Mantra healing all diseases


Any mantra is aimed primarily on the improvement of the human energy field. Prayer chants are pulled out of biofrave evil and give natural energy with light and positive. But there are mantras and options for their singing, which contribute to the cure of physical ailments, they care about human health. The most interesting thing is that the mantras cannot be divided into diseases, each of them is able to treat from all ailments, the main thing, comply with certain reading conditions.

The principle of the improvement of the body by mantra

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As you know, reading mantras causes certain vibrations and sound resonances that affect the person. This influence is associated not only with an external and internal biopole as a whole, but also with the energy of each particular organ or system. If I am simpler, then prayer singing can sometimes complement the pharmaceutical preparation, having a beneficial effect on the physical body.

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You do not need to possess a high spiritual essence for effective reading, it is enough to concentrate on your problems, and the highest forces themselves are able to determine which assistance is required to be needed or another prayer. Like any other appeal to the Divine, the mantra imply a sincere faith and devotion, without this effect will not be.

Mantor connection with lunar cycles

The moon is the most powerful astrological object, but it can only participate in prayers only if the texts imply a change in the natural vibrations of the human body. Try to determine for yourself what exactly you want to get in the end, only after that you can pick the lunar cycles and start singing.
  • The decreasing moon contributes to healing from existing diseases. Everything is very symbolic - the lunar disk goes away, and with him the ailments are receded. During the level of decrease in the moon, everything on Earth is cleared, but it is possible to feel it on yourself only with the help of prayer.
  • The arriving moon will not help cure, but health will strengthen and increase immunity. The arriving moon means strengthening the spirit of the spirit and the body of a person, as the power of the heavenly luminary arrives, and human force is growing.
  • In the full moon, it is better to avoid any mantras, the energy of this period is Grandinal, and humanity is not yet able to cope with it. If you have decided to resort to singing at this time, it is best to take care of healing from already existing sores.
  • New Moon - the most kind of energy period. You can pray both about the strengthening of the body and about treatment.

IMPORTANT: in the new moon you can safely combine the reading of the mantra with prayers of other religious flows, during this period harmony everywhere.

Reference Rules of Health Mantras

Health is a serious thing. It is necessary to approach similar prayer singing, otherwise you can get a zero result, if not negative.

So, the canons of prayer chants:

  • Before pronouncing the mantra, you must know the shower. The body must be clean, otherwise sound oscillations can be distorted, and the effect will significantly decrease.
  • Women are not recommended to read mantras during menstruation. During this period, natural vibrations are knocked down, some singing may raise the opposite effect.
  • You need to sing in a sober mind. Some sectarians do not disappear drink a couple of stacks before reading, but this is a cruel violation of the rules that the highest forces are mercilessly punishable.
  • It is necessary to concentrate on your problem. This allows you to send resonant oscillations to that section of the body, which in them most is in dire need.
  • It is best to read mantras in the morning, immediately after sunrise. This time is the most active from an energy point of view, the effectiveness of chants will be maximum.

If it is holy to observe all these conditions, the effect will be rapid and powerful, the disease will retreat, and peace and harmony will come into the soul.

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Important Warning

There are people who are so deeply plunged into the religious doctrine of the energy orientation, which prefer to be treated only by mantras. This is a grand mistake that cost thousands of life. In no case cannot be given to visiting doctors, and even more so by taking medication.

Mantra sets the natural vibrations of the body to a certain way, but it is not able to correct those changes that have already arisen in the internal organs.

This means that Mantra is able to cope with the disease relatively light, like a runny nose, but with his "continuation", that is, a sinusitis, it is no longer able to cope. Especially a serious mistake allow those readers who are trying to cure mantras from cancer.

The chant can act as a preventive tool of this terrible disease, but to eliminate the existing tumor it is not in a state. Yes, Mantra is able to slightly suspend the development of the neoplasm, but the "services" of the oncologist is the only thing that may stop the terrible disease!

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