Energy bindings between a man and a woman


Love between two people is an amazing feeling and beautiful when it is mutual. Well, if your favorite person does not meet reciprocity, the whole world fade, becomes gloomy and unlucky. What to do in this case?

Lower your hands, you always have time to despair. I am sure that the location of the desired person and retaliatory feelings can always be achieved, it is worth only competently use the huge arsenal of funds, which provides us with practical magic. And today I want to talk to you about such a magical impact on the desired person, like an energy binding.

Types and features of bindings


Energy Binding is a kind of love spell acting at the energy level . Energy binding implies the impact on the heart and sex chakra (individually or at the same time). As a result of this, the ceremony of the victim is not overloading the victim and changes and it changes in such a way that a person feel begins the need for the constant presence of the actual one.

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By the deadlines, 3 types of bindings are distinguished:

  1. Short-term: Act a few days - a few months.
  2. Prolonged: Act a few months - a few years.
  3. Lifetime: Act the whole life of the victim.

The advantage of this magical ritual lies in the fact that it is quite easy to achieve sincere interest from his beloved person without laying a negative program in his biofield.

The rite helps to deal well with their feelings to the chosen or chosen. During the commission, a person begins to see his own experiences in a completely different way, assesses their depth, thanks to which he manages to realize that the hidden motives of his feelings are.

It often happens that allegedly "unrequited love", from which the customer of the energy binding is tormented, is not at all a strong sense, but banal passionism or love. It helps to let him go all the alarms and make it again with full breasts in anticipation of Love New - Light, real, mutual.

What to take into account in the ritual to avoid consequences

Energy binding - the ritual is quite complex. The man who spends it should:

  • be able to visualize;
  • be able to concentrate on the desired result;
  • have generation skills;
  • Be able to direct a huge amount of energy.

Energy centers

If you want to achieve a 100% result, then you'd better contact a master who knows how to work with energy. Energy - the substance is quite unpredictable. By ordering it wrong, you can generate a negative energy that will not lead to the desired result. Moreover, it can give a rollback, negatively reflected both at you and on your chosen one, causing serious consequences. So that this does not happen, the rite must be done with all the instructions.

I will give a list of important conditions for those who personally decided to make this rite:

  • Conduct a ritual in a secluded place - you do not need something that bothered you, someone distracted.
  • Take the most convenient position, try to relax and start meditating.
  • Take care in advance that you have a photo of a person who you intend to Walk: This will help you brightly and clearly present an image of the one, will allow you to tune in one with him a wave.
  • Perform a ritual on the growing moon so that the result is maximum.
  • Make a rite late in the evening, ideally - after midnight, when the victim is sleeping and is in a relaxed state. This will help to carry it out much more efficiently and reduce the ability to resist from its part.
  • For performance, conduct a rite for several days in a row (from 3 to 7) at the same time.
  • Do not forget to visualize a mentally ready-made result, draw a happy paintings of living together in my head. It is from this that the positive outcome of the energy binding directly depends.

Now that the general idea of ​​the ritual has happened to you, I want to give an example of the energy binding that you can do yourself.

How to make binding

I recommend this binding to do before bedtime, preferably after 11 hours. The best result is achieved from the ritual conducted in the third lunar day (its powerful energy).

Soul man

Lie on the bed and relax the most. To quickly achieve this, you can include relaxing music, light the aromas. As soon as you manage to get rid of thoughts about the day, you will feel ease in the body, start working with your imagination.

  1. Clearly imagine your loved one (you can take advantage of his photo).
  2. Imagine your soul separating from your body and enjoying the chosen body.
  3. You are now he now. Feel in the new body yourself. Feelings should give you joy, comfort, warmth and love.
  4. As soon as the sensations have achieved the highest point and you will get used to a new body, try to influence it mentally. You should have to influence the elected mood, inspire his will and desires to him.
  5. Working with the thoughts of the chosen one, go to your body. Imagine your shower returns back, and your body is enveloped with a golden ball.

I recommend this binding to do 3 nights in a row. The first fruits may already appear the next day. The speed of achieving the desired depends entirely on the correctness of the execution of this exercise.

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