Love spell on the pin - 3 reliable ways


The English pin is small, but extremely useful in everyday life. An excellent assistant this subject can be in various magical rituals. The classic example, which you probably heard and even may have used themselves, - the use of pins from the evil eye. This subject is not only a strong guard from every negative, but can serve the service and in the matters of heart.

Love spell on the pin - 3 reliable ways 7958_1

Privors to the pin are considered one of the most ordinary love rituals, and to fulfill them even far from magic to a person. Want to learn to perform this kind of ritual? Then read the article further and absorb the necessary information. And let the small needle help you to find the relationship that you dreamed about.

Magic properties of pins

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A classic pin, as a rule, made of metal, and this material can produce energy positive or negative, and then, when touched, transmit it. According to this principle, its English sister acts.

The symbolic meaning that is attributed to it and thanks to which it is used in magic, it comes from its device: on the one hand, the pin is on the pin, on the other - the rounded end. The energy that the pin accumulates is spread into the environment through its sharp end. Therefore, the pin can also be applied to harm, and to protect - depending on the wishes of the one who commits a magical ritual.

How to avoid negativity?

Most often, the pin is used as the overag from the evil eye and damage, as well as in love magic. Thanks to magical properties, it is popular in magic and white, and black. A favorite attribute of the thing and the magic of Gypsy. However, to refer to the latter, I extremely not recommended to you - the Gypsy rites mostly belong to the category of black - their use of an ordinary person can turn into dangerous consequences.

Love spell on the pin - 3 reliable ways 7958_2

  • If the spell is an acute necessity, stop better on the rituals from Arsenal White Magic - so you will maximize yourself and the object of the attitude from possible danger.
  • It is impossible to contact the magical ritual of curiosity, from revenge, from selfish or mercenary purposes. The reason for the application of the attitude should be really serious.
  • The strongest results gives a probitive magic practiced on the growing moon.
  • Any spell requires a clear following instruction.
  • The ritual must be performed alone and in silence. It is impossible to tell anyone about him.
  • Faith to its success is an important component for obtaining the desired result.

How to make a love spell on the pin?

I bring to your attention three% and simple recipe for love spell.

Method number 1 - for unmarried on 7 pins

Prepare 7 pins. Open one of them and place under the threshold of your favorite person (under the rug, for example). When the chosen one will step over this pin, get it back, close and read the following plot:

"Let all your words be, (Selected Name) , only about me, (own name) . Let only I (own name) I will thoughts (Selected Name) . Let our fate alike, let our union grow up every year. Amen!"

The next day, the ritual is repeated with the second pin, on the third - with the third and so on, until all 7 pieces are conspired (7 days). After you complete, all pins collect in the bag and at the dawn of the eighth day, jump, but in such a place where no person comes on them.

Method number 2 - on candles, matches and needles

For ritual prepare 1 pin, 3 candles (and pin, and candles should be new), matches and personal item chosen. Buy candles on Thursday, and hold the ritual on Tuesday, from 12 to 14 hours. When buying pins and candles, pay the seller an accurate amount so that there is no passing.

At the appointed time, put candles on the table, stick to the middle pin. Candles will burn. As soon as the fire comes to the pin, read the plot:

"I fell sainted fire, filled with my love. As a pin, a cute joke - so he will only love me, the rest will hate everyone. Amen "- 3 times .

Then the pin you will need to stick into the personal thing of your beloved person.

Method number 3 - Returns husband by wedding things

This ritual will help to return a spouse in his family who left for his mistress (no matter, at its own request or as a result of the attitude made by the opponent).

Prepare pins, rushnik or any other thing from your wedding, 1 church candle, icon "Seven Street". The number of the pin is calculated by the following formula: the number of years lived with the spouse + the number of years that still want to live with her husband in marriage.

Love spell on the pin - 3 reliable ways 7958_3

Exactly at midnight, in the pitch darkness, burn the candle and 12 times quickly read the prayer "Father Our". Ruster spread to the floor, stand up with his knees, take in the hands of the pin (by the number of years already lived with my husband) and secure them with each other, reading the spell:

"Pins converge, my husband does not divorce. Come, husband, hug me. Who wishes my word, the one in the century does not exist from the fire. As stated, and done! "

Next, take the second game of the needles by the number of years that you still want to live in marriage with your husband, and build them with the first part. Action accompany the plot:

"Lived (number) years with her husband (Name of the spouse) , I will live as much as happiness and love. Scandals and grief, leav for the oceans, in the deaf cetal, in the forest darkness! So be it!"

After creating all the pins, hide them for the "Seven Stracean" icon. Let them stay there constantly.

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