men often have problems with potency, women can complain about the problems of the gynecological part. Such a phenomenon is especially happening if the victim subconsciously does not want to be with the customer or performer of the ritual, but his magical impact or forces it to it.

As a result, there is an internal resistance to the influence of the attitude, which takes a lot of strength and energy. Often, the awesome people, not withstanding this, begin to drink alcohol or to take drugs, acquire suicidal inclinations, do not die with their death, as the self-destruction program works inside them.

The consequences of love spell

Almost any maligative action can be removed. Timely detection of symptoms of the attitude greatly simplifies this task. The practicing magician should engage in the removal of the infection. It is not very desirable to do this on your own - due to the lack of magical experience, you can hardly harm.

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