Mantra om - what is needed and how to read


In the ancient teachings, the mantra is a language in which the Universe itself communicates with us. From deep antiquity, when people still owned sacral knowledge, a huge number of different mantras came to this day. Each of them carries a certain frequency, rhythm and aims to implement a specific program. Giving such a prayer, all the bodies of our essence are included in the resonance with its frequency and introduce us to the altered state of consciousness in which we get access to its program.

Mantra in any case will work, even if we do not know what the point I have, and I do not believe in its power. But, of course, it will have the most effective impact, if we concentrate and distract from the outsider.


To wake up the mantra, it is necessary to free it up with its energy, or rods. For this, it is necessary to repeat it, individual for everyone. You can pronounce the mantra as barely audible and very loud. At the same time it is believed that mental repetition has the greatest force. It is also recommended to pronounce "OM" in combination with other mantras. In this case, it will enhance their energy.

Mantra "Ohm" Description

This is the whole Universe: our past, present and future. And also everything that goes beyond our consciousness, all that does not fit into our ideas about time and space. The sound of "OM" is considered the initial, from which all worlds and spaces occurred. This is the very first vibration that has arisen in the yet manifested reality, which gave the origin of the entire universe. Mantra consists of three sounds: a, y and m, which correspond to the three main forces of the Universe - creation, preservation and destruction. They also symbolize the main levels of existing: the divine world, the physical reality and the world of dreams and dreams.

Giving this mantra, you awaken in yourself the energy of life, which cleans all the thin shells of the soul and allows you to reach a higher spiritual level. If a person is in a state of excitement, Mantra harmonizes and soothes. With a lack of vital energy, it is capable of charging with force and inspiration. In any case, it acts positively and is directed to the creation.

In which situations it is necessary to sing the "Ohm" mantra

The sound of "OM" carries a powerful charge of positive vitality. Therefore, when problems with health, emotional voltage or depression, the singing of mantra is recommended for at least fifty times. Repeating it, you gradually feel how the pure all-consuming energy of the light will fill your body, consciousness, thoughts, cleaning them and giving healing power. People often practicing the singing of this mantra are distinguished by strong health, high level of spiritual development, cleanliness of thoughts, harmony and tranquility.

Often mantra of "OM" is used when cleansing the negative energies of various things, the premises in which people live. Sing the mantra of the rate when air exhale from the lungs, while maintaining calm and even breathing. Sound creates a certain vibration of Aaaaaa-Uuuuuuu-Mmmmmm, which acts cleansing and healing everything around.

Often mantra "Ohms" is used in meditation. To do this, you need to find a place where nothing will distract you, close your eyes and relax. Your consciousness should turn off, the internal dialog is stopped, and thoughts stop their jogging. You can enter such a state, concentrating for a long time at one point in space. Now you can begin to pronounce the sound of "OM", configuring the conversation with the universe, which is the eternal, immortal and endless. You must feel that you are the universe itself. If you could realize it, it means that you didn't just repeat the sound, but they were really able to tune in to his vibration.

How to pronounce mantra

It is believed that the sound of the "Ohm" can be used in two ways: OM and AUM. But in fact it is the same thing. If you connect two sounds a and y, it will turn out about. When singing the mantra, you need to choose the option that it is better turned out.

How to decipher the "Ohm" mantra

The combination of AUU is denoted by an universal mind, which through an individual consciousness manifests itself in the divine worlds, material universe and not manifested reality.

  • The sound "A" is a symbol of the material world.
  • The sound of "y" is the divine mind.
  • The sound "M" - symbolizes individual consciousness.

Communication with Divine

In accordance with another interpretation: "A" means the origin, creation. The sound of "y" correlates with the development process. And the sound of "M" symbolizes the power of destruction. Thanks to these states, the existence of the universe becomes possible. This is God. Not in vain in Hinduism, the sound "AUM" corresponds to the three divine essences: Brahma Creator, Cherry Guardian of Worlds and Shiva destroyer.

How many times you need to repeat the "Ohm" mantra

There is an opinion that Three, nine, eighteen, twenty-seven or one hundred eight times you need to pronounce the mantra. The greatest force carries the number 108, so it is better to try to repeat the mantra just as many times. But this number is far from the limit. Many Buddhists repeat it and much more. There is such an opinion that to prove the sound of "OM" follows such a number of times that can be divided into 9. In order not to get confused, it is recommended to use rosary. You can also bend your fingers on your hand, but here you can easily be lost from the account.

When and in which position you can read the "Ohm" mantra

Padmasana - Pose for Mantra Ohm

You can meditate with the "Ohm" mantra at any time of the day when you have such a desire. And the correct posture helps increase the efficiency of the mantra many times. In the process of reading the mantra, it is necessary to sit comfortably, relax, to breathe deeply and breathe and exhale, take the Siddhasana pose, Vajrasan or Padmasan, otherwise the action will be reduced. Starting to pronounce the mantra need a whisper from three to nine times. Next, it is necessary to pass loudly. At the final stage, go to mental reading. You need to take a breath and in exhale repeat the mantra for another 3-9 times. It lasts such meditation about half an hour.

During the pronunciation of Mantra "OM", the person restores all energy channels, the physical body is healed, and the soul gets the opportunity to rise to a new stage of development and improvement.

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