Agishyalm - wanted horror helmet and its meaning


Now anyone can familiarize themselves with one of the very powerful and strong symbols of the magic of the northern people. On a variety of scriptures and values ​​of the overama helmet of horror, you can tell the incredibly long. Only one thing remains: all scientists unanimously note the fact of incredible strength and power of this amulet. People who he did not help, simply impossible to find.

A positive influence that this charm with the display of horror helmet gives its own owner, incredibly wide. The main condition in such a matter is the person owner of Amuleta is obliged to very sensitively and subtly sense his own guard, to realize all the shades of his power, as well as to trust such an object fully. After all, this is not only some abstraction. Wubble helmet and all the meaning he carries is a whole and very special parallel world that finds its expression in a wide variety of signs.

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Energy Runes of Agischyalma He heads like both the outside of the world and the very depths of the human essence. Thus, this talisman can give an enhanced effect on its owner. He gives a strong reflection of everything evil and at the same time able to double the inner forces of its owner . Conduct with such a power of the overaga is simply unrealisticly ordinary malicious envious. For this reason, many popular magicians often use the forces of such an overama. Even in the ancient Scriptures, the "helmet" was the main heritage of all the treasures of Nibelung, and his incredible strength was due to the forces of the ancestral snake.

Functions and tasks of horror helmet

  • the main task Horror helmet consists in accumulation, focusing and accumulating vital energy, as well as improving the attention and improvement of spatial-RAM. Ancient legends say that such a name takes its origins from the designation on the Sadnira helmet, which Sigurd himself had ("that there was a special helmet-crazy (" CegishJalm "), which all living beings were afraid"). With this sign, Fafnir was able to inspire fear and horror to anyone who attacked him, and therefore was almost invulnerable, and Sigurd had a hurry to hide in a pit, so that the power of the helmet would have had no effect on him and he would have time to break through the dragon heart.

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"I always wore a helmet always, fleeing gold; All the stronger I considered myself who would not meet "

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  • To date, researchers believe that based on the level of development, on which all humanity is now, All Agishyalms protect their owner precisely because the feeling of horror will inspire every malicious envious . A person, while not aware of the present meaning of such a symbolism, can quickly be confused by the influence that the universe has been on a person under the guise of the "invisible" forces. After all, truly Wear an horror helmet - it means to confuse others or inspire a feeling of fear . It turns out that the pulse of aggressiveness and anger, which can come from the attacker, is quickly becoming agishyalm and it turns out to be directed at the aggressor itself, adding to him "unprecedented" fear and fear.
  • This property of the Agishyalm has it precisely because of its quality is the reference points for the necessary guards. A very special point at the same time is that Agishyalm almost always worn on his forehead . It was believed that their special, the so-called "snake" force, which comes from there. So, it is she who provides a symbol with the ability to form a vortex protection.
  • Every person who suddenly wondered such a rather rarely found mascot must remember that it should be used to actually use truly classical appeal, or, as it is also called, Vope: "Horror helmet I put on between the eyebrows!" Ancient representatives of Iceland could, in case of sudden problems, even to portray his own saliva on the forehead, between the eyebrows, as well as cut on lead, in order to bring to their forehead.
  • Help helmet should be used in those situations when a person needs a reliable associate in the battle for his well-being, love and success. A person must be constantly communicating with his expensive amulet and express him every day thanks for the assistance provided. As noted above, it is imperative to establish a link between this charm and its owner. Amulet has an amazing property to respond to the state of the owner.

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Varieties of helmets

  1. Ordinary horror helmet. This is the easiest of Agishyalm, but the most powerful attribute of protection. The stylization of a cross-shaped symbol from the rune is enhanced simultaneously with the four runes Algiz and is rather passive, and at the same time active protection against all the negative energy, which is aimed at humans. Amulet is able to quickly disperse any kind of negative energy, reliably protecting a person. He also assists to maintain vital energy in the necessary tone; He is responsible for both human total energy. If you use the most ordinary horror helmet, then everything that someone has planned to send to the owner of this amulet will be wrapped in many times against the customer himself. The usual horror helmet, as charm, is often applied to the skin as a tattoo.
  2. Galdrustave accumulation of forces. Such amulet Perfectly focuses and multiplies the personal power of its owner. He quickly focuses her as a lens or even antenna. The charm applies in those situations when a very strong and right directional energy charge is required, for example, in magical rites or for the implementation of a particular intention. In addition, this charm should be used in order to improve its properties on concentration.

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