Runic Lapel: Stoves and Alphabet


The basis of our universe is energy. Correctly dispose of it and directing in the right direction, you can achieve almost any goals. On the principle of energy movement, Rounic Magic works. In love magic, Runes and the Stove are often used to commit promotional and disruption rituals.

Runes in magic

The main instrument of rune magic are sacral symbols - runes. Magages make up the rune formulas by placing these sacred signs in a certain sequence. Passing through a given formula, the energy of any ritual acquires exactly the form that the MAG is needed to achieve the desired result.

Most often, the runes of the Elder Futark are used in magic. This is a special rune alphabet consisting of 24 characters.

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Runic stoves

Runes and challenges

To carry out the most powerful and effective discharge, the Rune of Isa is applied - a sign in the form of a vertical feature. It serves as a cooling and freezing symbol. It is possible to use it for the purpose of challenge only once and very carefully. Otherwise, you risk harmful to your beloved person: the abuse of this rune can affect the brain activity of a disgraced person and deprive him of his strength. The repeated use of this sign can also lead to the incurable impotence in men, and women fully deprive the ability to love.

On a par with Isa, Rune Hagal (Hagalz) is actively used. It symbolizes complete destruction, change, termination of unwanted relationships and the destruction of love, which is not predetermined by fate. Hagall is used to eliminate magical impact, thanks to which this rune can help rent a love spell. The formula consisting of these two runes acts as an example of one of the types of challenge - the oscillate.

Important nuances

Runes from ceramics

To activate the Runic Overcloss required Star - Special spell designed to program a rune formula in the desired direction.

I want to warn you that Words for the title need to pick up extremely thoroughly and carefully, to voice everything in them what you want to achieve as a result of the ritual.

This is because Runes perceive the intention of the magician in the literal sense And they are looking for the easiest way to solve a given problem. For example, if in the tire you specify that you do not want to see a person, then the likelihood is very great that you will simply begin to lose your eyesight.

Accelerate the action of the Runic chain will help appeal to the ancient Scandinavian gods. This issue is solved by the executor of the rite individually. Remember only one thing: if you made a lapse, asking for help from a certain God, you must leave the gifts to him.

The moon phase for the rune value does not have. But if you wish, you can take advantage of the classic condition of love magic: the love spells are held on a growing moon, challenges - to descending.

How to make a ruffy lapse yourself

Getting Started with Ritual, certainly familiarize yourself with all the runes and explore the principle of operation and the value of each of them.

Cool oneself

If you want to get rid of unnecessary feelings to a specific person and end with relations that do not bring happiness and cause one negative one, you can make an extreme to your feelings with the help of Runes.


For the rite you will need your own photo on which you need to apply runery becoming (you can marker): GEBOOKSAZ - Isa . In the same formula, mark on your body. At the same time, say the saying - it needs to be formulated in his own words, but so that your intention is clearly formulated in the spell. The reserve may sound like this:

"Let this coolness cool my heart to (chosen name). Let the recklessness settled in my soul. Let the runes (Rune names) help me feel free from his love. "

Strong way with photo

The rite is applied if you need to turn away from each other of two people, separated them. The rune formula is applied to a joint photo of the victims of a disparated ritual and looks like this: Isa - Algiz - Raido (in an inverted form) Tourisz - Hagalaz.

Rune Rado overlaps all life roads, and in this rite allows you to close all the ways to live together. Standing with her nearby Algiz and Tourisas help to strengthen the ritual effect and consolidate it. Hagalaz and Isa have a devastating effect on the feelings of the victims of the challenge.

Once the Runogram is applied to the photo, the reserve is read. It must be inventing himself. Approximate sound may be like this:

"You, (names of the clarity of the rite), the road is blocked to jointly happiness. All connections between you are destroyed. Only Ice Cold Isa is set in your hearts. Let your separation become eternal! "

Runic Ruchka

The goal of the challenge is to embroil two people connected with love feelings. To hold it, prepare some photos of those who need to embroil, 2 sheets of paper - white and black, handle or felt-tipper with black ink. Ritual spend at midnight.

  1. Take a white sheet and write on both sides of the rune belonging: Sowlu - Tayivaz - Raido - Isa - Dagaz - Isa.
  2. List with ruunograms. Insert between two photos. It is important that the photos of each other lay "back".
  3. Say a reservation or hanging (spell in verses). The spell may sound like this: "Between you (the names of lovers) enmity begins! There will be no fights and quarrels. Let your love disappear forever. Let all my words come true! "
  4. Composition from photographs and leaves with runes Wrap black paper and hide in a secret place. Razorka will be effective throughout the entire period while paper with the formula will lie between the photos of lovers.

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