Indian mantras


With deep antiquity, Indians do not represent their lives without mantra. They are for them and assistants in complex matters, and comforters, and medicine from all diseases. Gradually, the culture of prayer chants went beyond the limits of India, spreading around the world. Today in many countries there are whole specialized centers involved in the study and application of the ancient Indian mantras, and at the same time creating new prayers.

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The basis of Indian prayer song

According to the deep conviction of all Indians, all misfortunes in the world are due to the destruction and disharmony of energy channels affecting the human biofield. From here, all problems flow: depression, poverty, health problems. Mantra through its vibration levels the energy, and the person feels relief, and at the same time, a tide of vigor.

Unlike some other cultures, Indian chanting is aimed, first of all, to straighten household affairs, leaving health problems in the background. For Slavyanina, this is, of course, a non-standard approach, but let's think about the details of the concept. If a person is experiencing difficulties with money, for example, he will be constantly upset, the whole white light will not be joy. Such a state of affairs contributes to the destruction of the biofield, and therefore, the diseases will stick to the unfortunate, as a bath sheet to the rear place.

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It is logical that for the treatment of such a person it is required, first of all, to solve its financial problems, and then begin to express the ailments. If you break this principle, the process of chanting to the "patient" will resemble a fire extinguishing with a flamethrower.

Rules of singing of Indian Mantra

Hindus are not inclined to purposefully go to posts and other restrictions for preparation for singing. For them, this state of things is the norm. The basis is based on meditation, which is capable of reduced the amount of food consumed, complies with the need for movement, and sometimes even reduces the need for air. Of course, to achieve such a result, you need to devote a decade training, but the initial training is enough for us, because we are not going to change the climatic conditions on continents with the help of mantras.

Meditation must be regular. That is, we meditate not from the case of the case in front of the chant, but constantly, spending it for several hours a day. Yes, it is hard, but the result will not make himself wait. Already in two or three months of such trances, the effectiveness of your singing mantras will triple.

The prayer chant itself is accompanied by rather strict rules, which is not recommended to violate. No, the sky will not fall on the head, but you can break the body's energy balance, and this will have to correct it, our modest forces will not be enough for it.

  • Everything should happen in a sober mind.
  • The words of the mantra need to be pronounced loudly and distinct.
  • While singing should focus on the desired object.
  • Nothing should distract during singing.
  • Women can not sing mantras during menstruation.
  • Singing mantras is not recommended for children.

If you fully observe the "technology", the effect will be stunning. A month after the start of regular chants, luck and joy will come to the house, and the wallet will become noticeably harder.

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How to listen to indian mantras

To begin with, let's deal with where in principle you can hear. There are not so few places as it may seem, because Indian mantras are more than popular among adherents of non-traditional energy exercises.

  • Specialized sites on the Internet.
  • Centers of Indian culture.
  • Some centers of yoga.
  • Private circles confessing Hinduism.

With the last item, you need to be careful - there is a risk to induce the sect.

Before listening to the mantra, you need to fully relax. There should be no negative thought in the head. Unlike the technique of singing mantras, the audition technique does not provide for mandatory preliminary meditation, but it would be not bad to fulfill it. This contributes to the normalization of the energy background, the divine streams will go purposefully in the biofield, reinforcing the positive effect.

Even if you do not understand a single word, you need to listen carefully. The essence is not in understanding the text, but in the perception of certain frequencies and the timbres, which direct your energy flows in the right channel. In addition, it is better to avoid active movements. The lotus pose is not accidentally elected by yoga as a basis for meditation - it does not allow to make squeezed gestures with limbs.

Reading Mantra is a serious occupation. If you take it seriously, you can correct a shameful financial situation, and at the same time improving the state of health. All in your hands, and prayer chants will help!

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