Mantra Vajrasattva for cleansing the soul


Mantra Vajrasattva cleans the sinful human souls better than any other Tibetan prayer. Appeal goes to one of the most powerful incarnations of the Buddha. It is referred to as "diamond soul" or "diamond purity". There is not a single vice, which could not raise this powerful mantra from the soul. Contact it, however, with caution. Why? We'll see now.

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Clean soul and clean body

Many spiritual teachings say that cleaning the soul should begin with ablution. In the case of Vajrasattva, this is particularly relevant, because this prayer is directed not easy to clean, but on crystal transparency. Can the highest strength perceive the prayer of a person seriously, if he is sorry, dirt under the nails? In no case! It looks falsely and even somewhat hypocritically towards the Great Deity.

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Remember, hike in a shower, and better in the bath, should always precede the reading of the mantra. The dirt on the body triples the fool and the malice that is in the shower. Thus, hygiene procedures before singing increase efficiency, the Divine will definitely pay their attention to you and will be glad that you have prepared for communication properly.

Cleansing past

In the life of each person there are such episodes that are ashamed to remember. They are individual for everyone, someone can experience that he looked unreliable to the seller who had thoughtful in the store, the other was not repeated properly even in the robbery of the old woman. Well, we don't judge criminals, the main thing is that they themselves realize all the abominations of their acts.

All evil cases that we peered in our lives are imposed by an indelible imprint on energy. This may end with serious illness, constant depression and even thoughts about suicide. Mention of sins giving per soul, not a beautiful cinema statement, and the truth of life. The subtlety is that some of the evil acts are fully remembered while reading mantras.

Simultaneously with the revival of memory takes repentance. The man penetrates his own consciousness so deeply, which looks at himself as if from the outside. You know perfectly well about how ugly sounds his own voice, heard from the side. Now imagine that a person sees the painting of a bad act with his own participation. This is a terrible spectacle, some people shed sincere seas of repentance at such a moment.

Buddha gives cleaning conscience, charging a person for good deeds in the future. This is the forgiveness of sins. And since the bad acts are forgotten by the great deity, then simple mortals you have ever undeservedly offended, feel full peace in the soul, and your figure will be desirable in their minds. All this is possible by reading the Vajrasattva mantra.

Is it a mantra everyday?

For each person, the answer to this question is individual. It all depends on what goals pursues praying. For example, someone wants to keep his soul in order and complete peace. Yes, it is achievable with this mantra, however, spiritual preparation must be colossal. Not everyone will endure such close contact with the Buddha. We are a man that is so sin.

Any deity with joy takes the victims of its admirers. This is especially important at the moments of reading mantras. The ideal preparation for mating with Vajrasattva looks like this:

  • Three-day post with full refusal of meat and milk.
  • No intimate connections during the week before contacting the Buddha.
  • Forgiveness of all your offenders.
  • Guidance of peace of mind.
  • No alcohol and tobacco during the week before reading the mantra.

Yes, not every person can withstand it, but the result is worth it. There is a testimony that tells the appearance of Buddha in front of the reader during a session. It happened in Moscow in 2005. A young man practicing this doctrine has been able to approach the Divine for several years that it honored him with his visit. Who knows, maybe your spiritual practice will go even further?

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Flying a fly or a little about egoism

How deeply are those people who care not only about their biofield while reading Vajrasattva! Experiences about other people lead to additional contamination of the soul. Why do you need to take other people's sins and experiences on your own expense?

Yes, let it sound egoistic, but while reading any mantra, and especially this, you should only think about yourself. This is your way to harmony, as well as salvation from the turmoil and depressive state. The only exception is your own children. But here there are subtlety.

The guys who have not reached 12 years old are practically clean. In their souls, a minimum of malice, grief and bad memories. They do not need your spiritual support by reading mantras. Buddha and so spread their arms for them. If we are talking about adolescents who stir up this line, they are already quite independent to take care of themselves. Yes, it is only from the point of view of our teachings considered by us, but the Buddha does not tolerate the earthly fuss. Let the children themselves decide their questions and everyday failures.

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