Description of healing yoga yoga for fingers with execution


Wise yoga for fingers are special gestures and body positions that are able to change the mood of a person, as well as the state of his psyche due to the direction of internal energy flows.

Westers allow you to strengthen the concentration of attention or, on the contrary, to relax the body and soothe mind, plus heal the human body from many diseases. In this article we will look at the main healing wise with the photo. But first they deeper a little in the history of the wise.

Historical certificate of wise

The healing practice of wise comes from ancient China and has more than 2000 years. Then people involved in healing believed that in order to maintain the normal vital activity of the body, there is not enough easy food, but a special type of energy obtained from outer space is vital.

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The process of circulating this energy occurs on special channels-meridians, according to which it is distributed over the body, reaching different organs and tissues.

In the same situations where malfunctions occur in the meridians, the energy "feeding" no longer reaches the place that needs it, and as a result of this, the internal organs begin to suffer and work incorrectly. It is due to this happens a number of different factors: negative conditions of the external environment, genetics, frequent stress factors, but the total is always remaining unchanged: there are different planologists in the body.

Through the hands and fingers of the person pass the basic 6 energy channels, which affect such important organs, like: heart, light, brain, liver, spleen, vessel system, thick and delicious intestines. That is why in our hands is hiding such an impressive healing force!

And if you learn how to put hands into special combinations, you can actuate those or other meridians, due to which energy will begin to spread throughout the body, the normalization of the energy flow will occur as a whole, and the affected organs will heal.

Proper execution of wise

Rules for performing wise

A positive point will be that the practice of wise is quite simple, it can easily learn anyone. To do this, just follow certain rules:
  • Perform wise in the peaceful atmosphere, it is important that the face is facing in the eastern direction. If the sharp need arises, the practice of wise and in public places - in parks, in transport, even on the working dining break. The same result brings the execution of a wise in a sitting, standing position and even on the go.
  • Hand hold in a calm, unattended state. Part of the Wise practitioner really do, even without getting hands from pockets on the street or being in gloves. But, of course, it is best to do exercises at home, after preparing to them.
  • Another very important factor when performing a healing wise is the right attitude. So, it is important that, accepting practice, you felt calmly and maintained complete confidence in the positive result. Free your mind from all troubles and disorders, in thoughts ask for you to forgive you all those you could hurt, and yourself sincerely forgive all your offenders.
  • In case you adhere to some religion, before starting the exercises, it is necessary to pray, asking for the highest forces to help for yourself, and at the end of practice, we will definitely thank them for the session.

When wise are used, there is an improvement in energy fluxes not only in human orgiznime, but in all the surrounding reality. This means that thanks to the wisers to really heal other people, even being from them at a significant distance. To do this, you will only need a sincere desire to assist in the needy person.

If at a present interval of time, this person is with you, you need to approach him so as not to attract increased attention to myself, and start practicing the Mudra, which is most relevant.

And staying at the distance, you should simply visualize the image of the person you are interested in, delaying it in thoughts over the entire time of doing this exercise.

When choosing a healing wise, you should not forget that with the help of the exercise you can only eliminate the symptoms, but do not get rid of the root causes of pathology. For example, you can suffer from headaches not only due to increased pressure, but because of the problems with digestion, osteochondrosis and other pathological conditions. Therefore, for a comprehensive impact on his body, you should perform several healing practices in a day.

Examples of healing wise

Now it's time to move to the wisers themselves, the specifics of their use and the peculiarities of the competent execution.

Wise "sink"

A different "Shankha" is also called the attribute of Divine Shiva, the name of Naga-Snake, whose habitat is the kingdom under Earth.

Thanks to this practice, you will be able to get rid of all the pathologies of the throat and larynx, as well as from mastering. In addition, Mudra increases the voting force, thanks to which singers, artists, teachers and speakers should apply for help.

How to perform correctly: You should combine 2 hands, so that the image of the sink is. Four fingers on the right hand hug a thumb on the opposite hand. And with a thumb of the right hand, inhibit the middle finger in the opposite hand.

Mudra sink

"Mudra Knowledge"

Its importance in practice wise is difficult to overestimate. She will save a person from psycho-emotional overvoltage, increased anxiety, anxiety, melancholic states, grief, longing and other depressive states. Plus, its regular practice will very favorably affect the thinking process, improve memory, as well as the concentration of attention.

Another reason to start systematically performing this muder, - the presence of problems with sleep (its absence or, on the contrary, increased drowsiness). With this wise you will be able to reborn again. Practice is popular with many thinkers, philosophers and scientists.

How to perform: combine an index finger and a thumb pad. And those 3 fingers that are not involved, should remain straight and not strained.

"Mudra Sky"

It should be referred to this wise to all those who suffer from the pathologies of the ears, and also has reduced hearing acute. Sometimes this healing practice helps to restore the hearing very quickly, and with a systematic execution, many ears pathologies are practically completely going to no.

How to perform: bend the middle finger and touched his pad to the base of the base of the thumb. Large finger press the middle. All other fingers should be left in a straight and not intense position.

Mudra Sky

"Mudra saving life"

It is a reception of first aid if a heart attack happens.

It is important that you and all people in your environment could perform this wise, because, by making it in time, you can save someone's life.

Indications for this practice is the presence of pain in the heart, heart attacks, heartbeats, discomfort in the heart, anxiety and longing, as well as myocardial infarction.

If you diagnosed the above states, start to perform this wise without deceleration, using both hands at the same time. The state will improve in the shortest possible time, according to its action, the wise is very similar to the dug nitroglycerin tablet.

How to perform: the index finger bends under the angle so that its pad falls on the base of the thumb. At the same time, they also combine the pads of medium, nameless and thumbs, and the little finger should remain unchanged.

"Muds of Life"

Its holding makes it possible to increase human energy, as well as increase the number of personal power. Thanks to this, working capacity increases, the person becomes more vigorous, straight and energetic, feels much better than before.

It is shown to seek help to the wise in cases of increased fatigue, lack of vitality, with poor eyesight, the presence of eye pathologies.

How to perform: Combine the pillows on the nameless finger, the mother's and the thumb, and the remaining fingers do not bend. In the process, two hands are involved at the same time.

wise love

Practicing these wise, you can improve your well-being and healed from various pathological conditions. And more wise you can find in the next video:

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