Love Mandala: how to create, examples


Most of the people are accustomed to live on the principle of the smallest resistance, getting from life just that she herself gives them. But it is quite realistic to change your reality for the better, program yourself for happiness, love, success and health. This largely helps mandalas - sacred symbols approaching the desired one. In this material we will talk about the Mandala of Love.

Mandala Love

What is Mandala

Mandala (in this word it is necessary to pronounce emphasis on the first letter "A") is a magic tool that is actively used by adherents of Buddhism and Hinduism. If you translate this word from Sanskrit, then it will designate the "circle", although there are often such versions of translation as a wheel, a circulation, ritual and prayer.

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Mandala is a complex geometric pattern, symbolizing the compound of macrocosm and microcosm. In Buddhism, as well as Hindu Mandala is depicted as a sphere - the habitat of gods and buddhas. You can meet another name of the mandala - "Cosmos Map" or the model of our universe, which allows you to better understand the surrounding reality.

The most popular mandala pattern is an external circle in which the smaller square fits. And in the latter often fit another circle. Often the inner circle is divided into details, it can also be depicted in the form of a lotus (divine flower, which in eastern culture pays increased attention).

This inner circle is a drawing of a habitat of divine entities. The outer circle symbolizes the universe, and the square, which is in the middle, orients 4 directions of light.

In the process of creating mandala, each of its drawings is filled with the energy of the person performing this manipulation. Images of mandala are found in most of Buddhist and Hindu temples.

You can hear how believers in the east are called the mandala of "frozen prayer." It is due to the fact that it acts as an expression of a man's soul when he creates this image.

Mandalas in the temple

What is disappeared by mandala

Does not play a significant role, with which goals you create a mandala. It is important that you do it in all the rules. In any case, the sacred image will be multi-colored, so you will need to be stocking the necessary office:
  • pencils;
  • handles (ball, gel, oil);
  • Flomasters;
  • paints;
  • liners (markers having a thinnest tip from 0.1 mm);
  • Rapidographs (handles having a special tube for ink).

Mandala love and happiness

The Mandala of Love and Relationships is inherent in a special meaning and energy. It is used in cases where they wish to attract this light, elevated feeling in their lives. But it also becomes possible to strengthen the existing relationships.

The mandala of love is depicted in the form of a sacred circle with defined symbols inside. Each of the symbolic patterns has a specific energy charge. When you paint the drawing, there is a special energy splash, thereby becoming possible to fulfill the desire of the person who creates it.

Image of mandala of love

Symbolic signs and color of love mandala

Mandalas are very diverse. Thanks to the existing diversity of their options, it becomes possible to select the drawing to implement various desires in different spheres of life.

If love needs to attract a woman, you should use round patterns. And strong sex representatives are better to give their preference to zigzag lines, triangles, rhombams, and fears.

  • Squares are responsible for calm, equilibrium, fundamentality.
  • Flowers - symbolize a clean soul, tenderness, mutual attraction of partners to each other.

At the same time, the color variations of the drawings also differ, we will talk more about them more.

As a rule, the choice of color needs to be carried out on the basis of its individual preferences. But there are certain characteristics of each color, namely:

  • If you want to attract delicate love to your life - give preference to pastel, unobtrusive colors: a gentle pink, pale-lilac, a neuropoma blue;
  • Passionate love will be provided with bright and saturated colors: red, raspberry, purple and cherry, as well as orange and yellow. These are all the colors of the forces possessing the Male Energy Yang (responsible for aggression, excessive activity, seductive, sexuality, which excites the mind). This type of active energy that helps implement your internal potential. She also fills in vigor, warmth, calls for active actions;
  • To harmonize already available relationships in which the breakdown is observed, they focus on confident colors, but not too screaming (blue, green, brown);
  • In order for the relationship to significantly decreased the degree of anger and aggression, give your preference to cold and calm color variations, successfully copier with the negative (gray, yellow, turquoise).

Mandala love and female happiness

How the mandala is working to attract love

When you have established for yourself what kind of love varieties want to attract in your life (or change your relationship with your beloved), you can be taken for the ritual himself.

The most suitable time for this will be the evening - it is at this time that the day is recommended to plan or strengthen love ties.

The morning symbolizes a new undertaking and allows you to attract a new feeling in your life. For noon, stability is characterized as well as the elimination of negativity in love relationships.

Work with mandala is performed as follows:

  • It is necessary to take the most comfortable position for you;
  • The room should be sufficient lighting, so that you can work comfortably with the mandala pattern;
  • In order to maximize it to the atmosphere of this action, it is necessary to use aromatic oil;
  • The lit candle allows to achieve a positive energy vibration, which is just necessary when attracting love;
  • You just need to put the image of the mandala next to you and look at it;
  • At the same time, visualize the image of your beloved person (if you have it), and otherwise, just imagine what kind of man you would like to attract in your life;
  • Take up for painting the pattern, ranging from the central part and gradually moves to the edge;
  • When it goes for a while, you will feel that your well-being has improved, you will feel that they are filled with positive, fresh energy.

The process of coloring mandalas on internal sensations is very similar to meditation. Due to the methodical movements, there is a streamlining of thoughts and complete relaxation of the body. The person is cleared of negative energy, instead of her begin to actively act love spells.

Mandala love and relationships

Mandala from loneliness: marriage and love

The use of this type of mandala is a kind of "push", which is necessary for a person to get sufficient courage to implement their intended plans.

Mandala on marriage helps to accumulate enough of the desired type of energy and start emitting it into the surrounding space, especially this is important for representatives of the fine sex. With the help of mandala from loneliness, a woman or a girl will always feel confidence in his female strength and attractiveness, as well as in the near future will gain the desired happiness in love.

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