Runic Mahjong - features of the use of mental balancing


Runic Mahjong is a classic divination scheme that has many varieties. Depending on what you want to know, you need to choose the appropriate alignment. Tell about several ways.

"Who am I?"

Runic fortune telling Mahjong "Who am I?" Helps to analyze their own personality. You define who are at the present moment, what sides of nature denied and do not accept. Learn your strong features and get advice, what to do next to search for your place in life.

Prepared to fortunate, mix the runes and lay them out in the alignment as shown in the figure.

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fortune telling Mahjong who I am

Decryption of runes at each position:

  • 1 - Who are you now. Personality characteristic at current time;
  • 2 - hidden sides of your nature, which you do not know. It is a "dark" part of the person, which a person is subconsciously hides in the depths of the soul, does not recognize and does not accept;
  • 3 - things, people events, extra in your life. What you need to refuse not to sacrifice your own happiness. Interference on the way to life goals;
  • 4 - Strong features of your character who need to develop. They will help you succeed in the future;
  • 5 - Your destination and place in life. Activities that will bring you success will make it happy and will help to find the meaning of life;
  • 6 - your needs, what you are looking for from life, relationships and work;
  • 7 - Rune Tips about what to do next, how to act in various life situations.

It is best to use people who are in finding their destination.

Fortune telling "Soul Mirror"

With this scenario, you can learn more about your natural potential. To figure out what data are available from birth, what are your strengths and weaknesses. To understand what needs to be developed and from what to get rid of.

Mix the runes and decompose on the table according to the scheme shown in the figure.

divination mahjong mirror soul

Decoding Scenario:

  • 1 - a description of your natural potential. What abilities are given to you from birth, which makes you individuality and distinguishes from other people;
  • 2 - the strengths of your personality. What qualities are dominated. They should pay special attention - it is these character traits that need to be used to succeed;
  • 3 - Weaknesses of your personality, disadvantages. They also need to know, because this knowledge gives an understanding of what interference you are creating yourself on the way to achieving goals. There are no need to get rid of the shortcomings, you should take them in yourself and compensate for the advantages;
  • 4 - What strong qualities need to develop in themselves first. These are the "golden" sides of your personality, using which, you will achieve success in everything;
  • 5 - options for practices that will help reveal your strengths. Actions activating the lifestyle potential. The spheres of life in which you will most likely achieve success;
  • 6 - What are the chances of finding teachers, a mentor, a patron, who will help choose the right path and develop a person. Perhaps you do not need it;
  • 7 people, circumstances and other external assistant factors that help and guide you. This needs to be used to increase the chances of success;
  • 8 - Do you have the potential to become the leader in you yourself, enlighten, teach and direct people. Whether the features of the mentor, teacher, patron saint are inherent;
  • 9 - Magic Patinium of Personality. Rune will indicate or the absence of magical abilities and will help you understand whether it is necessary to develop it in itself;
  • 10 - the result of the development, your prospects for the full life. Whether you will easily come to success, or you have to try how grand he will be.

This fortune-telling is truly unique, because it gives a forecast for the rest of your life. Acting on the tips of the rune, you can better navigate in external circumstances and direct energy into the right track, increasing your efficiency.

Chinese Oracle U-Sin

This method of divination is based on the interaction of five energies: wood, fire, earth, metal and water. In Chinese mythology, they were considered the basis of everything. The alignment is quite unusual, it allows you to determine which of the energies has the strongest impact on the events occurring in your life.

Concentrate, mentally refer to the runes with your question and mix signs. Then lay them on the table in the sequence specified in the figure.

Foreign Majong Usin

Next, refer to the decoding:

  • 1 - Energy prevailing in your life. It is important to understand that the key element is given to you from birth, it affects the temperament, determines the sources of recovery. Therefore, the decoding of this rune should pay special attention;
  • 2 - the second to the degree of importance energy generated by the first. It also has a significant impact on your life. It is important to learn to understand what time which of the energies prevails, and from this to repel in their actions;
  • 3 is the third in the degree of importance energy generated by the second. Additional, which does not significantly affect life, but can be dominant in rare moments;
  • 4 is the fourth to the degree of importance of energy. Affects the life of episodic;
  • 5 - the fifth to the degree of importance energy, closing the circle. It may be very rare, in turning moments of life.

Check out an overview of the cards for rune designers in Mahjong technique:

Soul balancing

This alignment is for self-knowledge and spiritual growth. Mix the runes and lay out on the table, as shown in the picture.

divination mahjong spiritual balancing


  • 1 - How do you imagine yourself peace and initiate communication;
  • 2 - the self-esteem indicator - how you accept yourself;
  • 3 - what circumstances and processes help develop the inner world;
  • 4 - your appearance, how do you see others;
  • 5 - Your interaction with the world;
  • 6 - What is necessary for you to maintain harmonious relationships.

This is not a complete list of all possible layout options, but we recommend starting from them, and then try other divorities.

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