Magic ritual Privota


A love spell is a conscious, special influence of energy on a biocole of a different personality in order to actively awaken mutual feelings in it (by strong Voodoo magic, reading special conspiracies for love, other ways of ordinary witchcraft or other psychological techniques). The magic ritual of the attitude is very unusual in its essence and has a huge number of features.

What does the subject of the attitude feel? Many ways are based on the process of combining energy flow (male and female biopoles) by some appliances "overlay."

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The fact is that such magic - Pick about two ends, which can affect two sides.

  • In the first couple of days and the one who ordered the sentence, and the one to whom he is directed can feel Reinforced heartbeat (at black spell - Before the feeling of complete arrhythmia, it is possible to breathe with great difficulty, especially in the morning time), and even high activity in terms of movements (the desire to constantly run, scream and jump) at the time of the "imposition of love spell" (since double energy requires a strong output). In addition to the rapid heart rhythm, in the first day after the imposition of the attitude (changes in human energy, embedding) is also likely a fleece shiver (and unclear for man insomnia), strong burning inside, feeling, "when the whole body is lomit" (in the absence of other pains). Later, such symptoms can leave and do not repeat.
  • Salted during communications can be formed Feeling elevated joy and "turbidity in the head" in the presence of a customer nearby, Enhanced sexual attraction , as well as some particularly pronounced modified states of consciousness (such as trance, strong love or the initial stage of intoxication).
  • "White" love spell Stimulates the process Heated warmth and caress, love and adoration (As during the special activity of the brain cortex zones, which are responsible for acceptance and approval, love, feeling of kinship and unity).
  • Black Love which originates from the principle of "harness", works differently: without it it is difficult, and with him (customer) - even more difficult. Stress and real anxiety , weakness, as well as strong hair loss, nail fragility, frequent ORZ, malicious irritation: All this is just some features of black love spell.
  • And if the average methods work in a similar way with alcohol or well-selected spirits (like a "perfumer" cinema), then Zombie causes a person to constantly stay with the customer, Without changing anything within himself: the recipient always feels like "something is wrong." Of course, no real relationship with this position will be released.

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What are lovers for?

Most often love spells are carried out with the purpose of once and for all Return once destroyed or lost relationships . It can use different witchcrafts (for example, a conspiracy for love), which is aimed exactly to return the person. The result of this conspiracy can be achieved due to the fact that it strengthens the existing energy companies. And the smaller time of time passed from the moment of parting, the easier it is to return their own relations with the help of the means of love.

Term of action Privota

  • The fastest and most reliable result can give that spell that was spent within a month or two From the moment of the break of people. In such situation The effect can be seen already a week later. After conspiracy.
  • If since the break passed Less than six months , then resume the former passion will also be quite satisfying, but much more forces may be needed for a refund, and The result of this kind of magic will not be noticeable immediately.
  • If you exercise a spell almost a year later After people have broken the relationship, the appearance of a visible effect of such a conspiracy may need A couple of months.
  • Critical validity period - from 9 to 12 months : When there is no communication between these two people, or the beloved person has feelings for a different girl (this means that his point of attention is no longer focused on the customer), or he does not want to communicate. For example, due to the resentment. Indeed, personal contact and meetings are the most important factor for the realism (without it the opportunity to succeed).

Love spell - This is a very difficult phenomenon, which is influenced by a huge number of factors: it is the lunar stage at the moment of conspiracy, and the energy combination of the pair, as well as a prerequisite condition for communication ("to glue two broken surfaces, they need to contact"). In short, the energy control is obliged to interact.

The deadlines that are indicated above are quite relative (sometimes and without communication, a person can give in to a spell in a few days).

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Rules and effects

In order to correctly reveal how reliable will one or another way of love spell or a conspiracy in a specific situation, and how much how much to expect the result, follows Conduct divination Before the start of the insight. Need to explore in detail Aspects of such relationships To predict whether the conspiracy will be effective and how large the magic in such a state of affairs is correct.

Love spell, which is based on the connection of energy steels, begins to work - provided not very rare and personal interaction with the involved - throughout day-three (In a variety of situations, approximately 70%).

With the help of the vigor, you can not only return, but also create relations . So often make in situations with unrequited love. Love magic is able to help and in such a situation. Witchcraft can create love and curiosity in the soul of a person who did not seem cold so long ago. This very spell gives impetus to the course of events for the development of relationships. The fact of communication in this situation is necessary. After all, besides magic, people are obliged to see each other.

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