Angels in Islam: what is the name of the angel of death in Islam


Islam applies to one of the three Arabia religions, which honors the uniform almighty Creator of the Universe. Angels in Islam play a key role in the management of the Almighty World. Among them there is also a hierarchy, as in the vision of other related religions.

Angels are the creations of the Most High, which were created from a subtle substance, but not gross matter as people. They perform the will of Allah regarding people and animals.

I recently talked with my neighbor on the landing, she told me a lot of interesting information about the world of angels. I want to share with you what I learned from Aishat.

Angels in Islam

On the creation of angels

According to Muslims, the angels are powerful unearthly creatures that are inferior in their strength only Allah. The Most High created many of the limited creatures, among which are genie.

In turn, Ginnes are divided into good and evil (Shaitanov). Good Jeans are similar in their manifestations on people, they can even be orthodox Muslims. Shautans are a random creature, whose goal is to harm and destroy a person.

And who are Angels in Islam? These are good sinless creatures that can never become fallen, as in Christianity. In this fundamental difference between Angels in Islam from other Abrahamic religions. If, according to Christianity and Judaism, a third of the angels supported the fallen Lucifer, then in Islam, a similar plot is completely excluded.

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This is due to the fact that in Islam believe in the omnipotence of Allah, who did not endorse the angels of freedom of choice as a person. From the point of view of Muslim religion, no one and can never deceive Allah, to betray him and resist his will. Mean in mind - in heaven.

On a note! Angels in Islam called "Malayka". They do not have sex and are deprived of freedom of choice.

All angels in Islam are intimate creatures that are not asked by temptation and sinful thoughts. In Angelic environment, a strict hierarchy is installed, that is, there is no equality.

Each group of angels fulfills its duties and unquestionably fulfills the assignments of the Most High. Hallets of Unnamed Angels fills the thin world, but some of them have names.

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Where do Angels live? They fill the parallel to our universe space that intersects with the world of people and constantly interacts. This space is invisible to people, but really exists, although the laws of physics do not apply.

Angel names in Islam

One of the functions of angels is the glorification of the name of Allah and its greatness. This is described in the sacred root:

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Properties of Angels according to Islam:

  • These are intact creatures, who do not know the temptation;
  • they are invisible for people;
  • They are submissive slaves of Allah, clean and sinless;
  • Angels are made of light, and Gina - from the flame;
  • None of the people have seen angels in their original form;
  • They can take any appearance;
  • move at a huge speed with the help of wings;
  • do not need food, dream, water and warmth, like people and animals;
  • possess reason, but their knowledge is limited;
  • They are superior to the power of people and jinn.

Angels are created by the Almighty to help people, they accompany every person from the moment of birth to the very death. After death, they accompany the soul into the afterlife. Angels bring people prayers to Allah, especially if someone prays for another in his absence.

Angels pray for a man who makes Namaz, and continue to pray for him until his ritual purity is completed. Therefore, all prayers are heard by the Almighty, thanks to the help of angels. These disembarrass spirits are praying Allah to forgive the person all his sins, pardon him and not can do it.

Angels fly to all the mosques of the world and write down those who are the first to come on Friday prayer. Allah gives these righteousness gives more blessings. To come on prayer you need one hour before.

Despite the benefits of people, the angels are still mortal. Almost almighty Allah has immortality. Most High can do without the help of angels, he does not need anyone. Therefore, in Islam, it is not customary to worship the angels, as they do in other religions.

Muslims are worshiped by the only Allah, the creator of all living beings in the universe.

4 Angel in Islam

Good and evil angels

In Islam, the angels do not make evil deeds, but constantly write down all the acts of man in a special book - evil and kind. These pisaries are pressed to each person and fix every Muslim step. Angel on the right side records good things, and the angel on the left is bad actions.

This differs from the Christian religious representation, according to which an angel and the dev influence the choice of a person - the Ba is inclined to sin, an angel calls to conscience.

All information about a person will be considered in God's court to make a fair verdict. Therefore, you need to carefully follow all the words that have been said in this life: any of them can shift the scales towards the underworld. In Islam believe that the salvation of the believer is in silence.

According to Orthodox, each person is observed different angels: their groups replace each other during the prescribed prayers. Angels are ascended to the throne of the Most High and inform about the work performed and on the state of the person who was observed.

If a person commits a sin, the angel does not immediately fix it into a book. He is waiting for 6 hours, will the person do not deign and correct his unrighteous act? If a person has come to come to his senses and fix the sore, the angel will not make it in the Book of Sins.

If the orthodox will be submitted and will be on the odds of illness, then for each day and night a lot of good deeds recorded him. That is, the disease can redeem the many wrong misconduct.

In Islam there are guardian angels, they are invisible to be present next to the man and guard him. One is ahead, the other behind. Unlike Christianity, keeper angels in Islam a lot, and they replace each other.

If in Christianity the guardian angels guard the man in the afternoon and at night, then in Islam, this is a couple of angels for night and day protection, which replaces each other.

Death Angel in Islam

Angels Hell and Paradise

Muslim believers are blessed by Allah and protected from death. And what about those who have not decided on faith? For them, too, the angels are observed until the death. If a person has time to repent and realize the uniqueness of Allah, he will be forgiven.

But if the sinner is dying unskilled, the angels retreat from him. During death, punishers come to them and take the soul to hell.

All the good cases of these people are crossed by the lack of faith. They lived according to their discretion, and not by the will of Allah, so he will not accept them and wrap the whole righteous anger to sinners. The death of sinners will be terrible, complete pain and suffering.

In the underworld, they will meet 19 angels of hell. But these are the leaders. In hell, much more angels who fulfill the decrees of their bosses. The exact number of their number is not known. It is impossible to die or somehow delete the angels of hell: they constantly perform the will of Allah and punish sinners.

The righteous and the walked Ginnes after death inherit the paradise monastery. In them, every soul will find peace and pacification. In the paradise gardens there are no crime, fear, humiliation, malice and hatred. A person will not need to extradite herself with a grave work, tolerate deprivation and hunger.

4 Angel in Islam

There are 4 main angels in the Angel Hierarchy, which can be called archangels:

  • Jabrail (Jibril);
  • Mikael;
  • Azrail;
  • Israfil.

This is an angels close to Allah, which are called Mykrabow. Jabrail corresponds to the Christian Archangel Gabriel, Mikael - Mikhail, Azrail is the Jewish Archangel of Samael, Israfil - this is Archangel Rafail. Azrail (Samael) in a Christian understanding is Satan, the devil, as is associated with death.

In Islamic theology, Azrail is not an angel of evil, he simply performs the mission assigned to him allah.

However, in the sacred Quran, the name Azrail is not mentioned, instead you can meet the word Malyak Al-Mouta, which is in translation from Arabic indicates the "Angel of Death". In accordance with this, Muslims cannot argue that the Angel of Death is called Azrail, but also cannot categorically deny it.

No one knows exactly the name of the Angel of Death in Islam, but it is assumed that it is Azrail.

Angel Mikael in Islam is an angel of mercy. He also controls the weather and distributes food to humans. Angel Israfil is a bunny of a terrible court at the end of times. He will first inform about the sister of all creation, and the second time I will trust for the resurrection.

What is the name of the angel of death in Islam

Death Angel in Islam

In all the abrasion religions of death, a special meaning is given. The Angel of Death in Islam is named Azrail, he manages the doubts of his nameless assistants - Malayikat al-Maut. Azzrail himself is close to Allah, his faithful servant.

According to Muslim, Azrail will die the most latter in a terrible day, because until the latter will perform his mission.

Unlike the Jewish religion, in which the angel of death is referred to as Demo Samael, Azrail is a positive character. And this is despite the fact that he is a pall and kills people. But Azrail is not responsible for any responsibility, since this role has determined the Almighty himself.

Hierarchy of death angels:

  • nasiate;
  • idiot;
  • Sabihat.

I will pick up the souls of the wrong and apostates and send them to hell. It is believed that these angels smell foolishly, hide their faces into dark matter and unlikely separate the soul from the body with a blunt knife. This is punitive.

Orthodox Muslims come, the second name they have Malaikat Al-Rakhmat. These are merciful angels that are very neat and carefully separate the soul from the body and send it to the paradise monastery.

Such a belief completely coincides with the Jewish religious view that the merciful Archangel Gabriel (Gabriel) comes behind the righteousness and the sharp knife carefully disconnects the soul from the body. The faces of these angels are covered with thin white matter, woven from the clouds, they smell the paradise bunks.

Sabihats are assistants to other death angels. It is believed that they warn the righteous about the close ending, they prepare them for this event. Muslims also believe that the Sabihat takes the souls of animals, because they were also created by Allah.

In some teachings, Islam to death angels include monstrous Israel. This angel will be announced in recent times about the occurrence of the end of the world. To do this, I washed the blow to a huge tube, the sound of which will fill the entire universe.

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Angel Jabrail

Who is Angel Jabrail in Islam? This angel is assigned a special mission - to convey to the prophets of the word of the Most High. Other his name is Jibril. This angel is mentioned several times in the Holy Quran and in the Hadith. He could come to the prophets in human appearance, but sometimes they just heard his voice.

But what does the Angel Jibril (Jabrail) look like in his original form? It is believed that it has at least 600 wings, which are covered by the space between the sky and the earth. This angel with a touch of his wing can destroy the whole city.

On a note! Archangel Jabrail is worshiped in Islam as the Holy Spirit.

What are the responsibilities of Angela Jabrail in Islam? The main mission is the transfer of words (revelations) of Allah to people through the elected prophets. This is the most important of all angels close to Allah.

In the sacred Quran it is written that Angel Jabrail appeared in the guise of a wonderful young man before Maryam (Virgin Maria), the mother of the Prophet Isa (so-called in Islam Jesus Christ). However, no one really knows how the angels look, except for their creator.


Angels in Islam are patrons of believers, they help them both in the earthly world and in Posmertia. In Paradise, the angels fulfill any request or wishes of the righteous - all his dreams are immediately carried out.

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