Ostudude guy from the girl at home


Love is a phenomenon that interses many shades of feelings. Often, she gives us a lot of surprises: then a love triangle is formed, then the obstacle object does not correspond to reciprocity, then the longing torment the heart after parting with a loved one - situations can be a lot.

Frozen heart

Magic offers its own solutions to the matters of heart difficulties. Well, if love is painting and gives the feeling of endless happiness. Another thing, if it is an unpredictable feeling of nothing but suffering and hopelessness does not give. In this case, Magic offers to read closing rituals, among which the edge is one of the popular, especially among female people.

Ostud - a ritual from the discharge discharge magic, aimed at cooling one person to another and, as a result, facilitating spiritual pain or a loving relationship. Most often in this ritual, female faces are addressed. The guy's edge can be applied from a girl in several cases:

  • to get rid of the rival applying for your cavalier;
  • to get rid of the attention of the unworn heart and annoying Uhager;
  • To remove the love melancholy from themselves, if you broke up with your beloved, but feelings for him still torment the soul;
  • To get rid of an unwanted love connection when relationships with a guy can be dangerous for the girl.

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Never use a cooling to cool the guy from the girl, which he sincerely loves. Trying to destroy other people's strong and happy relationships, you risk drawing on yourself trouble. Remember: Ostud in this case, most likely, it will not work, but rollback (often in the form of damage) in your address you will fully. There is no coercion without consequences. Therefore, before turning to this rite, think about your step a hundred times. Apply magic only in the most extreme case, and best of all will be, if you ask for help from a professional.

What do you need to know to fulfill the coercion?

The guynn of a guy from a girl, like any disguise ritual, is carried out at a decreasing month. A greater force is characterized by rituals made from midnight to 3 o'clock in the morning (the so-called "Witch Hour").

Secrets of Ostudy

To the edged ritual you need to carefully prepare: to get all the necessary attributes in advance, 3 days to follow the post. The rite is carried out in complete loneliness and is preserved in secret - it is impossible to someone know about him. The performer of the ritual must dissolve the hair, remove all the decorations, put on the most simple clothes without fasteners and do everything exactly according to the instructions (retreat from it, to miss something - it is impossible).

Methods of coast guy from the girl at home

Ostudy by photography

The rite is carried out on a decrease in a month, in an odd number. For its implementation, prepare: a photograph of a guy (fresh, not older than 1 year), a white candle (1 large or 4 small), glass container with water (vase, glad), scissors, needles, white cloth flap, white sewing threads. Procedure:
  1. Stay alone, focus on your thoughts, think about your decision to make an edge, make sure that you need this step and you will never regret it.
  2. Light a candle (candles), set it a container with water, take a guy photo.
  3. Loskut fabric beds, put a photograph of a young man on it, cross the photo with the help of a candle, uttering: "As the Moon, the Kruglitisaya leaves the skies, as this flame will go out, so love leaves you, (The name of the girl from which the guy needs to cool [Next - the name of the girl])) From memory goes out. "
  4. Take a needle in your hands, heat her over the candle flame, say the conspiracy given below, touch the needle of all 4 photographs, then stole a place between the eyes of a young man. Words that need to pronounce before: "The sword is burning, the flame of holy all feelings for (girl name) , all thoughts about (girl name) all dreams about (girl name) From you burning. Do not think more about her, do not love her. "
  5. Cut the thread of an arbitrary length from the scum, over the entire length, skip it through the needle-minded ear with the words: "As no knots on a thread and how it easily passes through the needle steel, so there is no obstacles to you forget (the name of the girl) and break up with it."
  6. Burn the candle on the flame with a thread with the words: "And there is no way to (the name of the girl) and the roads back there."
  7. Candles pay off. All objects used in ritual Put in water container and tell me: "All the water is mocking, the water will get sideway, it will float, against it will not go. Will not (guy's name) be in love (girl name) .

Rustic Ostud

Ritual from the area of ​​rustic magic. It will require nettle (fresh or dry, in extreme cases, the leaves from the pharmacy), the container (pan, pelvis) and steep boiling water.


Pour into the container of steep boiling water, lower the nettle and say:

"Nettle grew, nettle bloom, slave of God (guy's name) Foot. He thought about her, shrouded her day from day. Shower passed, the nettle wet, the memory of God's slave (guy's name) to God's slave (the name of the girl from which you want to cool) cooled. The leaves were called - and itching passed, and lobby. The pain was gone, and love was gone with her. "

The ritual is held 7 days in a row, as decreasing a month. Time - as soon as midnight breaks on the clock. Never need to take a new one, and from the received infusion after the rite get rid of.

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