Mantra cleansing karma - Clean your energy!


Today, mantras are a fairly popular way to make positive changes in their lives. You can find sacred texts that attract good luck, love, give health, improve the material position of the aspecting.

The fact that Mantras really work, a lot of people convinced, but very often people are overwhelmed with negative energy - they have heavy karma. In this case, any magical rituals do not have such a pronounced effect. Mantra, cleansing karma, will help eliminate negative energies and gives you harmony and pacification.

Purification of karma using mantras

What is the power of mantra

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To answer this question, it is necessary to install than in really mantra. It can not be compared with the spell or plot. Mantra is a prayer in which the Buddhist Pantheon is appealing to a certain deity.

Therefore, in each mantra necessarily present the name of the divine essence, to which they are treated for help. The names of the gods can be divided into syllables, in some cases mixed with each other. Buddhism has a very extensive deity pantheon, each of which affects the human life in a certain way.

When you appeal for help to divine entities, fill the energy particle of this God. Thanks to the regular practice of reading sacred texts, you have the opportunity to amazing changes in your life.

If your energy is clogged with excessive negative information, the residues of transferred pathologies and bad thoughts, you feel inhaverno, you lack energy to perform elementary cases, not to mention more global things.

Purification of energy centers

Mantra cleansing karma has a beneficial effect on eliminating any negative energy, fills the space around you exclusively with positive vibrations.

How many times should I read the mantra?

Many people are disturbing the question of how the number of repetitions of the sacred text must be performed? Most of the texts are not very long, so it is difficult to decide how many times to read the mantra - one, ten or a hundred times ...

Start with the seven-time repetition of the Divine Song and gradually reach up to one hundred and eight repetitions per day. This figure is a sacred, denoting code of our universe. You can also read the seven mantra, fourteen, twenty eight times.

Please note that an important condition is not to pronounce the sacred text too little or too many times. So, six times the reading will be clearly not enough, and a hundred fifty - already too much. Sound vibrations of mantras are at their peak exclusively at specific points indicated above.

Also during the reading process, follow certain rules:

  • Maximum clearly pronounce words and sounds.
  • Read the mantras slowly, slowly quickly complete the session.
  • Listen to the inner sensations of your body arising during the reading process. If there is ailment, it is better to complete the session.
  • Perform from time to time breaks.
  • For the right account, use rollers. In the classic version of their total one hundred and eight, but you can find if desired and fewer. The rosary allow you to make the most concentrated on reading, and not on the account.

From this video you can find out how else you can clean your karma

Cleansing karma prayers: examples of sacred texts

All cleansing mantras below have a very pronounced effect. They, like a broom, sweep the entire energy "dirt" with a person, contribute to the abandonment of negative habits, eliminate negative emotions.

In addition, cleansing mantras make it possible to reduce the impact of errors from past reincarnations that interfere with us now to achieve happiness.

When you read the mantra, harmony will come to your soul, quiet, you will be filled from within the divine light. But that the mantras worked, read them regularly.

Further we offer examples of the most effective mantras for cleansing karma.

Mantra Vajrasattva

Vajrasattva speaks by the Deity, personifying the purity and wisdom, he grants divinely clean energy as your body and soul. Thanks to the reading of the mantra, the human life begins to improve rapidly in any areas.

"Ohmmakh sewing"

Cleansing spell

It also has a very strong effect, contributes to the elimination of any negative impact, as well as the harmonization of the psychological state. Soothes the mind.

Need to pronunciation of the following sacred text:

"Mne Made Padme Hum

Gayatri Mantra

Positively affects the energy, eliminates blocks and any negative.

Divine Gayatrius

"Om Bhum Bhavad Suvajo Tat Savitar jam bugger to Devasyim Dchimakhi Dhyo Nah Prachodayat"

Spell Triabakam

Promotes the cleansing of karma, has a positive effect on all organs of the human body. Heals from various ailments.

"Om Triyabakov Idjamakh Sugandhyam Pushti Vardhanam Urvarukiva Bandhanan MriTior"

Mula Mantra

Speakers the most powerful magical text that cleans the space from negative energy.

"Oh Satcitte Anada Parabrahma Shii Bhagavati Sri Purushotam Paramatma Sri Bhagava Namaha Nari Om Tatsat"

Mantra from Schalza

She will protect a person from any destructive programs - the evil eye, damage and so on. The following text should be read regularly:

"Om Sri Rama Jai, Jay Frame, Jai Rama Jaya"

Observing the rules for the pronunciation of cleansing mantras, you can achieve their maximum effect on getting rid of any negative. Every day, life will bring even more positive emotions and good mood!

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