Mantra Healing All Diseases: Methods of Methods, Tips


Mantras are specially selected sacred sounds that affect the subtle bodies of a person. Repetition of mantr a certain number of times helps to hear from serious ailments and restore energy. Mantra, healing all diseases, was practiced in Tibet and India since ancient times, she did not lose its strength and in the present times. Healing mantras need to read at dawn, at noon or at sunset - then they have a special strength. However, you can repeat the sacred sounds during the day, if desired.

Sri Gayatri Mantra

Sri Gayatri Mantra

This magical formula is considered great, because, in addition to the healing of the physical body, gives the enlightenment - the healing of the soul. Gatri mantra cleans the soul, eliminates the cause of discomfort and gives inner peace and harmony. The repetition of the sacred text brings the person to the absolute, allows you to touch the consciousness to eternity and to gain a mental balance. In such conditions, bodily healing occurs.

Practitioning the mantra should be with deep respect and respect for the eternal truth, wisdom and mercy. It is impossible to use the sacred text in egoistic purposes: Divine Mantras is always facing the spiritual side of the person and send to the path of development and improvement. Gayatri Mantra is an appeal to the Divine Mother of the world, so the internal mood must be appropriate.

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How many times do you need to practice Gayatri Mantra? If you are seriously ill, it is advisable to repeat the sacred text three times a day: at an hour of dawn, noon and a registered hour. It is at this time that divine sources are revealed and a person's request is heard. Yoga believe that Gayatri Mantra is the most powerful and strong. It contributes to the cleansing of karmic sins if it is pronounced with deep faith and humility.

Healing mantras

Rules of the practice of Gayatri Mantra:

  • For treating serious illness, pronounce the formula daily for three weeks (21 days);
  • For the general recovery of the body, start practicing the mantra at the beginning of the moon month 21 days in a row;
  • You can read the formula on the spring water and after drinking in small sips;
  • It is necessary to repeat the formula 108 times in a row, then an incredible result will be achieved (use rosary with beads for the account).

Gayatri Words Mantra:

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Word value as follows:

  • RA - denotes the sun;
  • Ma - denotes the moon;
  • Yes - denotes land;
  • Sa - denotes space;
  • This - denotes absolute infinity;
  • From Hang - Indicates: I have you.

It is believed that eight sacred sounds that make up the basis of the mantra activate the energy of Kundalini, which rises along the spine up from the tailbone to the brain and activates the brain centers. The powerful mantra of healing has another miraculous property - brings grace and healing to all the home and pets, gives peace and harmony of family relations.

To enhance the action of the mantra, it is necessary to visualize during execution. Perhaps it will not work immediately - it's not worth worrying. During visualization, it is necessary to represent how sacred sounds envelop the whole body with white or gold luminescence. The sick place must be imagined with a scarlet or black spot and see internal eyes, as it gradually decreases and disappears.

How to pronounce sacred sounds? Each sound should be given in the body vibration. Public sounds stretch, consonants too. Mantra is not a song that you need to perform a beautiful voice. Mantra is the vibration of sacred sounds that heal the soul and human body. Is it possible to say sounds mentally? It is possible, however, in this case, they will act on thin bodies. To achieve the effect of healing the physical body, you need to pronounce the mantra out loud, but not necessarily loud.

mantra healing all diseases - listen

Mantra Buddha Medicine

This is a very powerful mantra, healing all the diseases that came to us from Tibet. The sacred formula heals all existing mental and physical ailments. Buddha Medicine is a universal formula that eliminates not only from bodily suffering, but also solves other tasks. In Tibet, it is practiced to achieve wisdom and success in affairs. The regular practice of the mantra exempts from karmic sins, subject to righteous life. That is, it is impossible to cleanse the carmic load, making new wrong deeds.

This healing mantra can be released from any disease. During its execution, it is necessary to represent how the lump of the disease is absorbed and leaves the body. You can represent in any available image. If you do not work, just think about it. Our thoughts are material, so they should be sent to the right direction and prevent any doubts.

Mantra text:

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How many times is the sacred text read? You can pronounce words 7, 21 or 108 times in a row. Daily practice gives a strong effect, which is expressed in healing from the ailments, strengthening bodily health and gaining heavenly grace. With the help of utterance, the mantra is sanctified food and drinks before taking.

Mantra is also practiced when taking medicines: it enhances their effect, revitalizes the drug formula. Read the mantra over the water, which will heat the medicine, or above the tube with the ointment, the bottle with healing butter. You need to read an odd number of times, multiple three. The longer you read the sacred text, the stronger the impact of the mantra for the medicine.

Other Mantras - Sun and Moon

In addition to the great formulas, there are other healing mantras with an appeal to the Sun and the Moon. You can listen to these healing mantras from all diseases and be treated at any time.

Mantra of the Sun:

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Start the practice of sunny mantra is better from Sunday. Yoga believe that the activation of the force of the mantra is achieved after 1000 repetitions. The sacred formula promotes the improvement and rejuvenation of the entire body, if practicing it all the time.

Mantra dedicated to the moon eliminates the mental illness, heals the psyche of man. Chandra is the Hindu God of the Moon. Appeal to Chandra soothes the mind, eliminates the alarm and apathy. It is the mental state of a person is the beginning of all diseases. The daily practice of Lunar Mantra eliminates the causes of the disease, harmonizing the mental state of the person.

Mantra Moon:

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Start practicing healing mantras are needed from listening, and then repeat. Sacred sounds when listening to the subtle bodies of a person and have a healing effect. However, to overcome chronic ailments, it is necessary to independently pronounce the text of the mantra, seeking resonance - body vibrations. Vibration should resemble a buzz first in the chest, then throughout the body. It will work with practice.

Why practice mantra need 21 days? Because it is during this time that all body cells are updated. After 21 days, "rewriting" will be carried out at the cellular level - the health formula. Determine the day of starting practice and mark in the calendar. If you do everything correctly, you can achieve the desired result.

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