Conspiracy on the cutting and separation of two people


Conspiracies for people racing to some extent can be attributed to disguise magic. Razorka causes a strongest disorder in relations between people and often leads to separation. The ceremonies on the quarrel are most often used in dark magic, and therefore can lead to negative consequences. Therefore, it is very important to know all the subtleties of working with them, the principle of their action before performing them on their own.

Razorka Male and Women

The concept of cutting, species and appointment of the rite

Razorka is a magical impact on people in the energy level, as a result of which their relationship and disorder deteriorate. Depending on the conspiracy applied, the rackers can lead to a cold indifference, a large quarrel or strongest hatred.

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Razorka is two types:

  • Random - reminds the evil eye, which arises when the third face is too admiring the harmonious relations of two people or envies them;
  • Focused - is part of black magic and performed intentionally.

Random strains are characterized by a weaker action, they are easier to remove. The purposeful conspiracy with the removal is of great difficulty, therefore, to the independent execution of this rite, I advise you to approach with the maximum responsibility, to thoroughly think about it and weigh your decision.

Conspiracy on separation can be used to eliminate the rival and returning a husband to the family, to destroy marital relations, for deterioration or breaking friendships, in the business sector (embroil business partners, for example). Remember that such rituals are fraught with risk to roll back. Use conspiracies to the strainer only in case of extreme need.

Conspiracies on separation for all occasions

On black wool

The ritual refers to strong, remove it is not the lungs. Conspiracy is read at the Luna decrease phase, as it provides for the complete destruction of ties between people. For the rite, prepare on the shower of the wool of black dog and a black cat, also a black woolen thread.

Animal wool tie with black thread by reading a plot:

"How the cat with a dog cannot live together, bite, fight and hate each other, let the slaves of God's (the names of those who need to embroil) They swear, call and fight. Amen!"

Conspiring and tied with thread wool thumps to the house of those people on whom the action of the ritual is directed. If you get to throw the attribute inside the house, the result will be even stronger. The first exploration fruits will appear for several weeks.

For raking on the dry branch of aspen

The purpose of the ritual is to build and separate two people, bring their relationship to parting. A rite of decreasing month is carried out. For holding requires a dried oskin branch. With a branch, they approach the house of the victims of the ritual, break it into two parts and pronounce a conspiracy:

"Do not be together God's slaves (the names of those who need to embroil) Just as the aspen do not grow now. You are now the road to disperse and never get together! "

A plot is read 3 times, after which the performer must leave without looking back. The broken branch is thrown into the reservoir. The ritual will immediately begin its action, the first results are noticeable for several weeks.

For briefing friends

The ritual is performed at midnight, at the loss phase of the moon. It will take photos of friends who need to quarrel, and a black candle.

Razorka between friends

Light a candle, direct all your negative emotions in the photo, all anger and hatred so that negative energy is transferred to those depicted on the photos.

At the same time, read a plot:

"Like you, (friends' names), friends and comrades, went everywhere together, sorrow and joy were divided among themselves. From now on, and forever you do not sit together, do not look at each other, not to be, not to be, not to drink, but only the enemies go. Amen!"

After the conspiracy is pronounced, the photos of comrades need to break into small nurses and burn candles on the flame. Razorka will immediately begin to influence the friendly relations of the victims.

For separation of girlfriends

The rite can be performed at any time of the day as decreasing month. You will need photos of girlfriends and a candle (preferably black). Light a candle from the match, fold the photographs to each other face and adjust them from the flame of the candle. As soon as they ignite, read the plot:

"Ishna-Apa, I am absolceing your power. As these faces are burned, and each other will be hated with your help. Let it be so and it will be, let the hatred only be among them. And you use them, as it flies, - I will not mind. "

Repeated a conspiracy 3 times. Stayed after the burning ash from photographs need to be collected and put on the wind on the street. Remains of the candle also dispose of.

On needles

Conspiracy on the needle

The ritual is performed at sunset, in a deserted place, 3 times in a row - on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. For its implementation, prepare 7 new needles and balls of black yarn (the whole set - in three copies, i.e. 21 needle and 3 tangle), as well as nippers.

Drop a small hole, bitching from the needles of the ears and throw them into the hole. The needles stick into the ball and also lower the hole in the dug. Jam fall asleep the earth and read the conspiracy 3 times:

"When the ears towards the needles will grow it back, then only the slave of God (male name) and the slave of God (female name) will be together. Then they will only find peace, they will wait for each other and will love again. And until then, they do not together, do not get along and not to love, quarrel and fight, do not forgive and not calm down. So be it! Amen!"

Using the words of the conspiracy, focus as much as possible at its desire to embroil two people, to invest all negative emotions into the rite. Very soon you will notice its result.

Another way to straight onions Look in the video:

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