Tibetan mantras


Tibetan medicine is so ancient that even local monks cannot say for sure when it appeared. Despite this, there is no doubt about the healing of the peoples of Tibet and his mantras with the forces of nature. The basis of everything is based on the study of the surrounding world, and in particular the influence of the processes occurring in it to the human body. The practice of singing Mantra has not changed almost not changed over the millennium, because people did not dimity from nature, as it seems to some residents of large cities.

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Tibetan mantras as a way to reveal yourself

These wonderful chants can heal almost from any disease. There are evidence that confirms cases of cancer tumors by listening to mantras. But it is impossible to completely replace clinical events by listening to these beautiful chants, no one has canceled official medicine.

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The sounds of the mantra are aimed at the normalization of internal rhythms and vibrations of the human body. They do not affect directly on the organs, but simply lead to the order of biofield and energy background. As you know, this is the basis of health, which means that the mantras do not just eliminate the symptoms of the disease, they beat the very root of the ailment.

While listening to these chants, some people get in addition to healing a certain "second breathing". It improves spiritual well-being and opens in front of a person the unknown horizons for the development of their own prospects. There are many cases when people after complex listening mantras suddenly discovered new abilities in themselves. One person can be a wonderful artist, another - a musician and so indefinitely.

How to sing mantras

If an inexperienced person is engaged in chant, then a terrible, of course, nothing happens. But the effect of such a ritual will be much lower than if this professional was engaged in this professional, namely the monk who devoted to secret skills all his long life. One mistake, and biological vibration will again betray, everyone will have to begin again.

If you decide to sing your mantra on your own, then you need to prepare well. You should withstand the daily post, during which only water is allowed to consume. No intimate contacts and entertainment can also be. Only smoking some of the mountain herbs is allowed, but they do not find them in the country, so you don't need to think about it.

Singing begins with easy meditation. No need to dive into the trance, it is enough to drive from myself thoughts about the earthly burden and to realize yourself with part of nature. If it happened, it was already done, you need to start singing. It can be done like a crib, spying into text and for memory, but it is impossible. Words need to be pronounced loudly and distinctly, as if the crowd sits around and carefully listens to every sound outgoing from you.

Why should you entrust singing a professional?

There is one subtlety - those words that the mantra contains vibrations, which sound most naturally performed by the carrier of one of the languages ​​of Southeast Asia. Among them, China, Vietnam, Laos and others. It so happened that the frequencies characteristic of them most accurately correspond to the biological rhythms and vibrations of the human body.

No need to go to Tibet to hear mantras performed by the monks. All these chants can be found on the Internet, but remember that the fraudsters are very much, sometimes they are trying to give a gross fake for the real Tibetan text. It is difficult to distinguish it, because the Russian ear feels the emphasis of Asian languages. In order not to run into a fake mantra, it is enough to go to a specialized site that has a collection of works on Tibetan culture and climbing chants.

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Household Tibetan Mantras

Despite the fact that most Tibetan mantras are aimed at rehabilitation, there are chants for the normalization of family life, financial condition and even adjustment of the mood. At first glance, they sound the same as medical, but if you listen, you can understand the difference in the voice of the votes.

Again, everything rests on the sound frequency generated by the Contractor. Tibet residents have long understood that the main thing in the human body is its energy rhythm. Health, and the fullness of the wallet depends on it. Mantra is able to correct everything. If you doubt the correctness of the choice of chants, please contact a specialized forum, there are true fans of your business, they will help dispel all doubts!

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