Money symbol: How to work, varieties of symbols


Our world, unfortunately, is distinguished by material nature, so it is simply impossible to think about finance in it. If you wish to improve your well-being and never know the needs, then you probably be interested in that there is a specific money symbol. It helps get rid of poverty, attracting material benefits.

Hottey - Fen Shui Symbol

Symbols of good luck and wealth

In the entire history of the existence of humanity, a huge amount of cash "magnets" was invented. Then I suggest you familiarize yourself with the most popular of them.

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I want to draw your attention to the fact that the characters are absolutely always created under a specific culture, not a separate person. And in order to fill them with life, activate, it is necessary to relate to this culture, and not to use thoughtlessly. In other words, it becomes simply incomprehensible "rogulina" on paper (or another carrier).

Money Signs in Fen Shui Art

Practice Feng Shui over 5000 years old and emerged in ancient China. Until today, it does not lose its relevance in the world.

For attracting money, according to Feng Shui, the symbolism of the aquatic element, Chinese deities and living beings are responsible. The Chinese associate certain symbols with a specific type of good luck - that is, the energy that is attracted in their lives.

Money symbols in Feng Shui:

  1. Bag Gan - acts as a patron of wealth. Its figurine with the help of one hand holds the gold ingot, and the second often demonstrates the expression: Zhao Cai Jin Bao - "Your wealth arrived." Chinese residents arrange the images of bi gan in their desktops.
  2. Dike - another deity, to which they are treated for wealth and prosper. As a rule, there is a beater, a bag of rice and rat. The animal fluttered in the bag of the hole, so the grain of magic rice is scattered on the ground, giving wealth and profit. And the subsequent new blow of the beater attracts happiness. According to Feng Shui, Dike is the most favorable talisman that attracts good luck in financial affairs.
  3. Chen Loban (also called the keeper of money) - another popular Chinese mascot. The masters of this art believe that the special benefits of Chen Loban brings wasteful individuals who have not learned the savings. It also allows a favorably to conclude an agreement, perform successful investments, keep and multiply capital. Traditionally, the figure is inherited from the great-grandparents.
  4. Hottes (referred to as a smiling buddha). This is the most recognizable and adorable cash deity, which in all his images trustly laughs. Hothouses are also known as Buddha is abundance. It is noteworthy that his prototype is really an existing person in the late 10th century in China.

The Chinese have a belief that, if you want to embody your desire in my life, you need to think about it 300 times to massate the stomach. It is also believed that if you put the figure in your home, it will create a stream of positive vibrations that will attract finance to the house.

  1. Water is another cash attribute on Feng Shui. Teachers of this current recommend to put water energy (in the form of fountains, waterfalls, aquariums with fish) or its symbolism (aquatic landscapes, fish figures, turtles and toads) in the southeastern area of ​​the house to enhance financial flows.
  2. Happy coins. You probably know about 3 coins that give up a shallow ribbon, - a classic haird-shui symbol, attracting well-being, wealth and financial success. In addition, coins of the Zinn dynasty are enjoyed by a huge prevalence, they are associated with the 10 ruling rulers of this dynasty. Perform the symbols of the treasury of each of the rulers. It is believed that, if you keep a talisman with ten coins, attached to the yellow fabric, the evil will not be harmful to you, plus decent finances are attracted to life.
  3. "Cash" trees. These are plants having rounded, fleshy leaves - their form is so similar to real coins. The most famous "monetary" church is a fat man.

European monetary symbols

European magic is a pagan magic, which uses the forces of nature. In it, wealth associates attributes of natural forces (stone, grass, tree, flower, fruit, shell, candle, feathers, different shades).

In paganism for the energy of wealth, red, yellow and green shades are answered.

  • Red - the color of the leaders, gives excellent well-being, mental energy, symbolizes the victory and achieving high social status;
  • Yellow - a symbol of thought energy, success, faith in itself and foresight;
  • Green - responsible for prosperity, sweetness, work and financial abundance.

From the "financial" shells are called Kauri and Dentalium (called sea tooth).

As a "financial" plants, you can call: alfalfa, cinnamon, spicy carnation, corn, ginger, honeysuckle, musarah, muscat, bergamot, poppy, sassafras, singer, vetiver, molding, basil, mint, Air, Phackle, Jasmine, Mirt, Verbena, Aloe, sage, fragrant pepper, rosemary.

And the most popular of welfare trees: marshes, pines, linden, cedar, fir tree.

Minerals capable of presenting monetary success: adventurines, heliotrops, greesyites, tiger eyes.

All this really acts, but only those who have good contact with the natural elements. And, of course, practicing magic, you can not forget about the importance of faith in your own strength - otherwise nothing will work.

What money marks are relevant to Russia

Sadly, but we have a lot of heard about the Chinese symbolism of wealth and other nations, but we find so few examples of domestic, Russian monetary signs. But they can help us the strongest, as they treat our people, impregnated with its energy. What is it?

So, the Russians should seek help from Slavic symbolism. Not Chinese, American or some more. Only Slavic signs correspond to the egregor of the Russian population, and we enter into it. These are the ruins and symbols of the deities of the Slavic mythology of Dazhbog and Veles.


Runes are energy signs capable of attracting finances (and not only them). Speakers the symbols of an ancient mystical alphabet with an unidentified origin.

Runic signs differ in their own energy set and influence both the inner world of people, and what is happening in their lives. It contributes to the rapid realization of the desires of their owners, as if the magic wand.

With the energy of wealth, such 10 runes are associated.


Runa welfare, movable and real estate

Amulet with Ruju Fee

How to act:

  • allows you to eliminate the need;
  • protects against incorrect actions under real estate transactions;
  • Keeps movable property;
  • attracts material benefits;
  • implements the planned;
  • Provides moral support, helps not give up.


The symbol denotes the day.

How does it work:

  • increases the state;
  • contributes to the elimination of obstacles on the way to goals;
  • Provides a breakthrough in affairs;
  • Allows you to heal the hard pathologies faster.


Rune value: Vintage.

For what to apply it:

  • in order to successfully complete the starting;
  • to extend the welfare time;
  • For transformation of awareness, access to higher levels.

Kenaz (Kano)

It has such characteristics: light, torch, strength, energy and power.

Its action is:

  • strengthening volitional characteristics;
  • execution of conceived in practice;
  • obtaining the possibility to self-realize;
  • more rapid recovery from the disease.


Its values ​​are associated with intuition and creativity.

Rune Laguz

When apply:

  • To improve memory;
  • awaken the ability to work;
  • attract a cute person to you;
  • Many times increase their intuition;
  • Also Rune allows you to know the mysterious;
  • contributes to the conclusion of a successful marriage or advantageous business cooperation;
  • smoothes conflict situations;
  • Allows you to influence others (the mental design of the symbol on its interlocutor will push it to the execution of your any adequate request).


Designation: resolve from gravity.

How used:

  • helps to return lost (debt, property);
  • attracts an unexpected profit;
  • Shows talents;
  • increases spiritual awareness;
  • Allows you to get rid of depression.


Rune denotes the sun and the condition of the triumph.

As used:

  • personifies the future triumph;
  • helps to successfully complete any undertaking;
  • eliminates difficulties on the way;
  • pushes to the most optimal solution;
  • Improves the process of treatment and recovery.


Indicates success in any contests.

Rune Taywaz


  • will allow you to get ahead of your competitors in any competition;
  • solves complex problems;
  • enhances determination;
  • contributes to the restoration of justice;
  • It helps to easily neutralize conflict situations.


The value of the rune is associated with a tour (wild bull, very fierce).

How does it work:

  • Enhances faith in their strength;
  • Enhances love, friendly or business relationship;
  • will help to recover physically from the disease;
  • Provides career growth.

Odale (Otala)

Indicates the generic estate, property.

Apply to:

  • get the property;
  • eliminate any negative action from the part;
  • ensure family well-being;
  • Connect people spiritually (at level, for example, the team).

Symbols of Slavic deities

Dazhibog is one of the most significant and revered gods for Rusich. The symbol of Dazhbog is a star with six rays. Our rapids appealed to Dazhibogu, so that he helped to fulfill their desires, improved health and sent material goods.

Veles is the lunar deity, having a brother of the sun itself, acts as the owner of wildlife, patronizing travelers, merchants. With the feed of Veles, you can enhance your luck and get rich.

Use monetary characters with the mind, only for good, both your own and others.

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