Snower on the guy - the strongest


Love is a sphere where the ball is right. The mind here is moving into the background. That is why it is impossible to fall in love with someone, although it is often that such a desire arises from unrequited lovers. But in such a seemingly hopeless situation, magic with his love rituals can come to the rescue. One of these ways is an inherent. Having made the knife on the guy correctly, any girl will be able to achieve with her mutual feelings.

France on a guy

Soul on the guy: goal, specificity and principle of the rite

The inherent is a kind of love affiliate magic, haunting the goal to cause the victim to the foreman in the artist (or customer) of the ritual. Conspiracies on the infirmation are used if you wish to make the guy bored and think, to wake and strive to be with the one who committed the rite. Soul has a compulsory effect on the will of a young man who has fallen under its influence.

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The points of view of the magicians regarding this ritual will differ. Someone equates an inherent to spoilement, someone considers it not a strong technique. You can make an infrack on the guy in the following cases:

  • If you need to attract the attention of a young man with whom you are not close and not known for a long time, but he awakened amur feelings in you;
  • If you are a member of a young man in a relationship, but feelings from his side succumbed;
  • If there is a probability of the appearance of the rival - to protect relations;
  • If the rival has already appeared and your relationship is on the verge of break.

However, sometimes it can occur so that the rite does not give the desired result, although it was performed correctly. Usually the ritual turns out to be failed if:

  • The guy on which the action is directed by the action of an inferior, possesses a consistent, unsinkable and decisive character. Strong personalities, not accustomed to reckon with the opinion of other people, the influence of the ritual is practically not amenable;
  • The guy you want to inherent in myself, sincerely loves another girl;
  • A young man is aware of your desire to inherent it and consciously has resistance to magical influence.

In such cases, the magic practiced by inexperienced person at home is powerless, and the ritual will be able to fulfill only a professional. In the rest of the other, the kice on the guy turns out to be quite effective. For the implies, it is not necessary to preveign photographs and personal victims from the performer. It turns out the rite and at a distance.

It is not difficult to inherent the guy on its own, but you can not hope only one ritual. When the inherent will begin its action, it is necessary to strive by all forces to keep the chosen next to him. The rite will help you to start a new relationship and strengthen the old, but it will not replace a full-fledged spell.

How to independently inherent guy: simple and productive ways

Soul on the towel

Soul on the towel

Invite a guy to visit us under any pretext, offer tea. Let him wash his hands and wipes a towel. The towel immediately after that is removed - it is impossible for someone to take advantage of them. Choose a good time, tie a towel by a node and start it until it has time to dry. Conspire text:

"My pens was smelled - she was legit about the towel. Towel I will spin - the heart is cumbersome. The towel is raw - for me the soul of cute whit. To dry the towel - sigh in love with me. Towel I hide - I will flip my cute. The towel will not be unleashed - my love will show me. "

Corrected towel hide in a safe place. Do not unleash it and never deliver if you want to keep your loved one next to you.

Plot in the back

This plot can take advantage if your favorite guy began to look at another girl. Read it 3 days in a row in the back of the chief:

"Brother's thistrels, behind God's slave (guy's name) Stand up, go for him, wander behind him, whisper him in my back, my name, God's slaves (own name) In the heart to put it. Step into a step, next to the trail, do not leave, do not lag, remind me about me. So that I knew my name, I remembered and never forgot. My word will not pass. Amen - 3 times ”.

After pronouncing the conspiracy, go to the crane immediately, open the water and keep your hands under it for 3 minutes. The chosen one must soon forget the rival and stay with you.

Slice on the chief chief

The text of the inherent is pronounced on the trail left by a guy (on Earth, in the snow, from dirty shoes, from wet and bass legs and so on). It sounds as follows:

"Following the trail of God's slave (guy's name) The trouble is stuck. Name is her longing. In his footprint it came, I was filtered into my slaves. Like the dog faithful to the owner, behind the owner the mark on the trail runs, let God and God (guy's name) In the footsteps follow me, it does not turn anywhere, it does not go anywhere. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

France in the Sun.

Solar magic

The rite is performed in the morning when the sun is just starting to go up. The performer should get up to the luminaries face, and then, how the first rays will begin to appear, pronounce:

"Sun spell to the soul (Selected Name) To my soul sought. How the lights of the world are lit, and your thoughts are sent to me. (Selected Name) . As nothing without the sun can no longer, so you (Selected Name) , you can not live without me. "

It is impossible that the ascending sun closes with clouds or clouds until it comes out due to the horizon completely. Therefore, hold a rite on a clear day when a hint of cloudy will not be in the east. There is a bad number in an odd number, it is impossible to take more than 3 attempts. If the rite will not work with the third time, then his repetition does not make any sense.

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