Mantra of health, longevity and rejuvenation of the body


Tibetan health mantra, longevity and rejuvenation of the body - a unique sacred text, Vedic prayer, which anyone can use. Even if you are far from Vedic culture, the regular pronunciation of the Mantra will help to preserve youth for a long time, remain healthy, beautiful internally and externally.

Eastern Mantras of longevity and rejuvenation

Tibetan oriental culture is really unique. Recipes of beauty and youth were practiced and rejected by centuries, so they are incredibly effective. The meaning of the Mantra of longevity and rejuvenation is in working with its subconscious. The correct work on its energy essence as a result is healing and physical body.

Mantra longevity and rejuvenation is an appeal to the highest forces with a request, thanks, wish. It reveals all the most intimate, helps to enter the healing trance and well to work the unconscious.

Tibetan mantra of youth and beauty

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Mantra, helping to preserve youth and beauty for a long time, is not the only one. There are several sacred texts.

For example, such:

Mantra of the health of longevity and rejuvenation of the body

This is a universal Vedic prayer that mobilizes the body's forces, and they begin to work towards preserving your beauty and youth.

And this mantra can use a person who wants to lose weight and improve the appearance of his body:

Mantra longevity and rejuvenation

Of course, with the help of one mantra, it is impossible to lose weight. If you eat at the same time correct food, pay time to physical exertion, then the effect will be colossal.

Another mantra of rejuvenation Mahammajuja helps to preserve youth and health, but, first of all, its goal is to protect against death and fear of death. It destroys negative installations in the subconscious, which poorly affect the appearance and human health:

Mantra rejuvenation

Tibetan mantra for weight loss and beauty

This mantra works perfectly, if you strive for a healthy weight loss. It will not help those who are trying to achieve the wrong ideals of beauty - excessive thin, for example.

So that the sacred text has focused, comply with some recommendations:

  1. Do not overeat and refrain from harmful food. Especially good mantra works in people who follow the post, in vegetarians and religious people.
  2. Practice Mantra regularly. It is constant, the daily repetition of the text ensures success and helps to achieve the desired goal.
  3. We sincerely believe that the mantra will work. If you doubt or read the text of curiosity, for the sake of entertainment, do not get a lot of benefit.
  4. The perfect option is to start practicing this mantra on the day of your birth, every day, for several months (at least two).

It sounds as follows:


There is a more complex variety of such a mantra. It is desirable to first listen to the records to catch all the features of pronunciation, and then sing alone:

Effective rejuvenating mantra

During the singing Mantra, try to relax, expel out of consciousness all the foreign thoughts and to concentrate on the process. It is also desirable to prevent negative thoughts, actions.

Enhance the action of mantra

Sometimes one reading mantras is not enough. It is also necessary to perform certain actions that support the strength of the action of sacred Vedic texts. For example:
  1. Read the water mantras that will then drink or use for cooking. Such charged water carries a huge positive energy charge.
  2. But note that it is impossible to use tap water. You will need a distilled water, bottled or taken from a pure natural source.
  3. The "conspiracy" can be used for cosmetic procedures: rinse the face during washing or replace her tonic.
  4. Also well act in working with mantras. Yogan Asana. During classes, blood circulation is enhanced, the body is saturated with oxygen and gets wonderful energy. The most famous beauty asians are Viparita Karai, Sarvangasan, Halasan, Karnna Pidasan, Grivasan, Simhasana.

Watch a video about Tibetan mantras of youth, beauty and longevity:

Meditations that rejuvenate

An additional means that significantly enhances the healing action of the mantra, are anti-aging meditations.

Meditation in this context is a conscious entry into a special state, in which a person relaxes as much as possible, and then lays the necessary programs into his consciousness.

For example, it may be fiery meditation:

  • Stand up, straighten your shoulders, raise your chin and straighten the spine. Imagine that they are painted by the sun.
  • Imagine that you are standing next to the firewall of a powerful volcano. Feel like in your lungs penetrate hot air, imagine the energy of the fire that burns the cells of your body.
  • There should be a feeling that blood warms, faster runs on the veins, literally pulsates. Sometimes there is a tide of blood to face.
  • Movely direct the fire inside yourself. Imagine that the fire flashes in the very center of your body.

Check, whether meditation has worked, very simple - the face is blushing (or at least pose), the feeling that blood stuck to the head and skin appears.

If you combine meditative practices with the singing mantras, lead a healthy lifestyle and work on the development of positive thinking, the result will not make himself wait long. In the process of such practices, the soul and body is cleared, internal changes begin. The person is filled with energy, its well-being and mood improves.

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