Mantra Ohm: The essence, what is Mantra Meditation, detailed instructions


The famous mantra Ohm is the most famous in the world. It is considered the primary in Vedic teaching and carries a deep sacral meaning. It personifies the unity of the three main deities: Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu.

Historic depot

Mantra ohm originated in very ancient times in Vedic culture. In Hinduism and Buddhism, this syllable is considered the main sound, in which all the wisdom of ancestors and a huge divine force are concentrated.

It is also considered that the first sound in the universe was this mantra. It sounded, and already everything appeared - thanks to the powerful energy vibration. Supporters of Vedic Culture are used by Mantra OM for meditation to help find enlightenment, harmony, know yourself and penetrate the essence of things, find the meaning of being.

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Mantra Oh.

Currently, OM is an indispensable support of yoga, meditations, pranayamas and other spiritual practices. To come into contact with the Divine forces, you will need Mantra Om - to listen and sing it is necessary in a state of relaxed consciousness.

The word "OM" does not have a translation, this is an analogy of the Christian "Amen".


In the very word "OM", a deep sacral meaning was concluded:
  • This is all the spiritual, located in the region of the unconscious, which a person has no idea and is unable to comprehend.
  • This is the basis of everything, the beginning, source, the birth.
  • "OM" otherwise sounds like "AUM". "A" is the material part of everything in the universe - physical bodies, phenomena, all tangible and visible.
  • "U" is the deep wisdom of the Universe as a whole and a separate person in particular. Sometimes the letter is considered a symbol of dreams, but only conscious or prophets.
  • "M" is the spiritual component of the universe or a separate person, what is in a state of sleep, peace, meditation.

In the generally accepted understanding of Ohm is the quintessence of everything, deep personality, superconsciousness, enlightenment.

How to practice reading mantras?

In order for mantra correctly "entered" in your consciousness and helped, it is important to use it correctly and most consciously. We recommend first to listen to the audio recordings of the sacred texts, and then repeat them yourself.

Mantra Ohm listen

The classical mantra ohm helps to improve well-being, improve efficiency, concentrate energy and send it to the right direction, gain harmony and calm.

There are private options:

  1. Mantra Ommakh sewing helps to attract positive in life. Regular practice leads to the fact that fate will begin to constantly provide a lot of opportunities for happiness and development.
  2. Mantra Ohm Mani Padme Hum - listen and pronounce this text standing to people lonely, devastated. It will help to attract love of life, filled with vital energy, learn how to save it and give a partner.
  3. Om Shanti Oh helps to find a sense of calm, become more peaceful and balanced.
  4. Om Triyambakamayaghamah - Mantra-Wereg from vices and temptations. Protects against dependencies, balancing emotions, protects the soul from all sinful, negative.

Mantra Om Mani Padme Hum listen

Here are some recommendations, adhering to which you quickly learn the correct pronunciation of mantras:

  • Solid ringing sound "M" Try to pull longer. You must feel like it literally vibrates, like a huge bell.
  • Mentally imagine how the sound penetrates the "third eye" location is an area between eyebrows. Draw in the imagination the picture of how the sound, becomes tangible, moves from your mouth into the vibration of soft vibrating movements.
  • You can also try to imagine that the sound is a dense and powerful cycle of energy that enters your body. If it turns out, you instantly feel a huge tide, joy, satisfaction.

The correct pronunciation of Mantra OM and regular practice will definitely bring good fruits:

  • Such spiritual practice creates incredibly powerful energy vibrations that activate human energy centers.
  • Cleaning the chakras on a thin level, the energy begins to circulate freely by body, the energy clamps and blocks are removed.
  • As a result, the well-being is improved, the mind comes into the state of harmony, the feelings of anxiety, excitement, unrealistic.
  • The psyche is normalized and the emotional state, which ultimately can even lead to the healing of physical ailments.

Watch the video about Mantra Ohm:

Uncomfortable feelings: what to do?

When a person only joins the path of spiritual development and begins to practice singing mantras, difficulties may arise. The thin body is unusual to similar manipulations begin to protest, discomfort arises and discomfort.

Headache, irritation, the feeling of strong psycho-emotional voltage is absolutely normal. Similarly, your muscles hurt after unusual load from sports.

Therefore, continue to practice - over time, the unpleasant feelings will retreat, you will learn to relax and let go of thoughts from consciousness completely. Gradually, you can receive a real pleasure from spiritual practices, to penetrate deeper into their meaning.

Important: Try to act as consciously as possible. Mechanical repetition of sacred texts will not give anything. Vibration sounds must be responding in your soul, only then "OM" can positively affect your life.

We summarize: regular spiritual practices and reading Mantra "OM" help change the inner state of a person, balancing it and leading to harmony. As a result, this affects all other life areas - health, well-being, personal life.

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