White love spell on love men - white magic at home


Love magic people since ancient times used people to achieve their goals in personal life. And if some rituals abused the victim of the desire or intention of the customer (or Magazine), others caused a response in a natural way, gently and not harm. I'm talking about magic white now. White love spells, which are part of it, can become a worthy replacement for black ways, which make in themselves many dangers and often lead to negative consequences (therefore, only a professional should be done).

Benefits of white magic

A white love spell on the love of a man is based on addressing the light forces of nature, to God - for this reason he is non-violent, does not cause negative consequences and initially aimed only to bring good. It is held only with positive intentions and can be used if desired:

  • return your beloved or beloved;
  • cause love interest;
  • awaken passion;
  • return mutual understanding and harmony in relations, in the family;
  • To revive fading feelings and much more.

White Magic

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Such love spells do not suppress the consciousness of the affected - they only serve as a light shock that helps the thoughts and feelings of the object to send to the right direction. They usually cause sincere interest in the storm, make the meeting with him and get joy from this. With the help of white magic, proximity is created between two people, emotional and spiritual, - due to this, and new relationships are being built or transformed.

White magic works by the method of prayers and conspiracies, and also uses the best feelings, including a wonderful sense of love. If your feelings for chosen or choices are really clean and sincere, deprived of egoism and careful, then you will be able to make a white spell without much effort yourself. And I will tell you how it is held, let's give general recommendations.

What to take into account when making a rite on a beloved man?

As I already noted, this spell does not cause negative consequences, acts without harm. The only undesirable outcome - it may not work if it was conducted with errors. Therefore, when performing this love ritual, it is necessary to strictly adhere to its instructions. And you should consider some factors that have a direct impact on the future result. What - list in order:

  • Before making a white love rite, free your head from bad and unclean thoughts. In no case, do not allow thoughts of harm to your beloved, about his coercion to what you want to get.
  • Visit the church in front of the rite or choose in the Lono of Nature - stroll through the place where you feel as comfortable as possible. Relax, Clean thoughts from the negative, absorb the positive energy of nature.

White love

  • Attributes for white love spell: candle - only white or wax, consecrated in the church; Water - consecrated in the church or taken from pure and strong natural sources (spring, key); Salt is consecrated.
  • It is possible to spend a white spell on a growing moon; In general, in this case, the moon phase has no significant value.
  • So that your actions were in unison with the energy being trained, take care that you have his photos (only fresh).
  • When the ritual is perfect, do not shift all the responsibility only to magic - work on yourself and your relationship, and the bright power of good will help you. The fact is that white magic, providing help, gives you another chance, and only depends on you, you will be able to use it or not.
  • Do not be afraid to repeat the ritual if the heart suggests that it will be appropriate and true.

That's all. We now turn to the practical part and consider several ways of the love spell of white magic at home. I remember again:

Act with love and good, do not allow negativity into your thoughts.

Two ways of white love spell at a distance

Method number 1 - on rods from a broom

It will take 2 twists from the usual broom to sweep the floors in the house. They need to break down and overwhelm with each other, at the same time, how your destinies and lives are associated and connected. The power of magic depends on the brightness and clarity of your thoughts and fantasies about the joint future - the clearer the picture is the stronger the effect.

You can help conspiracy or prayer, for example:

"The gossip of a twist is binding of fate. Mutual love and happiness (own name) with (Selected Name) wish. Let us always with each other, and never break. Let it be So".

Twisted twigs are put to the threshold of the chosen one or under the threshold. If you live together, the twigs are placed under the threshold of its apartment or at home, as an option - under the door rug. The validity of the ritual is 2-3 months, then you can repeat.

Method number 2 - on church candles

White love spell on church candles

  1. Go to church, pray, buy three candles and type holy water.
  2. Having come home, sprinkled the corners in the house with water.
  3. Take the candles: on the first write the needle your name, on the second - the name of the chosen one, on the third - the word "fate" (this is a symbol of your joint fate and life).
  4. Mine candles in hand to soften wax, and then twist them with each other.
  5. Binding, Think of a joint future, filled with sincere and good feelings.
  6. After completing, install the composition from the candle on the table in the middle of the room (where you live or meet your loved one) and burn them. Look at their flame, thinking about the bright future, wait for the candles completely, let go of your thoughts.

A short interview of the famous magician about "white love spells":

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