Mantra of the calmness of happiness and harmony


A person may face that he does not get his own energy to cope with the surrounding reality, but something remains unchanged - we all dream of achieving full harmony with themselves and with the world around us.

It is not strong that reality often does not correspond to balanced perfection, we have to spend a huge amount of energy in order to solve everyday problems - to provide yourself with material benefits and everything you need, work, communicate with other people and so on. In this case, you are shown mantra of calm, happiness and harmony, which will help tune in to the right wave of a good mood, getting rid of unrest and alarms.

Cleansing consciousness from negative

Mantras for harmony and universal calm

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We offer you examples of an effective mantra, with the help of which you can calm your mind and fill the positive energy of joy, pacification, relaxation.

Mantra calm

Repeat regularly during the day the word of the following sacred text

"AUM Sri Satche Maha Praabhu Ki Jay Paarauma TMAA Kii Jay Aum Shaanti Shaanti Shaanti Aum."

Listen to the mantra online:

Mantra of the calmness of happiness and harmony

Her uniqueness lies in the fact that every person who applied for help to the sacred text will receive exactly what he lacks at the moment to gain peace of mind, calm and grace.

Regularly listening and reading the mantra, you get rid of any unrest, in vain fears, doubts and anxiety once and will forever leave you. From the inside, you will be filled with unusually positive vital energy.

Mantra of universal calm helps to restore the impaired energy balance, heals from various physical pathologies. Also, it is also inherent in a cleansing effect on human energy and its surrounding space.

Below is the text of the magic mantra:

"Tumi Phaya Re Mana Tumi Japa Ra Mana Sri Ram Jäva Ram Jäpa Re Mana,"

Listen to the magic mantra in the next video:

It is recommended to read or listen to the Divine Song in the morning hours, as well as before the departure to sleep when your consciousness is the most pure and deprived of negative surrounding information.

Proper reading Mantra

It is important to comply with certain rules so that the power of the sacred texts is maximum:

  1. The process of reading the mantra is a kind of meditation. It is necessary to concentrate as you as closely on the sound of the mantra, renovating from the extra thoughts and the problems of the surrounding reality.
  2. Important moment - Mantras are read in the original, without sound distortion. But it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the literary translation of the Divine Song. Find out to which Divine there is an appeal in this mantra, what qualities it possesses.
  3. The total number of Divine Song repeats should reach one hundred and eight for one cycle. The number of one hundred eight is not happening by chance - it has a deep sacred meaning. So the unit is the personification of a separate deity, a manifestation of divine energy. Zero - performs the perfection of divine creation, and eight - the personification of eternity.

Repair the reading process helps rosary. When you go through them, then it is automatically reassured even more and you can concentrate on your problem. In addition, the rosary used to read the mantras is filled with strong positive energy and can subsequently act as a talisman.

rosary facilitate the reading mantor

  1. Regularity. If you want to achieve a good result - repeat the mantras regularly with the same frequency. It is worth choosing for yourself the most appropriate practice that does not take too much time and will allow you to get the right effect. It is better to repeat the mantra in one cycle per day, but strictly constantly.
  2. Suitable and listening to mantras, for example, during travel in public transport. It also has the necessary impact.

What is mantra and how it works

The word "Mantra", if we translate it from Sanskrit, performs the connection of two words: "Manas" - means a sensible reason, and "Tray" - cleansing or liberation. In the literal sense, Mantra is the cleansing of our mind.

You must realize that Mantra is not just a combination of certain sounds caused by them sound oscillations contribute to the purification of our consciousness. Recently, it was scientifically established that the sound has a tremendous effect on the human body and consciousness.

Therefore, mantras have a huge impact on us and how we perceive the surrounding reality. In the process of their creation, the main laws of the universe were taken into account. Different mantras are formed by syllables, individual sounds that have a deep meaning - as a sample, the magic sound of OM is most often used in mantrah.

Mantras balance the inner balance of energies

For this reason, it is important to pronounce mantras very accurately and deliberately. Today you may encounter the fact that people begin to "invent" their own variations of mantras. Do not like them and make the same mistake. Tested by the mantra time does not violate universal laws and allow you to be filled with the necessary type of energy without negative consequences.

With their help, you exempt your consciousness from anxiety, become more positive, peaceful, filled with harmony and love.

Regular practice of mantras of universal calm, happiness and harmony will allow you to get rid of any negative information littering your subconscious, and will also give the joy of life, the necessary harmony and feeling of internal happiness. Your life will begin to change rapidly in a positive way!

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