Fortune telling on runes for love - marriage prospects, values


Fortune telling on the runes for love is one of the simple ways to analyze your relationship with the chosen one, find out their future and determine possible prospects. Lonely people Runic symbols will be prompted, whether the likelihood of meeting its second half in the near future is great.

How to guess on runes

To get a truthful prediction, you need to comply with simple rules of ghosts on the runes.

fortune telling on the runes for love

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Recommendations are as follows:

  1. Before the start of divination, the room must be prepared. To do this, stand up in the center of the room, look around and define the parties of the world. Throw runes in the alignment is needed in the center of the room, in the direction perpendicular to the north.
  2. Table cover with a piece of white dense fabric. On the canvas and will take the alignment.
  3. Opposite it is advisable to put a personal talisman. It will strengthen the magic effect of runic symbols.
  4. On the table you need to place the symbols of the four elements - fire, water, air and land in four corners. Fire - Candle, water - a glass with water, Earth - pour into the container, air - burn incense.

It is all necessary for the ritual. In the process of divination, do not forget to pay attention to the way, the rune fell in a direct or inverted position. Its value will be positive and negative, respectively.

The value of runes in fortune-attraction and love

To express the alignment, you need to know the value of characters. It is better to use detailed interpretations.


  1. Fehu - moment of climax. Symbol of success and abundance, something new.
  2. Uruz - change of circumstances, symbol of sexuality, in a negative value - rage.
  3. Tourisaz - time of decisive action. Symbol of conflicts, negative, acute pain.
  4. Ansus - gifts and pleasant surprises, symbolizes inspiration, development, trust.
  5. Riot - control, equilibrium, correct decisions.
  6. Kenaz is the moment of truth, the situation that will put everything in places.
  7. Gebo - Harmony and Happiness, equal exchange of resources.
  8. Veunio - bodily pleasure, execution of cherished desires.
  9. Hagalaz - the influence of external circumstances, strong enough.
  10. Naties - coercion for something you do not want to do, but are forced to endure.
  11. Isa - a period of stagnation and regression, adverse circumstances.
  12. Yera is a resource time to arrange personal life.
  13. Evaz - a symbol of vicious communication.
  14. Perth - pleasant memories, past.
  15. Algiz - personifies a strong and caring partner who will take under his patronage.
  16. Soul - a favorable time, the departure of the past into non-existence.
  17. Tayivas is a sign of tremendous will, the symbol of leadership and the command spirit.
  18. Berkana is a symbol of progress, step on the way to something radically new.
  19. EVAZ - partnerships with equivalent Vlad Both.
  20. Mannaz is ideal compatibility, sensitive attention to the interests of each other.
  21. Laguz is a strong, sincere and true love, a fateful union.
  22. Ingus is the implementation of the goals, the rapid fulfillment of desires, a white strip.
  23. Otal is stability, strengthening life positions.
  24. Dagaz - cardinal changes.

The runes do not give a clear prediction interpretation. You must decipher the message laid down in ancient characters, on your own.

Singing "On the Beloved"

This way of divination will help to learn better than a loved one, understand how compatible you are, are common interests. He also reveals many moments of relationships.

Mix the runes and lay out several characters on the table according to the diagram that is shown in the figure.

Signing on the beloved

Rune value by position:

  • 1 - How closely the partner relates to you. The indicator of his interest in your happiness. Does he want to delight you, take care and give everything you need to feel comfortable and happily;
  • 2 - This rune shows how compatible you are. Are there any interests, whether there are views on relationships, whether you share the spiritual values ​​of each other. Rune can also show what your relationship is based - physical impulse, spiritual compatibility or intellectual contact;
  • 3 - This sign will indicate that you are united. It may be common dreams, goals, interests, hobbies, as well as something else. You may, you will discover something new, and did not suspect;
  • 4 - the future of your union. How strong will the relationship and what can lead in the future;
  • 5 - As far as you are sexual from the point of view of the partner. Is there a physical attraction, passion, or in sexual relationships, cold and passivity;
  • 6 - ideal relationship from the point of view of the partner. What are his ideas about what the chosen one should be. Helps determine how much you meet these views;
  • 7 - the future of relations in the material plan. General budget or separate, probability of large common spending and joint shopping. All with regard to the impact of money on your relationship;
  • 8 - Is it possible to converge after parting. How likely to renew the relationship after the gap, if it happens. And whether parting will be in principle;
  • 9 - the result of the relationship, what they will lead, what consequences will be for both in the distant future.

This alignment on the runes will give a very detailed forecast for the future and will help analyze the state of affairs.

Look at the video with a simple love fortune on the runes:

Love-marriage perspectives

This way of divination will help to understand whether to count on marriage in a relationship with your partner, and find out how serious he applies to you. If you are in search, runes will indicate the likelihood of a man in the near future with serious intentions.

Mix the runes and spread on the table as shown in the picture.

alignment loving marriage prospects


  • 1 - Is it worth waiting for a fateful acquaintance in the near future;
  • 2 - the age difference between you and the partner as much as it is;
  • 3 - whether your chosen one is free from feelings for another woman;
  • 4 - sexual compatibility;
  • 5 - spiritual and intellectual compatibility;
  • 6 - the impact of material aspects on the relationship;
  • 7 - What a relationship will lead to.

These two classic scenaries reflect the exact picture of any relationship.

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