How to wander the guy, who likes to do?


Great feeling in our life is love. Wars were committed in the name of love, the mountains were folded, raised arrogant actions. But in our time it often happens that our potential second half does not respond to us.

Immediately magic will help you attract the attention of your loved one. If you agree with the statement that in war, all means are good (and love is a kind of "war"), we will tell the ways to shit a guy at a distance that you can use at home (by the way, they will come for the love spell of the girls).

Love spell - faith in victory, mood for love!

Magic ritual

After resorting to such a serious step, you must give a serious report to your actions. Make love spells it is impossible.

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Lovely guy is not only a consistent pronunciation of certain wordforms and phrases, they are usually distinguished by the strength of exposure and consequences. The last inevitably, we are dealing with bright or dark magic.

Differences of white and black love spell - What is safer?

In both cases, as they say, there is! There are lines in the texts of the dark lines that say that the object of our desire to which the ritual is carried out should dry, suffer, experience some discomfort and irresistible craving for us (customer).

As for the bright ways of love, in them, wordforms are directed solely on the call of sympathy (more "gentle" manifestation rather than in the case of dark magic). Therefore, the consequences for both people are the customer and the person who is imposed by a ritual is minimal. In any case, when applying magic to the person, the process of destroying the internal "I" of the representative: the manifestation of aggression, depression, often alcoholism is inevitable.

But in just our time there is a time, our feelings, like time, are fleeting, we change, our sympathies change, perhaps later we will meet that person who will be their own inner world.

In such cases, you need to fully immerse yourself in feelings, but at the same time with our pleasure and peace of mind somewhere there, at a distance, another person will suffer (on which we have previously frivolously imposed a love spell). Therefore, hitting a guy, you commit a serious step in which the frivolity is extremely dangerous!

There are several ways to shit a guy or a boy liked:

Love spell at the threshold with a broom

Ritual, perfect at the threshold. A simple spell on a favorite guy at home, at which a broom is taken, 2 pntures come from it. Runs take in hand, looking at them, we exclude thoughts about outsiders and think only about your loved ones, about the feelings that you want to awaken in it.

The focus is on your thoughts, because directly from them depends on the further development of the event and the attitude of the guy to you. Thoughts must be positive, blond.

Then we read any prayer, in which the use of the name of the beloved guy is necessarily. When midnight comes, the twigs fold the cross on the cross at the human threshold on which a spell is made, so that he stepped over them when it goes out.

How to shock a guy on milk

Privors imposed on liquid. You need to turn to light forces, that is, black magic is excluded. Consider how to shim the guy on milk.

Invite the object of their feelings warm milk, saying the text of the conspiracy in advance. You need to transmit the energy of the drink by investing in reading prayer all your love for the guy and bright feelings. Then overflow your drink in a beautiful glass and let me drink your beloved. It is necessary to fulfill the ritual once, but if you doubt, the spell can be spent 3 days in a row.

Conspiracy on love longing (without a photo)

Rituals causing love longing. A simple event in which the girl, looking into the window, utters 9 times the rows:

"The Slave of God (name), go to my threshold, my palace, to my threshold on my tracks. I will not give you anyone. Word, castle, language. Amen".

Love spell on a thread - without consequences

Walking a guy with a thread. The process of a kind is fortune. Motok threads takes, wound on the finger. The entire winding process is accompanied by rows:

"As a thread goes, so you, the slave of God (name), Tomber and sprinkle me, pulling me. As if the icon is praying to the icon, so you will pray for me, so much without me, do not know peace. From now on forever. Amen".

Saying the prayer, remove the thread and wind up again on the tangle. If the thread is not confused, you are doomed to success. If confused, in relations with your beloved there will be a place to quarrels and other problems.

Perhaps the fact that the thread will break, in this case, fate gives you to understand that this young person is not intended for you and you will not be happy. Other rituals in this case only exacerbate the situation, the troubles will be called on your shoulders.

Another very strong way is the guy of a guy on a thread in one week:

At a distance of photos

Magic ritual using photo. It is the most serious spell, since only the image of the beloved gives complete information about the person. Noteworthy is the fact that the old photo is, the more weaker the effect of exposure to your future satellite.

Walking a guy who you like, in the photo on the Internet or on your mobile phone will not work. Just pre-print the photo.

In the ritual you need:

  • Photo of a person who will subsequently experience the brightest feelings.
  • Ball pen.
  • Sewing needle.
  • Red thread.
  • Candle from the church.
  • Red matter.

With a photo in the hands of the rows are pronounced:

"As a thread behind a needle stretches and the slave of God (the name of your companion) for me (your name)."

Before reading, you need to write your name and name of your favorite photo. Turning a snapshot to herself, to flash his red thread in the breast area of ​​the narrowed.

In the process of sewing and pronounced the lines of the conspiracy. At the same time, the first stitch must coincide with the last stitch, the needle is turned into your direction. At the end of the rite, the thread is not cut off (a small tip remains, which is tied up with a triple node and flooded with wax).

Words: "Let it be so!" are final.

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