Rune of the strength of their meaning and interpretation, application of symbols


Rune of Power or Runa Uruz is a strongest magic symbol that gives a person with the energy necessary to overcome difficulties and achieve success in all its endeavors, affairs. Celts associated the image of this rune with a bull, animal powerful, energetic and stubborn.

By the way!

On our site there Collection of online gadas on the runes - Use on health!

Who suits the rune of power?

Not every person can use this runic symbol. It shows their features in people with certain qualities:

  1. The purposeful and active, focused on reflection, but on the specific aimed at the result of the action.
  2. People are hardworking and workable, which are accustomed to make efforts to achieve their goal. Those who are inclined to idle and laziness, the rune will not help.
  3. The rune will spur a person seeking success, if he is trying, but suffers from lack of energy and self-confidence. It will give decisiveness, fill with force, will help to acquire the necessary knowledge and experience, it is better to reveal the potential. This is a rune, opening countless opportunities.
  4. Also rune works great when your goal is to get rich and let the energy of money in your life. But, again, provided that you are ready to work hard and go to the goal, no matter what. There will be no "light" money, they will not come by chance, but will become the result of targeted actions.

Slavic Rune Power

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The rune of strength attracts stability, seriousness of man. It helps to balance the emotional state, strengthen immunity and endurance, filled with physical energy and tune in to success.

Rules and recommendations for the use of the rune of power

If you want the rune "worked" and provided the right action, it is important to comply with some recommendations. They are as follows:

  • The image of the runic symbol should always be with you. Wear it with you.
  • The best rune works if you yourself made and activated the amulet with its image. For example, you can cut a symbol on a wooden billet or portray with paint on a stone.
  • The runes shown not to ink are very effective, but inhibited by their own blood. But this is an option for brave, who are not afraid of pain. But the ruled energy, having merged with yours, will create incredibly powerful protection.

Fragment of the rune power

The making amulet must be activated to start acting. To do this, warm the talisman with the warmth of your palms. Holding in your hands, mentally consult to the highest forces with a request to fulfill your desires and help resolve difficulties.

Features and value of runes strength

This rune symbol has its own, individual features that are as follows:
  • The rune does not have an inverted position, therefore it has only a favorable value.
  • In the field of personal relations, the rune works as follows: it helps to make harmony to the Union of two partners, ignite the passion, awaken the true and unconditional love. But the force is not suitable for conservatives, people who prefer calm, balanced relations.
  • Targets Runes in fortune telling: Fill a person with vital energy, confidence, give strength to achieve goals, establish health mental and physical.

Meaning in the relationship

The value of the runes in the relationship and characteristic of the personality is as follows:

  • The person personifies the attitude to which those surrounding ambiguous: then you create an image of Altruist, ready to put everything on the altar of the public good, then seemed to be a person without complexes, "torn", frivolous and living one day.
  • Rune advises: Try to either support common social processes, or strive to resist them, otherwise you will comprehend large failures.

Council Runes in fortune telling: nothing is impossible. You have the necessary potential and all the possibilities, resources to achieve the desired goal. Energy, willpower and spirit forces, you have plenty of intuition, so you have every chance of becoming a prosperous, realized in all life aspects by man, healthy, beloved, loving.

Watch the video about the rune of power:

Interpretation of the rune in fortune telling to work and business

Rune values ​​in career matters:

  • You must take an active part in all matters that relate to your career. If you only create the appearance of active actions, you will fail. In addition, risk harvesting and yourself and others.
  • It is categorically impossible to act in harm to someone, even if it seems that the ultimate goal is worth it. As a result, the damage caused will turn against you in a multiple increase in volume.
  • But at the same time it is impossible to underestimate and the fact that each of the colleagues, partners, customers, pursues their own interests and is not an altruist. Be always a challenge: strive to be useful, but do not harm yourself.
  • Fake critics. Especially if it comes from unfriendly. It is the criticism that it is able to destroy self-confidence and make you acquire new complexes that will greatly harm career matters.
  • Even if you have become a participant in an extremely unfavorable situation, you can not give hands. Believe in the fact that the universe will certainly send the chances and the opportunity to fix everything, and in the end everything will be the best for you.
  • Very often you can experience the desire to use other people's dependencies or vices in your own interests. But such a tactic will not bring happiness, avoid it, otherwise, greedy interest will turn against you.

Rune Power

Council Runes: Act in circumstances. Try from anyone, even the most difficult situation to get some benefit for yourself. Even if it is expressed not materially, but is only an experience, he is priceless. And in no case do not harm others, because your purpose is to benefit and good to the world, improve it and do better.

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