Prayer Jesus Christ about help and assistance


In difficult life situations, the gaze of the person appeals to heaven, because the help of waiting for it is still nowhere. People remember that the prayer Jesus Christ really helps for help. It saved even unbelievers skeptics when the life situation came to a dead end.

And these evidence of people about wonderful salvation make many of many believe in God. My sister constantly chased failures, and I advised her to read the prayers daily to God, not missing the day. A month later, all the problems disappeared as not. Since then, Natasha does not think his day without prayer to Jesus.

Prayer Jesus Christ about help

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Jesus Christ is the second face of the Holy Trinity, the only soccer son of God Father. He is God and man at the same time, so perfectly understands the terrible existence. He experienced hunger, thirst, fatigue, pain, emotion, death. The only thing that distinguished him from ordinary people is the lack of sins inherited from Adam.

Jesus saved humanity from eternal death and gave life eternal life instead. He was born not from the seed of man, but from the Holy Spirit. The innocent virgin Mary became his mother, who did not know her husband and carnal love.

After condemning to death, Jesus was crucified, but risen on the third day - as it was indicated in the Holy Scripture. Jesus will also come to Earth for the second time to commit the court of God.

Therefore, believers turn to him with prayer requests, they raise prayers to Jesus Christ as a defender and the Savior from the troubles and misfortunes. When Christ went on the ground and taught the Apostles Scripture, he said: "ask and give you, knock and dismiss."

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He left the believer of one-sole prayer of our Father as an example of the correct appeal to the Lord. Therefore, all prayer petitions begin with this prayer.

However, Christ put the condition, when performing a prayer to God will be heard: the forgiveness of the near. If the believer threw offeading in his heart to his friend or hesitates with his relatives, then his prayer will not be heard.

In order not to stay without help, you can ask someone else to pray for you, and it is approved by the Gospel. Moreover, the prayer for another person will be heard one of the first.

Prayer Jesus Christ

Main prayer believer

Consider the value of the prayer of our Father for each believer. This is the prayer of Jesus Christ, which he left everyone else with his life in a physical body. Despite the fact that there are many different prayers, our father remains the most important. Her text need to know by heart.

The benefit of repetition is our for the believer:

  • This is the fulfillment of the very first commandment of God;
  • helps to tune in to the service of the Lord;
  • Helps overcome temptations and tempting during the day.

If a person prays daily at the home altar, he gives a good example to all households, especially, young children. It automatically performs the first commandment "Love God", without making any effort. Only reading prayer should be sincere, words should go from the heart itself.

If you consider each prayer proposal, you can see that it contains everything you need for each person:

  • Request for bread with urgent;
  • Request for the forgiveness of sins;
  • Please do not send the temptations from the evil.

This is the necessary and vital minimum for a person - material and spiritual food, the salvation of the soul and body, the expression of sincere love and reverence to their Heavenly Father.

After reading the prayer text, you can ask for your words about the necessary assistance, if the request does not contradict Christian commandments and universal morality. In other words, it is impossible to ask to destroy or punish any person (your enemy), because the condition of prayer is the forgiveness of the neighbor.

Also, a person should think about his soul: it requires spiritual food. The human body consists of three components:

  • spirit;
  • soul;
  • body.

The spirit of man is a particle (sparker) of God's spirit, thanks to him, we become involved in our father's heavenly. It is the spirit that is a link with Divine, so its nutrition needs to be given maximum attention. Spiritual food (prayers, reading the Holy Scriptures) should be in priority.

The soul revives the physical body with emotions and experiences, without which human life would turn into an automatic existence. Powering the soul are pleasant experiences that a person is experiencing when communicating with its creator.

Try to fill as closely with pleasant experiences so that the soul is saturated with them.

The body is a temporary house for the soul and spirit, but he also needs to pay attention. The house should be kept clean, regularly clean, take care of the fresh air. However, the body should not dictate the soul of its conditions. So that this does not happen, you need to regularly pray to God, and this helps our father's prayer.

Prayers Jesus Christ

Jesus Prayer

This is the second mandatory prayer that the believer should make every day. The text is simple:

"Lord Jesus Christ, a lot of sinful (go)."

Also, these simple words are compared with the prayer of the sooter. The parable of Mytar and Pharisees told Jesus Christ, in it he visually showed that God was important sincere repentance, and not the exaltation of his own merit. Because "God is opposed by Gordy, and humble gives grace." The pride, which was amazed by the Pharisee, often leads to an apostasy, as happened to the Lucifer's approximate to the throne.

It was the pride - a source of all angry, because it pulls other sins. In order not to fall into the charm and not to be seduced by your own merit, you need to regularly pronounce Jesus prayer inside yourself.

It is a litmus piece of paper that tests the spiritual state of a person. As soon as it does not want to repeat this line about the pardon, it means that spiritual defeat occurred.

Important! This short prayer can replace the reading of any prayer texts, except for our Father and I believe.

Seraphim Sarovsky recommended that all believers constantly pronounce within himself Jesus prayer from the morning prayer rule before lunch. And after lunch, it was necessary to read the constant "Virgin Delo, rejoice."

If the believer performs these rules, he does not threaten troubles and misfortunes. This is the help of God. Strong prayer Jesus Christ really saves from temptations, life problems and diseases. Because all the physical diseases of the person comes from the spiritual disease.

Strong prayer Jesus Christ

Help in healing

Jesus Christ was remembered by his compatriots as a great healer. He raised to the legs paralyzed, gave sight blind, even raised the deceased climb. Therefore, the prayer requests for healing are attended to him.

But what did the Savior spoke when the patients were healed? He spoke the following words:

Prayer Jesus Christ about help and assistance 995_5

It is important to understand that without the faith of healing will not be and the disease will not retreat. When a person reads a prayer appeal to Jesus, there should be no doubt in his heart.

Why is it so important faith in healing, and how does it work? The roots of any disease are in spiritual terms: simple words, because of sins people are sick.

The commandments were broken or a person succumbed to the temptations and temptations of this world to the detriment of the spiritual. When a person sincerely repents in his sinful nature, the door to heaven opens. Next, everything verses faith. If there is faith in healing, it will come.

Strong prayer Jesus Christ about the healing of the offeen, the text:

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How many times to read? It depends on the time, the possibility, the state of the patient. At a minimum, read in the morning and before bedtime. But the more often the holy words sound, the faster the result will be achieved. Sometimes you need to read daily several times a day until complete healing.

To strengthen the effect of healing and filled with confidence, you can listen to (or read) Akathist Jesus Sweet. According to the testimony of believers, the daily audition of the akathist is at times accelerates the regeneration of tissues and gives a strong health of the patient.

Prayer for help

This prayer from the morning prayer rule, it must be read daily. When the believer is in the constant flow of God's grace, nothing and no one can harm him. Day you need to start and finish with prayers.

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