Mantra Saturn: who is suitable, how to strengthen and for what


Indian Mantra Saturn or Shanya helps to avoid negative events in life. Reading and listening to such mantras will help to cope with restrictions, obstacles and difficulties arising from life path. This is a colossal work with the subconscious and the inner world of man.

Mantra Saturn: Features

Especially effectively Mantra Saturn operates in relation to those people who have an affected Saturn in an astrological map. Also listening and singing the sacred text helps in the period when a person is experiencing emotional difficulties.

Mantra Saturn listen

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The features of the mantra are as follows:

  • The full cycle of the mantra that needs to be listening or read, - 23000 repetitions. When you repeat its required number of times, the desired result will come.
  • Start practicing needed on Saturday. This refers to the time that has come after sunset on Friday and ended in the sunset on Saturday. It is extremely important to consider.
  • To make it easier to count the desired number of repetitions, you can use rosary. They help not get away from the account and enter the right rhythm, "catch" the state of meditation and relax consciousness.
  • The repetition of the mantra should be continuous, and consciousness must be treated as much as possible. You must enter into a state of sensual perception, to be emotionally involved, but at the same time abstract from all kinds of thoughts

Mantra Saturn is very calm and melodic. It repeats 9 times, and its full sound lasts 4.6 minutes.

Who suits Mantra Saturn?

Mantra Saturn

Mantra Saturn should be heard to those people who have the power of Saturn in a horoscope or weak, or is overly strong. This can be understood by some signs:

  • You are feeling a permanent concern that prevents fully from living and cope with stress.
  • Youncens you insomnia, because before bedtime, a squall of thoughts, experiences and feelings literally breaks into consciousness. There is a feeling of the lack of soil under the legs.
  • You are experiencing a permanent feeling of anxiety, strive to defend against the world, are waiting for it only negative. People are sources of threat, not allies.
  • The perception of reality is distorted, it is necessary to get rid of the lack of practicality, learn to see the world without pink glasses.
  • You fell into a series of troubles, problems associated with interaction with the authorities or with other official institutions.
  • It is impossible to establish contact with parents or older relatives.
  • There is not enough ability to put the right goals, there is no energy to achieve them. Lack of masculinity to confront negative external circumstances.
  • You quickly light up new ideas, but there is not enough enthusiasm, the energy to bring started to the end. Short-term business turns out to be completed, and long-term goals are not amenable.
  • We experience a shortage of money: the career is not laid, earnings leave to desire the best. You have to work a lot, as a rule, to engage in severe physical work, which extremely exhausts.
  • You feel that your thinking is limited to negative installations. Feature the need to expand the framework of consciousness and exit the comfort zone.
  • The health condition is extremely weak. The body is slapped, which is expressed in weak immunite, constipation. Long be restored after diseases.

Weak Saturn negatively affects human energy. The physical and mental potential is reduced. Usually astrologers indicate this in the natal map.

Why do you need to strengthen the energy of Saturn?

If the signs listed above correspond to you, you need to enhance the Saturn energy with the help of a mantra to improve the quality of life.

Features Ancient Mantra Saturn

What gives regular spiritual practice using mantras:

  • Fate begins to send a lot of opportunities for spiritual development and the implementation of goals.
  • Increases life expectancy. The body is strengthened, is restored faster. Improve and physical, and mental health.
  • The ability to control emotions appears. Mantra helps to make mind calm, cold, soberly assess any situations arising in the life path.
  • Will strength develops, logical thinking, self-control and discipline.

Important: It is impossible to blame only Saturn in all its problems. In any case, liability for your own life is only on you. The harsh planet is only part of the karmic mechanism. It reflects the fruits of your actions and actions committed in the past.

Look in the video, how to read Mantra Saturn:

How to strengthen the action of the mantra?

In order for the result of regular spiritual practices using Mantor Saturn was particularly strong, you can use the following tips:

  1. Observe the Sabbath post. It lies not only in abstinence from harmful food, but also in the refusal of negative thoughts. It is recommended to be silent, if there is an opportunity.
  2. Push birds or homeless animals. This will help to "plant" the right karmic seeds. The perfect benefit will return to you many times.
  3. The same principle applies to gifts and charity. Please help your help with your help, donate money in a nursing home or help to collect funds for a sick child.
  4. Refuse to actively work on Saturday. Dedote the whole day exclusively self-development. Or do good deeds - you can go on a subbotnik, put a visit to the orphanage and play with children.
  5. Help people who found themselves in a difficult position. Give them a piece of love and heat if it is not possible to help financially.
  6. Try to refrain from alcohol and other toxic substances, try to become a vegan one.

These actions are quite simple. Following such advice, after a while you will notice how your life changes for the better.

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