Whether the 40th anniversary of the woman is celebrated: what are the signs say


All at least once heard that it was impossible to celebrate the anniversary date of 40 years or women nor men. What is it connected, and where did the superstitious fear come from? He was transferred to us by our superstitious grandmothers who were most afraid of planning to plan any celebration on this date.

Will the 40th anniversary of the woman celebrate the followers of the non-Christian religion? Most likely, the taboo on the holiday is connected exclusively with Christian world foreim. In our family, nobody celebrated the fortiethly because of the irrational fear.

You can risk and celebrate, no one will ban. But the inner voice quietly reminds: dangerous. Consider accepting in detail.

Will the 40th anniversary of the woman celebrate

Mystic number 40.

This date is also afraid, like a leap year, but even more. The approximation of the cherished figure leads some women into a stupor, and they flatly refuse to arrange a gala dinner. Moreover: do not take gifts and refuse them in every possible way. This is how the British does not find a house under №13 and the same apartment: taboo on the number 13.

Prejudice before this date is connected with what:

  • 40 weeks lasting pregnancy;
  • Postpartum cleansing lasts exactly 40 days;
  • The World Flood cleaned the land of exactly 40 days, all died, except Noah and his family;
  • 40 days Jesus passed the test in the desert, where he was hungry and was tempted by the Devil;
  • 40 days Christ was the Apostles after his resurrection;
  • In ancient Greece, few people lived to 50 years, so the 40th anniversary was considered the last;
  • According to the Orthodox tradition, it is 40 days later the soul of the deceased leaves the Earth.

The number 40 is weaved mysticism. Since it is largely associated with death, then celebrate and have fun at this date somehow disrespectful to the world of the dead. Many are simply confident that you can stick to your head on the fortieth anniversary.

Atheistic people neglected by popular beliefs, considering their misconceptions of illiterate people. But any beliefs arose not on empty soil, but are the fruit of centuries-old observations. So the taboo on the 40th anniversary also appeared as a result of observations and comparative analysis.

Old people say that if a woman celebrates its 40-year-old anniversary, she binds death to him, and her loved ones are waiting for diseases and troubles

You can not believe folk signs, but why risk? And who will be better from this? For example, if the daughter does not believe in the signs, it may be a mental injury to his superstitious mother or grandmother. Therefore, Orthodox people better miss this date from sin away, not to injure yourself and others.

Why not celebrate 40 years old woman

What the Church says

Fathers of the church belong to this reference as heresy and do not associate the number 40 with some troubles and misfortunes. That is, folk traditions themselves, and church traditions themselves.

There is no consent between them, as is the consent of various divination and vorozhba. People exercises in the saccinous evenings, and this church does not approve. But who will listen to the church, if a centuries-old mystical fear is sitting in blood? Moreover, from the century to the century there are stories about sudden death after the celebration of the 40-year anniversary!

On a note! Christians fear also to celebrate 33 years, since Christ died at this age.

The very fact that for the 40th day commemorate the departed, does not leave people alone, and they superstitly face this fatal date. And what if someone will make it easy to damage the death on this day, comparing anniversary with commemoration?

Black sorcerers and witches are not dreed, and the enviousness of each person is excess. Therefore, it is better not to provoke the villains on damage and curse.

The fathers of the Church are trying to remind people that many light and good values ​​are connected in the Bible with a number 40:

  • 40 years - the time of the reign of King David;
  • The Church of Solomon had 40 elbows in length;
  • After his resurrection, Christ walked on Earth for 40 days and preached;
  • After 40 days, Christ ascended to the father of heaven and sat on the throne.

But these arguments are much weaker than the superstitious fear of death, which sits deep in the subconscious.

why not celebrate the 40th anniversary of a woman

What the astrology say

Astrolists have his own view on things based on the effects of the planets. They believe that the date of 40 years is a turning point in the fate of a person, and therefore in something dangerous. In this life stage, there is a restructuring of the body on the physical and mental levels, the worldview changes, the values ​​are reassessing. All these moments may adversely affect a person, especially for a woman.

That is, the various kinds of misfortunes and misfortunes that the ancestors warned us are because of the restructuring in the body, and not due to the mysticity of the number 40. A lot of positive events are connected with this number, but people looked at negative perception.

In this period, in the human horoscope hosts the planets Neptune and uranium, which have their negative impact on the psyche and human physiology. Changes and restructuring in the body are perceived as a negative. This period is dangerous:

  • destruction of relationships;
  • problems at work;
  • probability of accidents.

From the point of view of psychology, this is the time of the middle-aged crisis, and he does not go well for everyone. Some women and men can make reckless actions, rushing in extremes.

why not celebrate 40 years old women

What are the psychics say

The number 40 symbolizes death in the Tarot system, and that says it all. Esoterics associate this number with funeral rites, so they do not advise the anniversary. Why not celebrate 40 years of women? Because this number opens the portal to the afterlife, and it is better not to joke with it.

The number 4 is generally considered unfortunate and dangerous among residents of Asia. In some Asian countries, people fear to settle on the 4th floor, there are also no apartments at number 4 and chambers number 4 in the hospital. There is also no fourth TV channel. Here is such prejudice. Accordingly, no one notes a birthday at 4 years and 40 years.


Why not marke 40 years old woman, learn from accept.

  • In ancient Greece, believed that people celebrating the 40th anniversary would grow quickly.
  • Thoughts about the fact that the trait that separates youth from old age leads to despondency and depression: it is better not to think about it.
  • In the word "forty" contains the word "rock", so it is better to avoid such an anniversary in order not to stick a mischief.
  • Who marks its 40th anniversary, early widow.
  • Men this date threatens premature death, so it is better to ignore it.

The Russian people surprisingly combines the horsepower faith in God with signs and superstitions. With this national peculiarity, the church was unsuccessfully fought. People do not convince that the Guardian Angel does not leave a person at 40 years, that he is given accompanied until the end of life. People listen to the fathers of the church with respect, but come in their own way.

Do you believe in all these signs, everyone decides himself. If a person believes that a black cat can bring a misfortune, it is better to ignore this anniversary and just relax at home in a family circle.

If a person does not believe in signs, they believe near relatives, it is better not to provoke conflicts. Just some relatives are convinced that misfortunes are waiting for them, and not the jubilee. Skip one solemn date is worth nothing, it will give peace and peace in the soul of superstitious relatives.

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