Wise to attract love: performance technique and examples


What is just not ready to go to women to meet their soul mate. They actively follow their appearance, carefully select the wardrobe, go to fitness centers and are engaged in internal self-improvement. And if all of the above remains unsuccessful, they are sent for help to magicians and fortune telkams so that though thus quickly attract their happiness.

One of the interesting and effective ways to search for men are wise. In this material we will tell you about wits to attract love and their proper implementation.

love in your life will attract wise

What is wisers

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Weshers are special gestures and types of body positions that can lead to changes in mood, mental state and send internal energy streams into the desired channel. Using wise, it becomes possible to concentrate on something or, on the contrary, relaxation, healing of patients or energy "recharging". In addition, the mastering of the wise does not represent special difficulties for a person.

Similar to all spiritual practices, the most suitable sometimes for the execution of a wise is the clock before dawn. At the same time, first should be resorted to warm-up practices (Hatha-yoga), and then perform pranama and meditation, in the process of which wise practiced.

Rules for performing wise

  1. Westers can be done in any places, even in crowded, but the most correct will perform them being alone with them. The wise action will increase if you add meditation to it.
  2. It is important to control your breathing - it must be measured.
  3. Healers argue that it is possible to simultaneously fold several wise wise for 1 session, provided that the number of combinations will vary from two to three.
  4. It is necessary to shoot all the decorations from hand, as they are knocked down the energy streams during the execution of wise.
  5. An important aspect: you must be calm and be in the harmonious state of the Spirit, when folding wise. It is important to be in a good mood, it is holy to believe in the success of your business. At that time you highlight wise to fold, release all problems with concerns and troubles and fully dirty.
  6. For complete moral purification, it is necessary to consult all people who have ever offended, and ask them for forgiveness.
  7. Believers before practice should read the words of prayer. And at the end, another prayer is read - thankful.
  8. Using Pratika Wise, you can assist not only personally, but also someone from your surroundings who need it. At the same time, if this person is near you, you need to approach him and start performing Prakik, without breaking his calm.

And if the person who you would like to help is far away, visualize his image in the most detail and do not let the thoughts about it all the time until we practice.

  1. In a situation where Mudra performs the kid, it is necessary to control that this process brings him pleasure. You never need to make children do similar manipulation by force.
  2. If, fulfilling the practice, you suddenly experience discomfort, immediately stop this process and immediately change the wise to some other.

Wise to attract love: examples

Mudra Lotus.

Lotus in many cultures is associated with cleanliness, happiness, well-being and revival of life. Lotus wise activates the human cordation center.

Mudra Lotus.

Her holding is especially recommended to those people who dream of meeting their soul mate and have strong suffering from their loneliness. The practice of this wise will make you more attractive in the eyes of representatives of the opposite sex.

Proper wise performance:

  • In the chest area, the bases of the palms with the pillows of the little fingers and thumbs are connected on the same hand. Other fingers should be opened like a lotus flower.
  • Hold your hands in this position 4 breathing phases.
  • After that, the hands are folded in the form of a bud so that the pads of opposite fingers on one and the second hand close up to each other. Hands relax. In the described position, the hands should be detained four more breathing phases.
  • After that, the fingers appear again similar to the lotus flower.
  • The number of steam repetition is five to six.

Mudra attracting love

This wise will perform the ideal option for those who dream of falling in love, but in a number of circumstances it does not work. Practice makes more active current of the Energy of Love and awakens warm feelings both personally in you and in your beloved.

Mudra attracting love

Terms of implementation:

  • It is necessary to sit in a comfortable position, while it is important that the back is saved direct.
  • Press the pillows of medium and nameless fingers to one and the second palm. The remaining fingers must be turned upstairs.
  • The elbows are risening to the chest area, practice is performed with eyes closed. It should be lined in such a position no less than two or three minutes.
  • Breathing should be uniform: you should slowly make breaths for eight bills, and then dramatically exhale for one account.
  • When you do this muder, visualize that the warm energy cocoon surrounds you.

Kundalini waders

Its features are becoming clear from the very name: Mudra awakens sexual energy in man. In addition, it will ensure the sensual side, improve intimate relations with a permanent partner. The practice of wisers is suitable and in cases where people for a long time are trying to quickly conceive the kid.

Mudra Kundalini

Performance process:

  • Both hands are compressed in the fists, while it is important too surpassed the area of ​​the brushes.
  • An index finger of the left brush should be pulled up, a fist of the right hand is invested. At the same time, it is important that the tip of the index finger on the left hand tightened to the pillow of the thumb on the right.
  • It is necessary, practicing Mudra, to detain both hands in the abdomen.

Mudra of a successful date

With this practice, you can meet your potential candidate for a place in your heart, as well as spend a pleasant romantic meeting with him, after which, most likely, you will begin a serious and long-term relationship. Mudra contributes to strengthening mutual sympathy, plus provides a durable love union.

Mudra of a successful date

Performance process:

  • Both hands are located in front of them in such a way that the right palm is turned upstairs, and the left - looked down. The tips of the fingers and on one, and in the second hand should be sent towards friend friend.
  • Then you connect the pillows of your fingers on the same hand (the exception is only large), a little rounded palm so that your fingers on the left hand covered the fingers of the right hand.
  • You should also combine the pads of large fingers so that a straight line is formed. Hands should be detained in front of you in a comfortable position for you. Mudra is performed for two or three minutes.
  • And when you will be collected on an important romantic date, follow the practice of wisers for eight to ten minutes. It is also allowed to be unnoticed by the wise and directly during the date of date.

Mudra Ganesh

Ganesh is a deity responsible for wisdom and well-being, as well as a guided with any crisis. In that situation when you fail to build harmonious relationships with the opposite sex, either in the already existing relationship there was a crisis, applying Mudra Ganesh, you will easily accept the right decision and can eliminate the brewing conflict situation.

Mudra Ganesh

Another application of the wise - it will facilitate the disclosure of their feelings relative to a close person if it is not easy for you.

The process of execution of the wise:

  • The right hand bends in the elbow area under the breast so that the palm goes up. Fingers are a little bent.
  • The right hand is bonded with the left, they must be placed in the heart chakra area.
  • Take a breath and stretch your hands on the sides, while maintaining your fingers bonded with each other.
  • Exhale and relax.
  • It is necessary to repeat this wise six times. After this position, the hands are changing (now the left hand will look upstairs), and the wizards are performed six times.

The development of these uncomplicated, but very effective wise will help you quickly meet your second half or strengthen your feelings if you already have a couple.

Finally, we recommend that you view an interesting thematic video:

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