Becoming canceling damage, negative and any circumstances


Runic writing was applied not only for the transfer of business or household information: Runes contain a powerful energy principle. These symbols can both destroy human energy and clean from any negative impact and restore. Today we will consider becoming canceling, which is intended to eliminate damage and any unwanted events in life. This becoming can cancel unnecessary changes in appearance, for example, skin aging.

My girlfriend constantly practices the runes and knows how to adjust any events in his life. With the help of this steel, it has achieved an increase in work, removing his enemy and a lot of useful things in his life. The author of this steel is a runologist Cantas. In the article, we will consider the rules for the use of the Rune Stava and the turn to it.


Purpose Stava

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As can be seen from the name, this runic formula works with negative promises - cancels and annuls the energy effect. However, this action of a unique formula is not limited to: you can cancel anything. For example, an unnecessary event or condition. If the sadness overcomes or breaks the desire to turn his head with a scoundrel, the formula simply annuls these thoughts and remove memories.

Examples of application of the formula in life:

  • stop the marriage process;
  • cancel a unprofitable contract;
  • To prohibit invest money in a deliberately losing case;
  • stop inflammatory process or other illness;
  • prohibit the boss to dismiss employees;
  • cancel the aging of the body (or stop);
  • cancel an uncontrolled weight set;
  • stop conflict;
  • stop friendship or cooperation;
  • Stop gossip.

On a note! You can stop as a negative process and positive.

This list does not reflect all the possibilities of the Stava, actually cancel any action and event. For example, you can cancel both the loss of trust and the very trust in person. Runic symbols are not "bad or good": their color depends on the intention of use.

In order for the Runic Formula to benefit, and not harm, we need to think about the intention in detail and compile the correct storage. The correspondence is necessary in order to set the direction of energy: what exactly needs to be canceled on what conditions for what time and what should happen in the end. Do not think that the use of the "good" formula will automatically bring a positive effect: it all depends on verbal accompaniment. But we'll talk about the tale just below.

becoming canceled by Cantha

Formula description

We have a runic formula and the situation for its application. What's next? It is necessary to deal with the runic symbols in becoming in becoming and understand that each of them is denoted. It is necessary to do both a newcomer in magic and an experienced runologist. Straws look like drawings or drawings, but they consist of runic symbols - straight, inverted and mirrored.

Each character carries a specific energy promise, but when combined with another symbol, it can change its original washed. Therefore, the canners disassemble each other in detail to find a mistake, inconsistency, traps or other hidden meaning. Apply untested formulas is dangerous.

The composition of the formula:

  1. 2 runes Ansus;
  2. 2 mirror faces;
  3. Hagalaz;
  4. cola;
  5. Berkana;
  6. Ingus.

The first three runes activate the process, the last three - contribute to the favorable events in a person's life.

Activation of runes fire

Application: Treatment, Application and Activation

Newbies always have questions about the activation of the formula and place of application: where to draw, how to start the process? Usually this becomes depicting on a sheet of paper or a person's photography. If you need to cancel the purchase or sale of the house, the formula is drawn in the photo of the object either on the drawing of the house / apartment layout. It is advisable to apply a formula on an image of an object of exposure. However, if you need to cancel a meeting or problem at work, draw on a sheet of paper (without lines and cells).

In what cases is Vych painting on his body? If you need to stop the disease, stop the weight set or other physical problems.

Having understood with the place of application of the formula, you need to create a statement correctly. There is no predetermined reference to this formula and can not be: it is for universal use. Therefore, each makes a storage independently, given all the details of the situation.

Remember that the granks do not use the "not" particle. It is necessary to make a verbal design so that it does not contain negation. Words with a particle "Do not" need to be replaced by synonyms. For example, the verbal design "I do not want to gain weight" can be replaced by "I want to lose extra kilograms" or "I abolish 3 extra kilograms."

At the end of the title, it is necessary to specify that the action of the formula will not harm the physical / mental / energy health of the operator itself and its loved ones. This is a very important addition, since the runes do not feel human suffering and act through the least resistance line: as a result, it may harm.


  • breathing;
  • fire;
  • smoke;
  • Earth;
  • water;
  • visualization.

Activation of breathing occurs as follows. You need to dial the air into the lungs, think about the situation and slowly breathe on the picture of the old.

When activating fire, you need to keep the sheet with the formula as close as possible to the flame of the candle. Watch that the formula does not burn. Fire is well activated wooden or bone amulets, as well as leather products.

You can activate the aroma of herbs. To do this, you need to set fire to the necessary herbs (from damage - St. John's wort, Issop) and lay down the formula smoke.

To activate the earth formula, you need to wrap it in a h / b fabric and shop in a deserted place for 30 minutes. If you live in a megalopolis, the same work can be held at home with a flower pot or any container with the ground.

When the water is activated, becoming wrapped in a handkerchief and placed on the bottom of the reservoir (stream, pond) or under the flow water (you can at home under the crane). Such activation is suitable for the formula depicted on a solid carrier.

Activation with visualization is suitable for those who own this skill.

Becoming canceled from Cantas:

If needed Cancel disease The reserve may sound like this: "This ruffy becomes cancellation of the lung disease (vessels, heads - indicate your problem), through such a time (specify the time) of the tissues and organs of my body will be completely healthy. The action of the Stava will not harm my mental and energy health, as well as the health of my loved ones (list names) and domestic pets (list the nicknames). "

If needed Cancel negative promise The correspondent will be as follows: "This becomes cancellation of all the damage, the evilness, conspiracy, curses, negative wishes and a negative of a different kind, which was sent by me by chance or intentionally. The action of Stava begins right now, in the evening (by morning, in a day - indicate your time) My aura will be completely cleaned of any negative impact. The action of the Stava will not harm my mental, physical and energy health, as well as the health of my loved ones (list names) and domestic pets (list the nicknames). "

On a note! Becoming can be applied to solving the problems of another person.

If needed cancel an obstacle or event The reserve may be like this: "This becomes canceled by the scheduled on (specify the number and time) meeting. The action of the formula will not harm my mental, physical and energy health, as well as the health of my loved ones (list names) and domestic pets (list clicks). "

You can also try to cancel competitors attempts to harm the shortages of the store and delays in paying. The action of this universal strike helps in the most unexpected situations. Try, share your experience with others.

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