Singness from rival at home


Sisting is another popular rite from the category of love magic. Refers to the arsenal of the so-called "rustic" magic. The ritual "Samushka" was popular in ancient Russia - women practiced them regardless of the degree of ownership of carriage knowledge.

This ritual is distinguished by the simplicity of performance, does not require any unreal attribute, and therefore, even a person far from magic can cope with him. My task this time is to tell you that hence hence and how it can be done personally.

Sweetheart and Ostuda

The soul is called a slight method of energy impact, used to get rid of the unnecessary heart of feelings. The task of this ritual is to "squeeze", that is, to overcome one person from the other.

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Often, the soul is confused with another magic ritual, close to action, goals and task, - edge.

  • Singness is a weaker way in its impact. Directed on the removal of physical binding.
  • Ostud - a ritual with a stronger effect. The main goal is to cool the feelings between two people and destroy love.

The hence is committed at a decrease in a month and more often is a short conspiracy, which is read on drinking or photo of the victim. Sometimes candles may need (better buy them in the church), the knife (new, not used).

Who will help hence?

Of course, the speech loses to the coordination with the fact that its result is characterized by a smaller force and cannot boast of durability. However, the negative consequences of this rite (and they always have) are extremely small and are not very dangerous. The soul may even play positively, if it, for example, will hold a wife to protect marriage from someone else's encroachment (rival, lover). In this case, the rite will qualitatively affect the marital relations.

The hence can be carried out with the purpose of getting rid of the courting of an annoying cavaller or from the attention of the attachment of the maiden. You can apply the ritual to your address, if you don't want to suffer from unrequited love or handle other people's relations, - in this case, the rite will help calm the storm of emotions and gain harmony.

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Intruter I do not recommend applying a hash with respect to two loving people if you want to achieve the location of one of them. Railing, for example, a young man with his beloved girl or husband with his wife, you risks get a powerful rollback and deplorable consequences. Are you ready for the very victim of the rite to hate you, will become aggressive and irritable, indifferent and apathetic, will be addicted to alcohol and will acquire suicidal inclinations? Scary, isn't it?

Then do not interfere, based on your own egoism, in the relationship of two loving people, do not disturb the natural course of things created by nature. Otherwise, everything in this life will have to pay (and your descendants will be paid for your acts).

Singness: What to take into account when making a rite?

All peys, regardless of the species, are carried out with the same rules. The difference can only be in artifacts and instructions.
  • Do there with a period of decreasing moon (so that the feelings are also reduced).
  • Cut the ritual alone. About rite no one should know, it is impossible to tell about him too.
  • Suskend takes place at night when the victim is sleeping and will not be able to resist the actions of the witchcraft forces.
  • Pick the conspiracy correctly - the result directly depends on it. Spell text learns by heart.

In general, everything is extremely simple. However, I immediately want to warn it: if you want to return to the husband's family, using a hasty from my mistress, and at the same time suspect that the rival has taken the spouse with the help of love spell, then souls, alas, it will not help. It is powerless in this case, since the spell has a more powerful impact.

It will be possible to achieve the desired only after making a challenge, to trust which is better than a professional. Alone with the task of this you can hardly handle - just risk harm even more.

How to make a ritual yourself?

Method number 1 - Sweet photo

For the rite you will need a joint photo. It must be broken in half, "separating" the pictures of the pictures of the pictures, after which it is burned on the flame of a white candle (female half is burned). In the process of burning to repeat the conspiracy:

"Together they went on one way, and before the development reached, they went away. Amen" - 3 times .

Method number 2 - on potatoes

The rite is performed using potatoes - crude (necessarily), it must be thrown into boiling water, but dissolve. Then take a piece of a tissue of blue or white color, put a vegetable on it and closed firmly. Washaty, Sign:

"Love is carrots, and dislike - potatoes. Like potato rotakes decomposes and the union Disintegrate. "

The resulting nodule with potatoes inside must be buried in the forest or in the garden. It is necessary to do it in full moon.

Method number 3 - on wine

Sweat on wine

Wine will speak with the help of the spell below, cross it and let me have a drink to whom you want to "disobey."

"I will not bless it. I will go without crossing. I will not come out with the doors of these - I will come out a log basement, I will go out by the path of the mouse, I will go to the east of the far. Tyne stands there, the house in this is worth it, the oven stands in the house, in the oven this fire burns, the century does not subscribe. Cat and dog on this furnace are sitting. They are fighting, they argue and scratched, washed blood, they do not meet the eyelid - as well as (name the names of those whom you want to overcome apart) «.

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