Is it possible to give knives: folk signs and superstition


The knife is simultaneously a symbol of protection and aggression, with it associated with a plurality and superstitions. The knife is an integral attribute of the practicing magician and witches: it accumulates and conducts the witchpower of his master. Therefore, the attitude of the attitude is special - with caution. Can I give knives?

Is it possible to give knives: folk signs and superstition 983_1

A beautifully decorated or hunting knife is expensive and welcome gift for a man. However, it is better to refuse such a gift. I witnessed the breaking of the relationship between my husband's husband and his friend after he gave a beautiful dagger in the sheath. This dagger he was driving from the North Caucasus especially for his best friend's birthday. They broke up because of a stupid quarrel, which led to a fight. But they laughed at superstitions. Today I will tell you about the signs related to knives and daggers.

Ancient signs and superstition

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More ancient people endowed the knives with magical properties, the sword with the dagger was the same. Everyone is known to the medieval legend about the Eccalibur Word, who gave its owner invulnerability in battle. The legend of the magic sword-Kladiene told the legend, who also defended his owners and gave victory in battle.

The knife and sword defended people not only from visible enemies, but also from unclean strength. Therefore, the steel gun was put at night under the pillow or hid under the window. It was believed that with such protection, no evil could harm the person. Saved from unclean and beds: before landing it was necessary to stick a knife in the ground and not to get it.

Also, knives are saved from ghosts. So that night aliens do not disturb the living people, it was necessary to draw a triangle on the point of the phenomenon, and then stick the knife into the center. Such a rite saved people from perfumes from the other world. Similarly, they rescued from the tornado: it was necessary to throw a knife into it. In the old days, people believed that the tornado is the tricks of unclean strength. Metal and sharp items from it are a powerful faith from all the unclean.

On a note! If you stick the knife into a cant of the entrance door, it will protect the tenants from the uninvited guests.

The bread circle from witches and devils around himself, he helped not only the magicians - but also to ordinary ordinary people. Magi still use the witch knife (Atam) to protect against other spirits during the ritual.

Is it possible to give knives: folk signs and superstition 983_2

Knives were protected by small children and helped them to get used in the new world. So, when the child was just beginning to learn to walk, his mother spent a knife between his legs: cut invisible ways. If a funeral happened in the house, a knife put a knife in the bed: so that the dead man did not take the crumb to him.

On a note! Previously, for termination of storms and thunderstorms stuck a knife into the ground.

The people there are an opinion that the one who eats food with a knife will be evil and aggressive. Previously, the warriors have always come so that overcome cowardice in battle.

Modern signs

Why can not give knives? Because many negative moments are connected with them: blood, wound, sacrifice, death. Of course, this does not concern those who are engaged in professional hunting: they have their own signs. We are talking about ordinary inaders. Any acute metal object is considered negative and carrying negative energy. Therefore, before Rusi, bread crowned with hands, and not cut the knife.

Signs associated with knives:

  • They are not given to loved ones, so as not to climb;
  • Pregnant woman should not sharpen knives so that the fruit does not get confused in the umbilical cord;
  • Who eats with a knife will become evil and noticeable;
  • You can not spin the knife in the hands of nothing to do - to trouble;
  • Two knives on the table - to a family quarrel.

However, I. Good knife-related sign : They can be given a lonely woman. It is believed that the sharp blade will attract a man's host to the house. Also with these knives you can conduct a magical ritual to attract the second half. But the knives do not give a married woman: it is to separation with her husband, to family parties.


How do signs arise, they are not taken from nowhere? Signs appear as a result of observing people behind a certain phenomenon or event. The knife is perceived as a cutting object, so it is able to "cut" and the relationship between people. Even the saying appeared in the people:

"Gave the knife - cut the friendship."

There are many other gifts, with the exception of acute blade that you can give birthday. It is better not to risk.

Is it possible to give knives: folk signs and superstition 983_3


Newlyweds accepted gifts. Basically, they are associated with household subjects and kitchen utensils. However, do not give knives and forks to the wedding: it is better to limit the set of canteens and tea spoons. Newlyweds also need to carefully treat gifts: to check that among them there were no sharp metal objects. It is not known, with what thoughts these items were presented. Better to get rid of them in any way, for example, to pass to the commission store.

New Year

Especially dangerous and extremely imprudently give the knife for the new year. This sharp blade will put all the ways to happiness and well-being, cut off friendly connections. New Year's Eve - Energy Strong Time, so all actions at this time are filled with special (sacral) meaning. Even if visually nothing noticeable, then significant events occur on thin plans: then they materialize in life.


In this happy day for each family, you want to give joy to expensive friends. But be careful with the presents: you can not give knives and forks. Any cutting items can bring misfortune: the family will live "like a knife." It is better to simply give a set of canteens or teaspoons: and the hostess is nice, and the trouble will cost the side.

Why not give knives

In Russia, everyone knows that giving knives and sharp metal objects to a quarrel. Moreover, the donator will quarrel with those who gave this knife. To neutralize the bad admission, you must certainly give money for this gift. Though the ruble, at least ten rubles. Then the gift will become acquisition, which means that the sign will lose its value.

On a note! So that the knife does not harm, you cannot take delivery when buying. Buy for us or do not take money with delivery.

Knives are so dangerous that even the found item found can bring his host misfortune. Never pick up a knife from the ground if someone lost it or specially left.

Is it possible to give knives: folk signs and superstition 983_4

Negative signs associated with knives

The negative attitude towards the knives is primarily due to the Black Magic Rituals in which it is often a key point. The knife can be conspired, so it is better not to accept any blade to take: God is escaped.

The knife and blade is a tool of death, so we should not expect anything good from such a gift. This thought sits deep in the subconscious, so it is not so easy to get rid of it. When a person sees a sharp blade in front of him, the bloody events are involuntarily remembered.

The donor will receive his portion of negativity for such a gift when he will present an overwritten blade. It is impossible to predict the thoughts of a person who give a sharp knife. He can perceive such a gift as a hidden threat, an unknown wish or a magic blow. At that moment, the donor will receive a powerful portion of the directional negative, even if the receiving gift is not displayed on the face.

Even if the gift is adopted with joy, it is not known than the celebration end. When a person drinks alcohol (no holiday without it costs him), then loses his vigilance and caution. Therefore, the holiday can end the deforming, this version of the development of events is not excluded. Alcohol and cold weapons are incompatible.

How to get around the bad admission

Any poison has an antidote, as well with bad signs. They can be circumvented. To neutralize malicious energies aimed at destruction, you need to do the following:

  1. Hand the donor a symbolic fee for the blade;
  2. Pronounce neutralizing conspiracy;
  3. Pack the blade into a thick case.

Money overlap the energy streams between the seller and the buyer, so the gift will become a purchase. If you even give a ruble for the blade, he will no longer be a gift. So, will not bring trouble.

If you give money to the donor, it is impossible (for various reasons), you need to pronounce a short magic spell. Bite a slightly tongue and think:

"And to you the same dual size."

If a person came with unkind intentions, they will cover it. If a person came with good thoughts (just not in the course will take), then good to him will come back.

If you pack the sharp blade into a thick case, manufactured by itself, it neutralizes the negative energy of signs. Try to eliminate the negative in this way. You can buy a ready-made cover and decorate it with something with your own hands.

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