Talismans for good luck and money


People with distant antiquity sought to find the universal method of gaining happiness. They listened to the signs, applied for magical help to fortune tellers, and were also quite popular and there are talismans for good luck and money. To achieve the desired, you need to make a talisman for special principles, in this material we will tell you in detail how to do it.

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What is a talisman

Talisman is an object Possessing sacred meaning and capable of attracting certain things to the life of its owner (in this case, finance). It is usually activated by the personal energy of the creator. Those types of talismans that were manufactured are most popular are the greatest popularity.

Examples of effective talismans

  1. Chinese coins Feng Shui - fairly common and used by many Talisman to attract money . As a rule, coins are tied up with a red ribbon and hang in the dwelling or in the workplace. You can buy such a talisman in stores dedicated to the topic of Feng Shui. You can also find all the necessary materials using which you will make this amulet with your own hands.
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According to the theory of Feng Shui, it should be equally given to the number of related coins:

  • 2 - symbolize wealth. Such an amulet should be placed in a wallet or bank cell.
  • 3 - retain and increase income. Are the most popular in the tradition of Feng Shui. They are recommended to stir in any place in the dwelling, where foreign people will not be able to get.
  • 6 - are the personification of mutual assistance, support and favor of fate. Such a talisman can be safely placed in any room, but it is important that it is located in the north-western direction.
  • 9 - protrude with the symbols of nine emperors supporting the owner. It is an unusually powerful energy Talisman for money Also changing life for the better.

Turning for help to Chinese coins, we should not forget that by time they act only 12 months. Then it will be necessary to update the amulet, for this purpose, the coin with ribbon changes or cleaner with water and salt.

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2. Rare coin. Speakers the most powerful monetary amulet, which is easy to create a personnel person. To do this, take a rare (or ordinary) coin that went to a person in the lucky time of his life. Then the memorable money is placed in the wallet, and it is impossible to allow her contact with other money. Amulet lunar light is activated (it is done in the first or second phase of the moon). To strengthen the action, a rare coin is better placed in the newly purchased wallet.

3. Triangle good luck. He is able to attract success, well-being and positive energy into your life. For his own manufacturer, you need to prepare 12 coins and make a triangle itself with various characters.

The billet for the triangle is printed or sizzy. It is best to take cardboard as a material or tight paper. The center is cut with a hole that will be slightly smaller in size than coins, also used in this ritual.

Special attention is paid to the choice of coins: Watch that the year of manufacture is not even, the coins are taken only one species.

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The ritual itself is carried out as follows:

  • The coins are taken, slightly shake up, while you should visualize financial success, well-being and implementing all the desires.
  • Then open the palm and throw the coins on the table.
  • Carefully consider them, leaving only those that fell the image of the eagle upwards, the procedure is repeated until only one coin remains.
  • This coin should be placed in the hole between the triangles in such a way that it can be seen. You can use glue for greater convenience.
  • Now the mascot falls into the wallet or hangs on a green thread in the dwelling. It will contribute to the involvement of good luck in all spheres of life and financial supply.

4. Magnets of happiness. Very often, talismans for good luck and money are made from the items used in the casino. So a fairly popular cash talisman is a casino chip or peak currency. They are often applied runes, as well as various alchemical signs and then put in the wallet. And sometimes hang on the neck in the form of a chill for a chain.

A playing bone can also be used as a monetary talisman, it will be necessary to processes it correctly and charge the magical force. In the deepening, located on the edges of the cube, stick small strata, and at the edges they paint the rune symbols or symbols of Mercury planets, Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun and Venus.

Square faces of the playing bone will symbolize the constancy, strength and power of the four elements. And the stability of the figure and its use in gambling will attract good luck to you and make the owner of your life. The mascot is worn in a wallet or neck as a pendant.

Now you know how to attract financial success with the help of effective talismans for money and good luck. The main thing is to sincerely believe in their magical strength and not to doubt it in it. We wish you always have money in sufficiency and always feel like a pet for Fortune!

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