In which situations will help Mantra of Green Tara


Mantras are divine songs in which there is an appeal to one or another higher essence and who are designed to help a person in various life problems. In this material we will talk about the Mantra of Green Tara - a powerful prayer that has a huge energy potential. You can also listen to the Mantra of Green Tara at the end of the article.

Goddess Green Tara

What are the mantras

Mantram is inherent in amazing ability to influence human consciousness and promote spiritual improvement. With the help of mantras, it becomes possible to implement desires, we get help in difficult moments of life, they also protect us from negative.

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Mantra is the energy collected in its sound vibration, acts as a carrier of a special kind of spiritual force and code with encrypted secret information. Mantra sound fluctuations are of great strength.

The ideal option is when mantras with prayers are pronounced in the language on which they were invented. At the same time, the effectiveness of the Divine Song will increase in the event that it is accompanied by special spiritual practices.

Who is such a green packaging

A total of 21 licks of the goddess container. Each of them has its own specific characteristics and for each one most suitable for the concrete view of the mantra (Kurukulla, Marichi, Norjum and Others). But the green container is located on the main position.

Residents of Tibet and Himalayas believed that the goddess green container would help get rid of suffering and various pathologies, and also cleanse negative karma.

It was traditionally believed that exclusively men were able to achieve higher enlightenment, and women who had certain merits for many lives needed to wait for another reincarnation.

And when the divine packaging (formerly novice bodhisattva) chose, in the appearance of a man either a woman to be born, she chose a female essence to speak in inspirational for her sequence. In addition, there are no differences between male and female in the Divine Plan.

Representatives of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition believe that the green container is born in all positive French representatives. For this reason, it is revered by more than other deities with Tibetans, Mongols, Nepalese, Buryats. It is believed that people who read her mantra save themselves from 8 misfortunes (attachment, anger, ignorance, envy, pride, greed, false beliefs, doubts) and 8 seals.

How the green container is depicted

As a rule, images of green containers are used as special amulets, charms protecting against negative energy. At the same time, the container can be depicted both in the face of one goddess and in the form of 108 of its divine faces.

For most of the drawings, the green containers depict the lamination on the throne from the lotus in the Lalita-Asan's pose (the goddess right leg holds on a small flower of the lotus). The right hand is placed in the area of ​​the knee so that it symbolizes the donation of goods. And the left hand stays on the chest in the protective position. In the hands of the goddess, we see Lily, bordered by light blue petals, and in some cases - almost opened lotus.

Green container is also referred to as the mother. It is treated for the most diverse requests, because it combines attention and compassion for all living on Earth. She hears all requests and prayers who are directed towards it, and helps them to fulfill in those situations when they come from the depths of the human heart. And the green skin color of the Divine personifies her belonging to the family of Buddha Amogasdha.

The goddess causes an associative connection with wisdom, which has no cause, personality or time. It is typically for all Buddhas, because they personify themselves emptiness, and their essence is an absolute guru.

Licks of green tar.

Why do you need Mantra of Green Tara

Believers call on the aid of the green container to get the necessary support, because it acts as the reincarnation of all enlightened - it is able to protect, console and help. This deity reacts very quickly to any plenty of help even when the mantra is pronounced incorrectly, with the presence of errors or partially, and not completely. Not in vain another name of the green container is a mother, because it belongs to people like a parent, guarding their favorite children.

With whatever purpose you contact the container, you can count on its support. The main thing is that you have sincere intentions, and also had pure thoughts and desires.

With the help of a green container mantra, you will be able to successfully eliminate any life obstacles on your way, gain the protection you need and eliminate any negative. It also allows progress and self-improvement.

It is more correct to pronounce the Mantra of the Green Tara loud, and not mentally and singeling a voice, in order to delve into the meaning of the pronounced words. The ideal time for the pronunciation of Mantra is earlier morning, the sun will not have time. Experienced practices recommend starting similar rituals on a growing moon and resort to them daily for three weeks.

To achieve the maximum result, the pronunciation of the sacred text is minimum 108 times. If you plan to read her more repetition, then remember that their number should always be a multiple three. On average, mantra should be pronounced at least fifteen minutes. The man visualizes the situation of green. As additional attributes, you can use Yantra or a green container figure to be meditated during the reading of the mantra.

Green Tara masks

The packaging symbolizes that anyone can achieve enlightenment, so it provides their help to all those entitled in life, suffers from trouble and pathological desires, and also seeks to eliminate their fears, filled with cleanliness of thoughts and consciousness. Under the influence of mantra, it becomes possible to purify the body from any negative energy, both physical and spiritual.

With its regular pronunciation, you can also attract second half in your life, become rich, harmonious, joyful, lucky and happy.

What value is mantra

At first, you need to bring the text of the sacred mantra, which will be as follows:

"Om Tara Tretara Tour Soka."

Each of the mantra particles has its specific meaning:

  • Ohm is the personification of all the advantages of the goddess of Tara.
  • Tara - this particle symbolizes the cleansing from suffering that we regularly have to worry, delusions and negative karma.
  • Tuttar is a symbol of eliminating eight fears, as well as the dangers of the surrounding world, negative karma and misconception.
  • Tour - cleansing from the ignorance of our ego, the symbol of this cessation of suffering.
  • Soka - this particle means "let the value of this divine song will continue in my head."

Finally, we advise you to listen to the Mantra of Green Tara online in the next video:

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